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sheridanm962 05-25-2012 02:34 PM


I’m sick of your pathetic attempts to aggravate everyone for no reason.

Welcome to the internet pal.

If you think I'm bad, you haven't surfed much in your little cage.

I don't know why I am saying this but your cave seems to be giving off some type of fumes that have really got into your head.

All I got from your post is: you're a cunt, stop being a cunt you cunt.

You make no sense if I was never talking to you in the first place, so why would you join in on something you were never apart of?

Let me answer that for you... Stop blending in you tool, your not adding anything relevant other than your rage. And you guys don't take my posts seriously, I think that statement stands out for itself when I say Bullshit!

So there you have it. I don't care what you think of me and you're lucky I don't actually hate any one of you. You're funny. You fall into place like fish should when I lure bait your way.

Enjoy raging at this post, as do other Bronies.... Oh was that insulting. Oddponies? Ponyworld: rarities oddysee.... I don't know.

Thank you all for replying to me at all because the only way I could get your attention is to make negative posts, you never take me seriously if I posted anything other. It's like I'm talking to a wall here, you fail to acknowledge that I am in fact a human being and not a spambot.

I'm done trying to explain myself to you, nothing seems to work here.

RoryF 05-25-2012 02:37 PM


Your funny.


You need to fix the spellchecker on your spambot.

Sekto Springs 05-25-2012 02:44 PM



If you think I'm bad, you haven't surfed much in your little cage.
We don't think you're bad because we don't know there's worse, but this is a close-knit forum full of friends, so we aren't going to tolerate asshat noobs who come in and shit on us out of necessity.


All I got from your post is: your a cunt, stop being a cunt you cunt.
Because you are a cunt, and you need to stop posting, you cunt.


Let me answer that for you... Stop blending in you tool, your not adding anything relevant other than your rage.
This goes beyond calling the kettle black. This is calling the kettle a filthy nigger.


So there you have it. I don't care what you think of me and your lucky I don't actually hate any one of you. Your funny. You fall into place like fish should when I lure bait your way.
Good. Then you won't shed a tear when you're negrepped into the red and banned.

STM 05-25-2012 02:51 PM

Yeah, Manco, you cunt! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xB7BWvD5B5Y

Just kidding m'dear.


sheridanm962 05-25-2012 02:53 PM

And yet again he takes my post the wrong way.

And nice Racist remark, you are a good person (sarcasm).

Manco 05-25-2012 02:54 PM


Welcome to the internet pal.

It’s cute how you act as if you have any authority.


If you think I'm bad, you haven't surfed much in your little cage.

I’ve seen plenty worse than you, small fry. That’s what makes your tuff guy act so pathetic.


I don't know why I am saying this but your cave seems to be giving off some type of fumes that have really got into your head.

Oh right, I’m the deluded one. Not, y’know, the twit coming into the thread about something he hates and then trying to act edgy by stirring up shit. Right. Gotcha.


All I got from your post is: you're a cunt, stop being a cunt you cunt.

What was it like, this mirror of yours?


You make no sense if I was never talking to you in the first place, so why would you join in on something you were never apart of?

Hey guess what, I’m perfectly at liberty to respond to your posts! Amazing, isn’t it.


Let me answer that for you... Stop blending in you tool, your not adding anything relevant other than your rage. And you guys don't take my posts seriously, I think that statement stands out for itself when I say Bullshit!

Pretty sure I’ve managed to add at least an iota more value to this forum than you, pal.


So there you have it. I don't care what you think of me and you're lucky I don't actually hate any one of you. You're funny. You fall into place like fish should when I lure bait your way.

Watch out guys, he’s gone PUPPETMASTER on us


Enjoy raging at this post, as do other Bronies.... Oh was that insulting. Oddponies? Ponyworld: rarities oddysee.... I don't know.

Quit while you’re ahead.


Thank you all for replying to me at all because the only way I could get your attention is to make negative posts, you never take me seriously if I posted anything other. It's like I'm talking to a wall here, you fail to acknowledge that I am in fact a human being and not a spambot.

Get banned.


I'm done trying to explain myself to you, nothing seems to work here.

Get out.

Sekto Springs 05-25-2012 02:55 PM


And nice Racist remark, you are a good person (sarcasm).
Way to completely miss my point.

sheridanm962 05-25-2012 02:57 PM


Way to completely miss my point.

What point?

I can't really miss anything since I'm not your friend, I can't miss you.



the twit coming into the thread about something he hates and then trying to act edgy by stirring up shit. Right. Gotcha.
I didn't say that... Well what I meant to say is that watching the show makes you look like... There is no word for it yet.

