Hehe, Kula World.
Still working my way through the Halo titles with my housemates. Completed CE on Legendary with Tom, and 2 on Normal with Ash, now playing through 2 on Heroic with Ash. Also, I played Jak and Daxter for the first time a couple of days ago. Completed it 100% in three days/sittings. |
I played a kula world demo when i was young and loved it.
I would love to play some old ps1 games now which i had back then. |
also duke nukem time to kill and land of the babes, i need to get hold of some of these again. |
Does anyone remember a old ps1 game called the heart of darkness? I loved that game. And also a fun little one called tombi (1 and 2). He had green shorts and pink hair. Its really rare now, theres a little handful on ebay for like £80 each. Im going a little off-topic here arnt i ? soz. |
How could i ever forget them, ive completed the second one but the first... god! You get that flying dog and everything. |
I play stick ranger, powder game, oddworld AE, world of goo, spore,
natzi zombies, and pac-man. my three favorites are oddworld AE, natzi zombies, and powder game. |
by the way everyone I was joking about pac-man :D
ive also been playing Fallout 3 for Xbox, i persoanly think is one of the best games ever made but not many people like it :\ proberbly because they don't get it. |
Really? Everyone I know loves Fallout 3. Then again, everyone I know is a horror, sci-fi, and/or post-apocalypse fan. I need to play it myself soon. |
Duke Nukem anyone? |
Come on people. This thread is for what you're playing right now. If you want to discuss the classics, start a new thread for it.
I Beat Megaman Battle Network yesterday, nothing special about the game itself, but get this:
It was the same I copy I bought 6 years ago. I could tell by a scruff on the sticker. I was amazed. |
I have recently been playing splinter cell chaos theory as i have not completed it yet. Brilliant game though, cant wait for the fifth one out in september.
Been playing Condemed 2: Bloodshot
Scairest mothfucking game I have played |
I've been playing Priss of Pursa. I enjoyed it. Mostly. The combat is fucked in the bum.
I've been meaning to rent that for a while, it dont look too bad.
And the shit platforming. And the shit story. And the shit characters. Graphics are good though. |
I was surprised that I found the voice acting and dialogue less grating as the game went on, 'cause I really fucking hated them when I started it.
Which Prince of Persia was this?
The new one.
Oh, good.
I thought someone was slagging off SOT for a second. |
No, no. SoT was good stuff.
The combat still sucked balls though. It's a shame because I really liked SoT until the combat really kicked my teeth in.
The trick is to use that stupid vault attack to beat every single enemy in seconds, so you can get back to the glorious glorious platforming.
Currently playing .Hack// G.U., Donkey Kong 64, and finishing Pokemon Platinum