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Blogs From Mudos #2 - The Joys of Learning Japanese

Posted 10-14-2017 at 02:50 AM by TheManFromMudos
こんにちは、みんな! It's me, TheManFromMudos, and today I'm back again with another 'Blog From Mudos'. As you may have gathered from the title of this particular blog, I'm going to talk a little today about learning Japanese, or more specifically, why I'm learning Japanese. For those of you who don't know, I began studying the language about a year ago. Now, I can tell straight away what some of you may be thinking: 'He's learning Japanese? What a weeb...' But let me just stop you right there.
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Blogs From Mudos #1 - Saul's Soulstorm Sorrows

Posted 09-25-2017 at 08:16 AM by TheManFromMudos
Updated 09-25-2017 at 08:18 AM by TheManFromMudos
Hello, everybody! It's me, TheManFromMudos! Bet you all thought I was gone, didn't you? Bet you all thought I was dead, or in prison, or waxing floors at Rupture Farms? Well, you were wrong! Because here I am, once again. And with the latest news about 'Oddworld: Soulstorm' from last week's EGX presentation by the man himself, Lorne Lanning, it looks as though I've got plenty to talk about.

But first, let's just get a couple of things out of the way. First of all, no, I haven't been...
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Big Blog Fridays #13 - The Early Bird Catches The Worm

Posted 04-20-2017 at 04:33 AM by TheManFromMudos
Hello everybody, it's me, TheManFromMudos, and I'm here again today for another Big Blog Friday, or as I now like to call it, Big Blog Usually-on-Friday-but-occassionally-on-other-days-of-the-week. Yes, the observant amongst you will have noticed that today is Thursday. However, there is a perfectly logical explanation for this. You see, I'm going away tonight, and I won't be back until Sunday. So, I decided that instead of posting my blog late this time, I'm going to post it early instead.
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Big Blog Fridays #12 - Adventures in Time and Space

Posted 04-14-2017 at 11:26 AM by TheManFromMudos
Hello everybody, it's me, TheManFromMudos, and once again we've arrived at another Big Blog Friday. And you know what that means. Yes, it means that tomorrow is Saturday. And for most people, that doesn't really mean anything apart from a nice day of relaxation after a long week of work or school. But for me, this Saturday's a special one. Because this Saturday evening, I'll be unwinding in front of the TV as I watch the first epsiode of the latest series of one of my most favourite sci-fi franchises...
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Big Blog Fridays #12 - Adventures in Time and Space

Posted 04-14-2017 at 11:25 AM by TheManFromMudos
Hello everybody, it's me, TheManFromMudos, and once again we've arrived at another Big Blog Friday. And you know what that means. Yes, it means that tomorrow is Saturday. And for most people, that doesn't really mean anything apart from a nice day of relaxation after a long week of work or school. But for me, this Saturday's a special one. Because this Saturday evening, I'll be unwinding in front of the TV as I watch the first epsiode of the latest series of one of my most favourite sci-fi franchises...
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Big Blog Fridays #11 - The Sound of Music

Posted 04-07-2017 at 12:10 PM by TheManFromMudos
Hello everybody, it's me, TheManFromMudos, and today I'm back with another installment of 'Big Blog Fridays'. Now, as discussed in last week's blog, from now on, things are going to change a little. First of all, as you may have noticed, the blogs are getting bigger. And second, we'll now be focusing slightly less on Oddworld-related topics, in favour of more 'real-life' discussion. Rest assured, we'll be back to Oddworld next week, but for today, I'd like to talk about something closer to reality....
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Big Blog Fridays #10 - Bigger, Better, Bloggier

Posted 03-31-2017 at 07:10 AM by TheManFromMudos
Updated 03-31-2017 at 07:13 AM by TheManFromMudos
Hello everyone, it's me, TheManFromMudos, and here I am once again with another Big Blog. This Friday actually marks my tenth weekly blog. That's right, ten whole blogs! And although they aren't always posted on a Friday as planned, you can be sure that there'll be one waiting for you at the end of each week.

That being said, I have quite a predicament to face at the minute. There simply aren't enough Oddworld topics for me to talk about. Of course, there's always something to talk...
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Big Blog Fridays #9 - The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Posted 03-24-2017 at 04:16 AM by TheManFromMudos
Updated 03-24-2017 at 04:18 AM by TheManFromMudos
Hi everyone, it's me, TheManFromMudos, and it's time for another Big Blog. This Friday, I want to talk about something that binds all of Oddworld's creatures together. Whether they're good, evil, or just misunderstood, there's one thing that they all have in common: they're hideous.

Let's face it, none of Oddworld's diverse species are exactly beautiful, are they? And they're not supposed to be. Wouldn't be a very 'odd' place if everybody looked like Zac Efron, would it? Well, it...
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Big Blog Fridays #8 - The Mudokon, The Steef and The Gabbit

Posted 03-17-2017 at 08:27 AM by TheManFromMudos
Hello everybody, it's me, TheManFromMudos, and welcome back to Big Blog Fridays. Notice that today's date is actually Friday this time, just to clear that one up. And today, we're back on the topic of Oddworld once again. This week, we're going to be looking at everyone's favourite Oddworld protagonist: Abe. No, Stranger. Munch?

Okay, the fact of the matter is that each and every protagonist in the Oddworld series brings their own unique aspect to the game. Whether you're taking control...
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Big Blog Fridays #7 - Better Late Than Never

Posted 03-12-2017 at 06:02 AM by TheManFromMudos
Hello all, it's me, TheManFromMudos, and I'm here today with another Big Blog Fri... oh. It would appear to be Sunday. You see, the thing is, my internet went down over the weekend, and unfortunately I wasn't able to post at my usual time. But, just because I've missed the deadline, doesn't mean I've given up on this week's installment. And, seeing as though I'm late this week, I thought it would be appropriate if we went away from the usual Oddworld topics, and today talked all about being late....
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