Oh god why am I bothering to get through to this guy/thing it's not sharing the love and tolerance that I expected.

Manco 05-25-2012 02:58 PM

If only your mother hadn’t missed her period.

Sekto Springs 05-25-2012 03:00 PM


What point?

I can't really miss anything since I'm not your friend, I can't miss you.
What? That didn't even make sense.

And my point was; You were calling Manco a tool for "not adding anything relevant other than your rage", which is exactly what you have been doing since you posted here. You tool.

But please, continue to say that I misunderstood your posts, because obviously your verbiage is so clever and nuanced that these magnificent points of yours just keep sailing over my head!

Nepsotic 05-25-2012 03:02 PM


I don't care what you think of me


I don't have to explain myself to you


RoryF 05-25-2012 03:03 PM

If only MA was in this, there would be no futher trouble here.

sheridanm962 05-25-2012 03:03 PM


What? That didn't even make sense.

And my point was; You were calling Manco a tool for "not adding anything relevant other than your rage", which is exactly what you have been doing since you posted here. You tool.

But please, continue to say that I misunderstood your posts, because obviously your verbiage is so clever and nuanced that these magnificent points of yours just keep sailing over my head!

yeah I can see the pulse contrails right now...

SSHHH!!! He's trying to hold on to a thought for once.

And your the tool here not me.

Can you please take a seat over there sir, yeah just right there would do.

STM 05-25-2012 03:03 PM

Okay okay, guys, the kid's fubar, let's not do this again, we've done it once and it obviously hasn't worked, let Nate ban him or whatever, and we can get back to this love-hate relationship with MLP. Apparently, one of my brother's favourite characters is one called 'Derpy Hooves'. I'm guessing that's the one with cack-eyes?

RoryF 05-25-2012 03:04 PM


yeah I can see the pulse contrails right now...

SSHHH!!! He's trying to hold on to a thought for once.

And your the tool here not me.

Can you please take a seat over there sir, yeah just right there would do.

You realise you're trying to seek attention against him here when everyone is against you right?

Sekto Springs 05-25-2012 03:05 PM

Derpy Hooves is the one in my avatar. ^^

Manco 05-25-2012 03:05 PM


I didn't say that... Well what I meant to say is that watching the show makes you look like... There is no word for it yet.

Ohhh, I get it.

You’re an idiot who thinks the TV shows people watch are significant to their character somehow.


Oh god why am I bothering to get through to this guy/thing it's not sharing the love and tolerance that I expected.

Did you buy this stereotype at great cost or something? Is that why you cling to it for dear life?

STM 05-25-2012 03:09 PM


Derpy Hooves is the one in my avatar. ^^

I imagine her to have a funny voice. I shall youtube this.

Nepsotic 05-25-2012 03:12 PM


yeah I can see the pulse contrails right now...

SSHHH!!! He's trying to hold on to a thought for once.

And your the tool here not me.


Sekto Springs 05-25-2012 03:15 PM


I imagine her to have a funny voice. I shall youtube this.

Her original voice was a lot cuter and well... derpier. The changed it though, due to a massive amount of butthurt from viewers who were "offended" by the implication that she was retarded. It created a huge controversy among Bronies.

STM 05-25-2012 03:18 PM

I just saw that vid, kinda cute I guess, I wanna hear the old voice though, I love to find cut content of things. =)

Nepsotic 05-25-2012 03:20 PM

She must be in it later on, no? I'm only on episode 10 or 11 at the moment.

Sekto Springs 05-25-2012 03:24 PM


I just saw that vid, kinda cute I guess, I wanna hear the old voice though, I love to find cut content of things. =)

No, that is her older voice. The new one is very generic. You can find comparison videos on youtube, if you can be arsed.


She must be in it later on, no? I'm only on episode 10 or 11 at the moment.
She's in every episode, but you have to find her in the background. She usually doesn't have a speaking role.

Wings of Fire 05-25-2012 03:25 PM


She must be in it later on, no? I'm only on episode 10 or 11 at the moment.

She was in Twilight Sparkle's welcoming party in the first episode, in the background.

EDIT: Speedy shit!

Nepsotic 05-25-2012 03:27 PM


No, that is her older voice. The new one is very generic. You can find comparison videos on youtube, if you can be arsed.

She's in every episode, but you have to find her in the background. She usually doesn't have a speaking role.

So shes kind of an Extra, if you like?

Sekto Springs 05-25-2012 03:31 PM

She's thee extra.

DarkHoodness 05-25-2012 03:39 PM

EDIT: Oh sorry, guess I was a little late to the "party" and responded to posts that were 2 pages ago without noticing they weren't recent 'cause I'm tired. Oops. My advice may still stand, though:

Guys, I know it's hard, but just ignore Sheridanm when he posts poorly, or you'll give him gratification for doing it simply by arguing with him or even by acknowledging what he posts, unless he posts something that was actually funny or contributed in a positive way to a discussion. He won't learn anything about how to become a better poster this way, 'cause when people start arguing over stuff that means very little, it's a slippery slope.

MeechMunchie 05-25-2012 04:15 PM

I genuinely think Sheridamn's beyond help. Let's just get his rep power down to zero so he's fully incapable of expressing his opinions, then all block him. If everyone blocks him, you don't need to worry about missing half of a conversation. We Love and Trollerate all, but sometimes it's just not worth it.

hedjeroo 05-25-2012 06:40 PM

Combining someone else's suggestion with T-nex's praise, I decided to make Rainbow Dash my signature for the time being.

Rarity's my favourite due to her design and her being fabulous, but I adore all of them for many reasons.

I can totally understand why people would get upset about Derpy, but cartoons have done worse, and doesn't it kinda make it look bad on Hasbro/The Hub/whoever to remove or alter Derpy for being perceived as... "special", I guess is the most PC way I can put it, but you know what I mean. Either way, the internet is forever as far as the old voice is concerned, and she's still adorable and ditzy. I wasn't offended then and I'm not offended now.

Nepsotic 05-25-2012 06:46 PM

And I don't think special people were either.

hedjeroo 05-25-2012 06:51 PM

I'd seen some mixed reactions regarding that, but overall it seemed fairly positive regarding Derpy's appearance.

I more take issue with the fact that the episode in question, The Last Roundup, is a big fanwank and is one of the weaker episodes of the show for it, in my opinion at least.

Sekto Springs 05-25-2012 06:58 PM

The hypocrisy runs even deeper when you realize the show already has one other overtly retarded character, who has had several speaking lines and has been far more intrusive than Derpy.



I more take issue with the fact that the episode in question, The Last Roundup, is a big fanwank and is one of the weaker episodes of the show for it, in my opinion at least.
If you're referring to Derpy's cameo, only like the first twenty seconds of that episode were fan service.

hedjeroo 05-25-2012 07:07 PM


The hypocrisy runs even deeper when you realize the show already has one other overtly retarded character, who has had several speaking lines and has been far more intrusive than Derpy.


If you're referring to Derpy's cameo, only like the first twenty seconds of that episode were fan service.

Haha you know what I totally forgot about Snails and Snips. They're even featured again in a later episode. I guess it's okay because they're boy ponies!! :U

And I was also referring to "Pinkiepool". Maybe the Pinkie hyping in the episode and the horror of realising AJ's ordeal seemed awfully euphemistic made me like the episode less than others, I dunno.

Sekto Springs 05-25-2012 07:11 PM


And I was also referring to "Pinkiepool". Maybe the Pinkie hyping in the episode and the horror of realising AJ's ordeal seemed awfully euphemistic made me like the episode less than others, I dunno.
Exactly what happened in that episode that had anything to do with Pinkepool?

hedjeroo 05-25-2012 07:14 PM

The whole chimichanga thing.

It's an exaggerated reaction, yes, but most people when talking about that episode will discuss Derpy or Pinkie, when it was supposed to be an episode about Applejack as far as I could tell. o_o

Generally I like fan shoutouts, but to allow fans to have such an effect on the show can grow troublesome. /glance towards BioWare

Sekto Springs 05-25-2012 07:19 PM

I would say it was more a nod to the fans than fanwank. As for the chimi-cherry/cherry-changa thing, I didn't think that was uncharacteristic of Pinkie at all.

Now if Derpy not only made an appearance, but was also delivering mail and flirting with Doctor Whooves, that would have been fan wank.

Nepsotic 05-25-2012 07:35 PM

Who the hell is Doctor Whooves?!

I thinnk Fluttershy is an underappreciated character, she's the best one in it in my opinion, but she's the character you see the least of. She's not even in some episodes.
She also kind of reminds me of Flippy from Happy Tree Friends. If you don't know it, youtube it.

Sekto Springs 05-25-2012 07:38 PM

I love Fluttershy. She's definitely one of my faves. Don't worry, she has more spotlight in season 2.

Doctor Whooves is one of many background ponies based on different Doctor generations. I think he represents the David Tennant one. Derpy and the Doctor are a popular pairing among fans, but I forget why.

Nepsotic 05-25-2012 07:40 PM

And he's canonically called doctor whooves? Thats brilliant, I can't believe there are Doctor Who referances in MLP.

Sekto Springs 05-25-2012 07:45 PM


The bottom one is the one I'm referring to. He makes the most appearances.