If the adult-to-kid ratio is imbalanced, it's at the very least the same.
Just because 4 year old girls are not posting about it on the internet does not mean that it is more popular with adult males. Because you seem to be implying that per capita more males watch the show than little girls, when the vast (vast, vast, vast) majority of young men do not watch the show, but the majority (EG, all children sat in front of a TV at a certain time of day) of little girls do, or would, seeing as they aren't actually very smart anyway. If you were to walk into a class of Grade 12 males and ask how many of them watch it, and do the same with a kindergarten classroom, you would get snickers from one and a bunch of 4-6 year olds yelling 'YAAAAY' in the other.
You should know better.
The people who post on the internet are the only ones that matter. |
My example doesn't work if you switch the Grade 12 class to a computer science course or game design program though. Or some shitty bullshit course like 'The effect of manga on internet memes.'
And then I shuddered and need to go lie down. |
I did a grade 11/12 computer science course. It was some pretty shitty bullshit.
Yeah, Adventure Time is awesome. The most recent episode with the Sphinx pretty much confirms my theory that Princess Bubblegum is evil. She always creeped me out, performing experiments in dungeons filled with torture devices...
Yeah, Marceline is the best! Remember when she spit on Princess Bubblegum? <3 |
I'd really like to try Adventure Time but it's not on TV over here.
I should go look for DVDs. |
Just watch it online. It's everrywhurr.
The malignant spread of ponyshit was indirectly caused by Aventure Time, actually. It got popular so websites started streaming all that shit for all to see. I've loved every moment of AT that I've seen.
Where can I find Adventure Time to watch online in Canada, Mac? I've only seen a couple episodes, but I loved them.
It's all over Youtube. I'd be surprised if it was area restricted.
Yes, Adventure time is amazing, I tried to get Nepsotic to watch it but he was to freaked out by the Lich, also he only watched clips, not a whole episode. Marcelines not all the good, in my opinion PB all the way! But my favourite characters would be Ice King, Lemongrab, Peppermint Butler, Finn, Jake and then finally Gunter. Hehe. I reccommend Mastertoon.com to watch episodes but it has a lot of ads (not during video)
(Mod split, I'm guessing)
There are more bronies watching it than girls. Really. |
A) MLP is broadcast on Treehouse TV in Canada, which is the 'really little kids' network that usually has stuff like Dora and Bob the Builder, or whatever their contemporaries are. B)I'm assuming that most other countries broadcasting the show are doing the same with their cable-access equivalents. These are daily broadcasts scheduled to get as many kids watching as possible, as small children run on a fairly clockwork 6 hour schoolday or daycare schedule. C) There are more small children than bronies. I'm sure that sentence got you excited, but my point is that you are a niche minority among a demographic of people the show is not intended for, and the intended audience's lives are literally structured to bring the show to as many of them as possible as much as possible. I don't doubt that bronies are a billion times more passionate about a show intended to teach kids the basic tenements of empathy and getting along than the kids themselves are, but that's a whole other beast to 'the majority of watchers are bronies.' Which is fucking asinine. |
I think I now hate ponies after the last month of watching this forum go from ironic silliness about them to a place where we now have two or three serious discussions about them every day. I guess I now understand how a fan base can ruin something that a person has never seen. Most unfortunate part is that I now have to get rid of this awesome avatar that Ridge made for me.
