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Where's The Updates?

Posted 07-28-2017 at 07:55 PM by JayDee
First of all, I'd like to preface this by being completely transparent about the situations that have affected these projects. So...

Many of you who may have known me or frequented the forums for a while may know that I have a tendency to delay projects (almost indefinitely) after announcing them so I figured I'd give some transparency on the multiple projects I'm currently working on for the Oddworld Forums: Oddworld Forums Cards Against Humanity, Odd Quest, and my biggest priority...
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Road To Nowhere

Posted 03-24-2017 at 02:54 PM by JayDee
Since I'd been made a moderator I made my first moderator duty to go inexplicably absent from the forums for a couple of weeks. Who knew that from time to time, people actually had important stuff going on in their personal lives? I sure as hell didn't.

For only a couple of days I'd been preserving my non-1000 post count as I'd planned on releasing a project that some of you have probably heard about for my 1000th post, but then real life got in the way which explains the two weeks....
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Where My 1000 Posts At

Posted 02-26-2017 at 11:27 PM by JayDee
I'm currently sitting at 985 posts, and I'm not sure how to feel about the idea that I've nearly made 1000 of these. I'm considering doing something special to mark the occasion.

Personally, I'm thinking some kind of murder/suicide or occult ritual but I'm open to suggestions.
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My profile says that my favourite Oddworld game is Abe's Oddysee

Posted 12-01-2016 at 10:46 AM by JayDee
Updated 12-01-2016 at 10:53 AM by JayDee
This is incorrect. My favourite is GBA Munch's Oddysee. Fix it Cloverfield Alcar Nate Nepsotic.
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I can't believe I've wasted so much of my life on this place

Posted 10-05-2016 at 04:25 PM by JayDee
I love you all

Eh, most of you.all of you
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My Name Is Ozymandias

Posted 04-02-2016 at 05:01 AM by JayDee
Rather than preface this with some kind of update on the events prior I'd prefer to get straight to the point. My friend died. This isn't the first death I've experienced, far from it, though it certainly struck me at a strange time in my life. Nothing in my life currently seems in balance to how it was a year ago, even though I had just been dumped out of a 2 year relationship and didn't seem to know which way was up. Looking back now I'm more than just slightly envious of how secure everything...
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This is What I Want, Motherfcker Make It Happen For Me

Posted 08-29-2015 at 05:03 PM by JayDee
Hey Folks, long time no speak.

Honestly, I'm not sure why I felt the need to come back here besides the lingering fear that should I unexpectedly die I may be forced to live in limbo until all my unfinished business is no longer unfinished. And who amongst you isn't terrified that the crossword you put down and never finished will be the one thing preventing your soul from ascending this earthly realm?

Anywho, a lot of things have happened since I left. I'm not sure...
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New Year, New Knee

Posted 01-04-2015 at 09:43 AM by JayDee
Updated 01-06-2015 at 03:53 AM by JayDee
So my past few visits to OWF can only be described as bursts of activity, I log on, post on whatever's interesting and leave without checking replies until the Oddworld Forums Facebook group reminds me this place exists. But I guess considering how easy of a resolution this will turn out to be: I'll try be a little more active, whether you fabulous bastards like it or not.

As for my life, I spent the new year doing the same thing I had been doing 2 years prior, sitting outside the...
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4/20 Bag It

Posted 09-07-2014 at 04:17 AM by JayDee
As none of you may know, for the last year and a half I've been looking for a monitor for my computer. Around Spring of last year I had enough money saved up to go all out and build a decent computer, ofcourse I use "build" liberally as my involvement only extended to purchasing the parts and plugging it in when it was sent to me pre-assembled.

However in my eagerness to have a good computer, I overlooked buying a monitor. Resulting in me having used my TV connected with a HDMI in...
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Flaming Ponies!

Posted 03-24-2014 at 10:08 AM by JayDee
A little belated since the events of this blog happened two days ago, but my digestive system hasn't caught up so I guess neither has my time keeping.

On Saturday myself, my girlfriend and her extended family all went to a resteraunt in celebration of her birthday. We went to Red Hot Buffet in Leeds; I doubt any of you have heard of it so let me start with this: Every food, All the plates. There's sections for pretty much any food you could hope for: Mexican, Indian, Chinese, English,...
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