So is Fluttershy not being able to speak loudly a running joke or what?
Fluttershy is cripplingly shy and quiet. She only ever raises her voice like two or three times in the whole series, with comedic results.
Lets have a pony count. How many avatars now?
Also: |
Almost as good a Rocky IV's montage.
If this is just going to turn into an MLP version of Bits 'n' Pieces, shouldn't we take the 'Awards' out of the title?
Anyway, I laughed a little at this. That's all you'll get out of me, I'm afraid. |
I recognized the last scream from memory? |
Jesus Christ every time I post here or read ANYTHING or.... Fuck I just feel like my eyes are going to explode.
This is beyond a joke, this is just full retard. |
I, too, repeatedly read and reply to threads I have no interest in.
Take it elsewhere, butthurtigan. :
Ah, thanks. I'm only on episode 4 at the moment.
I think I might change my avatar to Pinkie Pie, she's an energetic nutjob. The only thing that annoys me is when she bursts into song. Somewhere Crashpunk's head is exploding. |
The split second ending shot where shes grinning in front of that miserable goat is genius.
I had to come here to check whether this was a bandwagon in-joke type thing or a full on pony coup d'etat of the website.
It's unfair to judge a show that I've never seen before, bronies on the other hand are impossible to avoid, so fuck them. I'm not attacking anyone who watches it, but if you really do self-indentify with a label as awful as "brony" you deserve anything you get online. |
I only started watching it the other day. I like it, a lot. But if anyone even dared to call me a "brony", I would tear their eyes out of their sockets.
A "brony" is just someone who likes the show.
"Cloppers" on the other hand... |
Like I said.
Bronies are invasive. |
I've never encountered any without looking for them.
But again, I don't really hang out anywhere else besides here and Facebook. |
There we so many on 4chan's cartoon board that they had to first be regulated to one topic, and then pushed onto their own board.
Same thing happened on the Allspark and other places. |
It's 4chan...
4chan's boards aren't all /b/.
/co/ is normally pretty civil. Until Ponies. |
Now the Allspark I agree with, but that is by far the worst forum I've ever seen in my life anyway. |
Sounds like hanging out in an inner city slum and complaining there's too many hookers. I can't shed a tear for any of 4chan's boards. It's the anus of the internet. If you frequent those places, you are no better than the bronies that supposedly ruined them for you.
I was in the middle of that. It got fucking everywhere. Posted in unrelated threads, derailment, forced memes, all of that shit. Bloody garish-coloured mess it was. |
Video Game High School is a way better online series than this retarded fad. |
If you don't like it, sheridanm962, stop posting in this thread. Video Game High School is (a) Not particularly interesting and (b) Off-topic in this thread.