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Slag? 09-21-2010 02:33 PM



Mah Dragon Cock
Also, nice hardhat scrab, did you just buy it or actually work with them?

scrabface 09-21-2010 03:18 PM



Also, nice hardhat scrab, did you just buy it or actually work with them?

you spelled it wrong.

Slag? 09-21-2010 03:22 PM


you spelled it wrong.


Hazel-Rah 09-21-2010 05:45 PM

yay little big planet :)

Pilot 09-21-2010 06:14 PM

Here's a snap of my Hi-Fi setup


From the top, a Teac V-95RX Casette deck, a Fisher CR-155 Dubbing deck, a 1958 Calrad Tube amplifier, with a 1950s Garrard Type A changer on the right and a Garrard GT-15 Changer on the left. The stereo cabinet is gutted except for the speakers, and is (was) a 1961 Packard Bell.

And some of the tapes I most frequently listen to


I like to cut my own mix tapes on this equipment which is also connected to my PC. The big long cabinet there contains two 4-way speakers (8 total).

I felt like posting this in the vintage technology thread but it's kinda gone bye-bye.

Hazel-Rah 09-21-2010 06:43 PM

O.O I WANT TO HAVE YOUR BABIES. What kind of turn table is that? It looks like my dream turn table *drools*

Oh btw I upgraded my speakers, I'll take a pic some time but I'm busy doing homework right now -_-

Pilot 09-21-2010 07:11 PM


O.O I WANT TO HAVE YOUR BABIES. What kind of turn table is that? It looks like my dream turn table *drools*

Oh btw I upgraded my speakers, I'll take a pic some time but I'm busy doing homework right now -_-

The one on the right or left? The one on the right is a circa 1955 (not sure of the year exactly) Garrard Type A. It turns most of my records adequately... but because of the sheer MASS of the tone arm, it's really sensitive to feedback (sitting right on top of the speaker cabinet) and will jump grooves when I walk by it. Plus, records from the 1980s-up it will not play because records from this period tended to have super micro-fine grooves that weren't designed, even at that time, to be played on 30 year old equipment.

So that's what the other changer is for.

Yeah, let's see the rest of your set up.

Josh 09-22-2010 06:27 AM

BRITISH PEOPLE! Back in the day when Cushelle was called Charmin, they had a thing where you had to collect the tokens to get a stuffed Charmin Bear. I still have my Charmin Bear, but I can't seem to find my Flamingo.


OddjobAbe 09-22-2010 07:46 AM

My eldest nephew still has that dog pencil case that he sent off for in the '90s. The name of the brand is on the tip of my tongue. They made toilet paper as well.
EDIT: It was Andrex.

Dynamithix 09-22-2010 09:39 AM

A dragon statue. It keeps me safe.

A wooden skull. Some voodoo shit right there. It's handmade by some villagers.

A pair of old Finnish matchboxes and some strange coins.

My beautiful Shadow of The Colossus special edition. I love it.

A motherfucking sealed copy of Canis Canem Edit a.k.a. The Bully for PS2. Fuck yeah.

[Click the images for larger size]

OANST 09-22-2010 09:59 AM



My beautiful Shadow of The Colossus special edition. I love it.

I have all of the Shadow of the Colossus figures, so na-na na na-na.

Dynamithix 09-22-2010 10:02 AM


I have all of the Shadow of the Colossus figures, so na-na na na-na.


I really want those figures but they cost too much. And they're pretty damn rare. Lucky bastard!

OANST 09-22-2010 10:13 AM

They're surprisingly well detailed, as well. I mean, really, really, well detailed.

Dynamithix 09-22-2010 10:31 AM

I know.

Mr. Bungle 09-22-2010 12:19 PM

Wow, Pilot, that is one kick-ass sound system. I want one.

Unfortunately, I don't really have much stuff worth posting on here, so meh, I'll just envy everyone else.

Mac Sirloin 09-23-2010 09:43 AM

I wish to get rid of the vast Majority of my Transformers, but I think I'm just going to put them in a box and either sell them in 20 years or give them to my cousin.

Phylum 09-24-2010 02:19 AM

This shirt is great.


Excuse the fact I haven't shaven and the trying-not-to-laugh-while-looking-serious face.

I considered posting this in WDYLL, but I mainly want to exhibit the awesome shirt.

Dynamithix 09-24-2010 02:54 AM

The shirt lies.

MA 09-24-2010 07:43 AM

its Phylum!

Ridg3 09-24-2010 12:57 PM

Who is that tiny person standing on your shoulder... she seems very interested in the camera.

Phylum 09-24-2010 04:26 PM

I honestly have no idea who that is.

Nate 09-24-2010 06:41 PM

Nice hair.

anthonyg90 09-26-2010 12:39 AM

Star Wars Galaxies collector's edition set


My Sonic & Knuckles mousepad


Assorted Mario toys and my goomba hat, and my bong nozzle.


And last but not least me and my sister's Disturbed shirts that are for the most part completely unavailable to those who didn't go to Uproar festival


Dynamithix 09-26-2010 04:49 AM

Nice Disturbed shirts.

OANST 09-27-2010 06:21 AM


And last but not least me and my sister's Disturbed shirts that are for the most part completely unavailable to those who didn't go to Uproar festival


SON OF A BITCH! Do you mean to tell me now that I've seen those fucking awesome shirts from that totally not ridiculously moronic band that I can't buy one of my own? Holy fucking cuntburgers, I am so disappointed!

Mr. Bungle 10-04-2010 04:39 PM

This pictures about 2.5 years old, but whatever, here's my prized pringles can:


Xavier 10-05-2010 01:45 AM


SON OF A BITCH! Do you mean to tell me now that I've seen those fucking awesome shirts from that totally not ridiculously moronic band that I can't buy one of my own? Holy fucking cuntburgers, I am so disappointed!

Featuring art by mr Raymond Swanland...

OANST 10-05-2010 07:34 AM


Featuring art by mr Raymond Swanland...

He should suck less in the future.

Dipstikk 10-07-2010 07:56 AM

I have a little wind-up Robotnik happy meal toy that I bought online. That's about it.


OANST 10-07-2010 08:31 AM

Oh, yes. Please.

Dynamithix 10-10-2010 08:52 AM

Fuck yeah.


Wings of Fire 10-10-2010 12:50 PM


I have autographs!

Satoshi Nishimura
Shigeru Kitayama

They were lovely people, they bowed back to me when I said thank you.

MeechMunchie 10-11-2010 10:04 AM

I take it you had a nice time?

STM 10-11-2010 10:09 AM

My saracens rugby poster season 00/01 and my poorly built Necron Monolith for some reason

MeechMunchie 10-11-2010 10:19 AM

Good point, I've got a bucketload of converted models I love.

STM 10-11-2010 11:26 AM

Heh, yeh, warhammer was fun.

Strike Witch 10-11-2010 12:18 PM

It really was not.

Wings of Fire 10-11-2010 03:25 PM


I take it you had a nice time?

Damn right I did.

Nate 11-20-2010 10:14 PM

My newly built Lego train. Jealous?


enchilado 11-20-2010 10:31 PM

I am. Lego ftw.