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Anonyman! 05-03-2009 09:34 AM

Yeah. Alcar's righ...


Mac Sirloin 05-03-2009 02:15 PM


Where's the fun in glitching it?

I used it to go up maybe 4 levels. It's unbelievably Grind Happy AND boring; requiring you to kill the same boss multiple times with a weapon that only does 1 damage a hit.

I can't imagine spending your time leveling up to 256. Just...why?

Yeah. Alcar's righ...



Hobo 05-03-2009 02:47 PM

I levelled up fine enough on CC. Never did finish my second runthrough...

OANST 05-04-2009 08:14 AM

Banjo-Tooie is.....daunting. It's fucking huge. Also a lot of fun.

But fuck Madame Grunty and her tent of bullshit.

Mac Sirloin 05-04-2009 09:27 PM

I beat Alpha earlier. I had to add a lot of non-unicode chips but it was SO worth it. I took him down with my very last chip page which was the Program Advance for Zeta Cannon 2. Fucking awesome.

Currently Working on Animal Crossing: WW and BN 5. I WILL sell AC if I can't find anyone to play online with.

Daxter King 05-04-2009 09:43 PM

Been playing Ninja Gaiden 2, pretty fun. Whoever the fuck decided to give Ninjas rocket launchers and Dinosaurs miniguns needs to be shot though.

Mac Sirloin 05-05-2009 01:44 PM

I have to fight Flameman to unlock a cube in Secret Area 3 for some ridiculous fucking reason. Apparently I didn't save after I did it.

Wil 05-07-2009 09:18 AM

Co-oped through TimeSplitters: Future Perfect with Tom. Now co-oping through Halo on legendary.

Mac Sirloin 05-08-2009 01:37 PM

I bought a copy of Megaman Zero, Megaman Battle Network 6, Megaman Starforce 2, Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker, and an Action Replay DS.


ArtemisPanthar 05-23-2009 10:59 AM

At current I'm alternatively playing Abe's Oddysee, Stranger's Wrath, Chrono Trigger (for DS), and Spore. Need to find time to play Viva Pinata:Trouble in Paradise soon, too.

Mac Sirloin 05-23-2009 10:51 PM

Whelp, I've beaten Battle Network 6 (Fucking downer ending, explained below), found a copy of 1 and 4, and returned Zero. Seriously, fuck that shit.

Spoilers:(Not that you ungrateful shits care So you kill the Cybeasts, but, OOP, Megaman is also part Cybeast still! So Colonel and Iris (Colonel's 'sister'; the anthropomorphic appearance of his kindness) decide to unite and blow each other up to tear the Cybeast out of Megaman. They succeed, Wily mends his ways, Baryl gets away, blah blah blah.

The game pulls a "20 years later" and I'm all sad and shit because I fucking loved this series. Now we have Faggyfag Shitforce which is terrible.

Fuck you Capcom.

Crashpunk 05-30-2009 01:59 AM

I've been playing this last month...
I compleated Spyro 2 and 3 for PSone 100%

Just bought the Orange Box from GAME but the serial number has already been used on a other Steam account (Bloody Torrents) So i have to take it back

and still hooked to Age of empires 2 Age of Kings, Abe's Exoddus and Animal Crossing LGTTC.

Mac Sirloin 05-30-2009 06:21 AM


Animal Crossing LGTTC.


Fuzzle King 05-30-2009 09:19 AM

Fable 2.
I borrowed it off my mate a while ago and completed the main quest but i've bought it off him cheap so i can complete it further and get more achievements out of it (yep im abit of a gamerscore fanatic).
The games really good,i enjoy playing alot but the current two dlc for it are waaaaay too short. They gotta bring out a more lengthy add-on. With achievements of course.

Strike Witch 05-30-2009 02:33 PM

I got Dead Space but got as far as the 'repair-the-tram' room before turning it off in abject fear.

joshkrz 05-30-2009 02:48 PM


I got Dead Space but got as far as the 'repair-the-tram' room before turning it off in abject fear.

i got the demo for that, i really didnt like or get it, it was way too hard

im playin race driver grid, old but addicting

by the way, has anyone played "chase the express" for PS1?

Havoc 05-30-2009 06:26 PM

Just picked up Team Fortress 2 on Steam. Still trying to find my way in this game :P.

Daxter King 05-30-2009 07:30 PM

Just beat Ninja Gaiden 2, final boss was a bitch, especially with no healing items. Played some Halo 3 Customs today, just waiting for some E3 demos and Red Faction Guerrilla.

Anonyman! 05-30-2009 08:24 PM

Dead Space isn't scary. System Shock 2 is scary. lol at my arachnophobic friend.

mr.odd 05-30-2009 08:41 PM

Well i down loaded broken steel when it came out, only now i get the free time to play. I also borrowed turning point, so far it sucks, but i only beaten the first part.

ArtemisPanthar 05-30-2009 10:48 PM



Animal Crossing "Lets Go to the City". Or Animal Crossing: City Folk in some places. Unless you what was at the concept of playing Animal Crossing, in which case I apologize.

I've meant to play Dead Space. "Scary" games don't scare me, only claymation games do :D

Also - am currently playing Knights of the Old Republic as I've finally got over my frustration at being completely stuck with no old saves to go back to. Not going to make the same mistake again.

Strike Witch 05-30-2009 10:58 PM


Mac Sirloin 05-30-2009 11:44 PM



Just wait until the fucking Nightmare Mode.

Animal Crossing "Lets Go to the City". Or Animal Crossing: City Folk in some places. Unless you what was at the concept of playing Animal Crossing, in which case I apologize.

I didn't realize that 'City Folk' wasn't the NA and PAL name. My fault.

Fuzzle King 05-31-2009 02:24 AM

I enjoyed dead space, but the regenerator thing was annoying.
I found the part where the black guy gets absolutely destroyed by the brute quite amusing.
Am i twisted?

JayDee 05-31-2009 02:55 AM

im playing elder scrolls 4 oblivion game of the year edition

ArtemisPanthar 05-31-2009 09:40 AM


I didn't realize that 'City Folk' wasn't the NA and PAL name. My fault.

City Folk is its NA subtitle, I think "Let's Go to the City" is its PAL subtitle. I just remember it because when the game was originally announced it was by its Japanese title of "Animal Forest: Let's Go to the City"

used:) 05-31-2009 03:32 PM

I'm playing Prince of Persia: Sand of Time currently. Not as agood as I expected, but still pretty fun.

Wings of Fire 05-31-2009 03:38 PM

Wait till the Tower of Dawn, the Tower of Dawn is the best damn segment in any game ever imo.

Nate 05-31-2009 06:12 PM

I started playing Sands of Time years ago but never got past the battle with the Prince's father. Damn crappy fightingness.

joshkrz 05-31-2009 06:47 PM

Kula world for PS1 :smokin: