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Growing up.

Posted 02-21-2014 at 05:40 PM by Rampage48
Hey OWF, long time no see? Any who, it's quite an astounding feat to log into a forum and see how much it's changed. I haven't officially been active on this forum since around 2010 or something like that. It's good to see many familiar faces (If you want me to be perfectly honest I don't remember almost any of you but hey there's a few I do remember :P) and a bunch of new unfamiliar faces. Just great to see Oddworld in general still alive and prospering. The game itself will remain close to my...
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A rpg game im making in flash..

Posted 08-17-2009 at 12:26 PM by Rampage48

just click view this upload and it will play.


Move:Arrow keys.
Break red guys neck:Run over him.
Loot a body:Click it.
Shoot someone:Click them

Sorry its short but its a simple game i made up. I hope you like it :P Good feedback is welcome. Also I know when you kill yourself with steroids nothing happens. Im new with this type of programming. I personnally thought...
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Pie:Awesome? Or just annoying?

Posted 07-20-2009 at 05:29 AM by Rampage48
Well ever since i was about 3 i been saying: "I like Pie!" Stuff like that. But now as im a lot older then that i have realized: Wow i actully said that? I mustive been the most annoying thing ever!

So do you think Pie is Awesome? Or annoying?

Ps im awesome(not really)
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Posted 07-12-2009 at 07:38 AM by Rampage48
WOOT!!!! Im back everyone. I know it didnt seem like long but im back. Everythingi s going good so i should be on a lot more. Also I looked at my blog about me leaving. Thanks to everyone who cared. Made me wanna come back even more. And i came back with a signiture bar I made. Anyone can feel free to use it. No need for credit either.

Click to enlarge.
Click image for larger version

Name:	oddworld 4 life.png
Views:	275
Size:	166.0 
ID:	138

I guess i will see you guys around more.
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News that i dont want to say...But ill say it.

Posted 07-08-2009 at 10:38 AM by Rampage48
Hey guys. Its me Ramp. And a lot of stuff has ben happening over here(Family issues) And i cant come on the computer too much now...So ive been thinking about..Quitting.....Thanks guys for helping me when i needed it. And Thanks everyone for not flaming me But im sorry. This forum has probably the best community of any forum i have ever been to. Mods dont delete my account because maybe someday i will come back. So im going to miss you all. Signing out for (Maybe) the last time.

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Zombies,Tips and tactics how to survive them.

Posted 06-24-2009 at 09:22 PM by Rampage48
Well im bored so:

1:Blades dont need reloading.
2:use your head,Cut off theirs.
3:Get up the staircase,then destroy it.
4:Know your outbreak.
5:Headshots are a must!
6:forget the pets,Save yourself.
7:{Gone fishing.}
8:fire=not your friend.
9:The only thing worse than a zombie chasing you,Is a zombie chasing you while its on fire.
10:Follow everything listed below.
11: prepare once news starts.
12:Check your...
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What do you think?

Posted 06-11-2009 at 08:53 PM by Rampage48
this is something i made in flash then took a screeny of it do you like it?
Click image for larger version

Name:	Inferno kawaii.PNG
Views:	262
Size:	13.8 
ID:	133

I call it Inferno.
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