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Fucking lucky goats.

Posted 09-26-2008 at 08:36 PM by Nemo
Total Comments 3


mitsur's Avatar
Unfortunately she didn't really flash the goats. Believe me, I looked around for the front-view pic for a little bit with no luck. Does that say something about me?

IMO Kary is getting less attractive each mythbusters season, with the weird clothes and mannerisms ans style. She was way hot back in season 3 or so. Now it's like 'I'd tap it, but not as much as I would have awhile ago.' Call me shallow but that's really all we can go on since we don't know how she acts or how smart she is in real life. She used to be the babe geek. Now she's the chick who smiles or laughs whenever something even remotely silly happens. Or the chick they stick on screen to explain something whenever Grant or Tory aren't around. She's lost the magic.

Edit: Let me improve on this a little bit. Mythbusters for me is going down the tubes. It used to be awesome with experiments and explosions and stuff like that, but now they're just focusing on the jokes and gimmicks and stuff that isn't related to the myths at all. Sure it gets a laugh every now and then but they're more focused on being funny now then they are on the actual science of the myth. So maybe I'm a purist, but mythbusters isn't as fun to watch as it used to be because the actualy physics of these crazy rumors was what was intresting and cool for me.

And the explosions. Can't forget the explosions.
Posted 09-26-2008 at 09:56 PM by mitsur
Updated 09-26-2008 at 10:07 PM by mitsur

Nate's Avatar
Surely, by definition, any goat that you fucked would be lucky?
Posted 09-26-2008 at 11:26 PM by Nate

Mac Sirloin's Avatar
I agree with Mitsur.
Posted 09-27-2008 at 05:55 AM by Mac Sirloin


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