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oddveteran93 11-10-2006 12:36 AM

Owned by a common cold [/lol]

Statikk HDM 11-10-2006 04:43 AM



Here, try to beat a Black Hole.

*Waits for Soundgarden reference*

Been there, done that.

Spirrow 11-10-2006 07:51 AM

It's every child's worst nightmare, but it kills the cold, nevertheless.

Abeguy, what does that "YOUR MOM!" pic actually supposed to say?

Abeguy 11-10-2006 08:19 AM

um....Your mom...

looney-bin 11-10-2006 09:17 AM

Tom Cruise does not apporve of this so called "medicine".

Fuzzle Guy 11-10-2006 09:56 AM


Hobo 11-10-2006 10:00 AM

FuzzleGuy, you didn't spoil anything except in your apology for the spoiler...

Fuzzle Guy 11-10-2006 10:01 AM

:lol: I knew that when I posted it.

Hobo 11-10-2006 10:27 AM

Well that's just mean. I don't like it...

Fuzzle Guy 11-10-2006 10:29 AM

It's off, just means you'll have to edit your post now :)

Statikk HDM 11-10-2006 02:16 PM


Fuzzle Guy 11-10-2006 02:40 PM

Statikk, your picture does not exist :|

OANST 11-10-2006 03:48 PM

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

I'm going straight to hell for that.

Nate 11-10-2006 09:10 PM

Am I the only person who finds Colonel Sanders bloody creepy?

used:) 11-10-2006 09:27 PM

He slightly reminds me of Hitler. But then again, so does Ronald McDonald. Hmm, McDOnald as Hitler and Colonel as Mengele. There we go! And Jared from Subway can be Winston Churchill.

Nate 11-10-2006 09:32 PM

Ronald always makes me think of a creepy paedophile. It's probably the running around playing with little kids that does it.

Fuzzle Guy 11-11-2006 12:10 AM

Colonel Sanders looks like Rolf Harris.

Nate 11-11-2006 12:17 AM

My goodness, yes.

Wobble Boards FTW.

Hobo 11-11-2006 12:34 AM

Eat dingo!

Nate 11-11-2006 03:31 AM

In Soviet Russia, Azaria Chamberlain eats YOU!


Fuzzle Guy 11-11-2006 05:48 AM


Crocodile eats the little toddler :)

I think the next two pictures to be posted, are pretty predictable if you have a sick sense of humour like I do.

Mojo 11-11-2006 06:03 AM


A Tyrannosaurus Rex would own a gator.

Fuzzle Guy 11-11-2006 06:06 AM


T-Rex PWN3D by Kong.

Mojo 11-11-2006 06:11 AM

Kong owned by:


Fuzzle Guy 11-11-2006 06:16 AM


Hollywood owned by Bollywood. They have better dancers.

looney-bin 11-11-2006 07:02 AM

Simon gives everything a bad review.

Fuzzle Guy 11-11-2006 07:22 AM


God smites Simon Cowel for amusement purposes.

Nate 11-11-2006 06:45 PM


Crocodile eats the little toddler :)

*wonders if Fuzzle Guy knows what happened to Azariah Chamberlain*

Bullet Magnet 11-12-2006 10:56 AM

Dammit, how are we supposed to compete with God? :p

Fuzzle Guy 11-12-2006 12:18 PM

With the devil ;)


*wonders if Fuzzle Guy knows what happened to Azariah Chamberlain*