In the UK and USA, the show airs on channels for big kids, if you know what I mean, not babies. Like 6-13 or something. :
The Hub, which is where it's exclusively featured in the US, runs everything from The Muppets to The Batman Animated Series. It appeals to a much wider audience, but it doesn't run the pandering, really-little-kidsy kind of shit, like Barney or Caillou. We have an entirely separate channel for that called "Sprout". I'd like to think more little kids watch MLP than adults, but I'm seriously not sure. The Brony community is gigantic, and if you're going to split the difference based on an audience that can actually form an opinion and write reviews, then I'd say Bronies win out. :
It's not about the content or quality of the show. It's about how you people bring it up in any situation you can and then blubber and bawl when normal people want you to stop talking about it for ten fucking minutes. It's about how you inject it into every other interest you can and don't understand that this just dilutes the quality on both sides since the show is written for little kids and that doesn't sensibly translate into other mediums. It's about how you are literally exactly the same as furries, except now the aspergers and autism crutch is even more popular as an excuse as to why you can't just grow the hell up, or at the very least stop jabbering about it all day. There's a part of me that is annoyed that grown men are watching a show that is ostensibly produced exclusively for young girls, both in a judgemental sense and simply wondering 'Why not anything else?' but I know I have stupid-ass interests that I should have grown out of too so if I was constantly yelling at everyone to grow up exclusively I'd be a tremendous hypocrite. I've watched the show though. A friend of mine started getting into this like a year ago and I dissuaded him from it after I asked him why he's showing me children's programming when we could be watching Kung Fu or hitting each other with blunt objects. |
Boomerang/Cartoon Network is hardly for "big kids". Ben 10 is aired on CN, along with Pollypocket on Boomerang. I like MLP, but like Mac said kids watch it more than "bronies"
I like the show, but I know better than to try and convince people to watch it. You're just going to get everyone angry, Nep. Let it go.
It's not about convincing me though. If you guys were to say "Hey, this show is pretty good. You should watch it," and then showed a clip or two, I might have checked it out. Look at it this way. Adventure Time is awesome, right? We talked about how Adventure Time is awesome. But we only did it for a single page, and then moved on to talking about other stuff. It will still come up every once in a while, sure. But this......this is no. Just no.
EDIT, this next part refers to GLaDOS and Mac, you lot are speedy shits. (Actually Sekto, MLP does run on Boomerang I think).
You can't prove that, and when I said big kids, I meant 5-12, that is the networks' target audience. Mac, I'n not a bad brony. I don't bring it up, mostly its other people. The brony community has such a bad rep because of a few bad eggs that make us look like complete wankers. The majority of bronies are OK. People say they start flame wars, but they don't. They have no reason to, its the haters that have the reason to start a flame war because they 'hate' bronies. Bronies don't just randomly go "By the way, people who don't like MLP should go fuck themselves." Most bronies respect peoples opinions, they only get annoyed with people who haven't given the show a chance and are calling us all 'fags' for watching a girly kids show. Anyway, I'll leave it now. I'm not trying to start a war. |
It seems like a topic everyone naturally gravitates towards, though. Everyone here talks about how much they like it, or hate it, so the pages collapse into sad heaps of divided Pony bile because everyone has to have an opinion about it.
How about everyone just agrees to not talk about it, whether they love it or hate it, outside of the Pony thread? I've been trying to do that, but Nepsotic never knows when to shut his damn mouth, and he's not doing himself or the show any favors. Edit: Nep, it's the fact that you keep talking about MLP that sets people off. It's irrelevant whether they think the show is good or bad. I actually like the show, and I still have to roll my eyes whenever someone brings up fucking ponies outside of that one thread. Just shut up already. Please. |
I'm not trying to anger anyone. People bring it up, like you said.
I know. I think I may have even been the first one to bring it up in regards to Adventure Time (I'm too lazy to go check). But yeah, we already know how each respective individual here feels about MLP, so let's just leave it alone.
To be fair I was the one who turned the viewership assessment into a balls-out discussion/argument, so there's that.
I watched a really unstoppably mediocre film called Killer Elite the other day. It starred Jason Statham as grumpy brit #1, Clive Owen as moody brit #2, and Robert Deniro as Captain of team shooting people in the knees. All of their guns had cartoonishly big silencers, they mumbled a lot, and Clive and Jason had roughly 400 encounters that went like this: Clive/Jason: Drop the gun mate. Jason/Clive: No can do mate. Clive/Jason: (kicks Jason/Clive in the groin seriously this happens more than you'd think) Jason/Clive: Better luck next time mate (absconds out a fire escape.) Deniro was pretty cool though. He beat up some dudes, got captured by some kind of oil magnate and then kept the beard he grew in captivity. |
On another note, I watch the Cube a lot, I'm watching it now. I don't think it airs in America. Its my favourite game show. |
You sure you don't mean cloppers?
Shut the fuck up time means we shut the fuck up, kiddies.
Stop putting quotes at the bottom. I think you're doing it on purpose now, due to the countless amount of people who have told you.
Remind me what OT is. And Nep I prefer it at the bottom and kind of because people said not to.
Does this make delinquents the hipsters of society?