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So Angry

Posted 08-02-2014 at 10:34 PM by Job McYossie
I can't figure out why, but I'm just constantly really angry. Which of course makes me more mad. Things I used to do to help with anger make me more pissed because I can't concentrate on them well enough. On top of this I'm incredibly tired and just don't have the energy to act on my lividity. Which might be a good thing in the long run, but in the meantime it also makes me super depressed and feel powerless. It also doesn't help that it seems every single fucking person I talk to is badmouthing something I believe in, most likely without knowing it, since I don't really say anything about it.

And this has been: Ranting With Jossie
Total Comments 15


Mac Sirloin's Avatar
I would suggest finding someone to speak to about the anger you're feeling. There is more than likely an agency in the area that will offer free sessions with people who understand the triggers and habits formed by anger. These people would be a good idea, but consider speaking to a counselor or therapist if you're finding it hard to function without anger.

Additionally, consider how you react to things. Are you getting angry for a specific reason, or does it seem like getting angry is just the response you experience to things that didn't used to bother you? If innocuous things are triggering anger, try and remember to stop and consider whether they're really worth getting upset over, or if it's something that really should make you angry at all. What I mean by that is you might see the cover of a book or movie you're not interested in that, rather than garnering no response, angers you for no definable reason.

Anger is often both a choice and a habit that you fall into without realizing it. It could be you haven't been getting out and about as much as you used to, remaining active (not necessarily regimental exercise active, although that's never a bad idea) and finding an outlet for this energy is important.

Examine any recent experiences that might be buzzing negatively in the back of your mind. Acknowledging and moving past even petty grievances may make the difference in a day being good or bad.

Anger is something you should look at as a state rather than a thing. Everyone gets angry, but how you express your anger can often shape how it effects you on the inside. Bottling up your frustrations is a bad idea, it seems like a fix but eventually whatever you pushed down may come bubbling back up at an inappropriate moment.

I'd like to stress that going out of your way to speak a professional of some kind is a good choice, but if they start suggesting medication without really getting to know you strongly consider shopping around for someone else. I hope you start feeling better soon.
Posted 08-02-2014 at 11:49 PM by Mac Sirloin

Crashpunk's Avatar
I know how your feeling Job. However my anger is more I get frustrated far too easily and I know what things triggers it and I've done some things I'm not proud of too during my fits of rage too.

Gaming is actually a huge factor. I guess it is a classic example of a "angry teen" but If I can't do a certain part or if I have to replay the same part over and over again, I just get really frustrated and lack to desire to continue. That's why I cannot play overly hard old games like on the NES or SNES for example because it just makes me mad. And that's also why I adore games with good checkpoint systems or quick saving.

Another thing that makes me angry is my Stammer. Not so much now because it's mostly under control. But when I used to really struggle with speech. It made me a very angry, very frustrated individual. Not fun.

And there are times where I just not in a good mood. Like you, I just constantly really angry, snappy and mean for no reason. I take everything said to me as a joke towards me and I actually have in the past had problems with paranoia; thinking everyone is against me. needless to say, I fucking hate when I'm like that.

When I was looking into it. I actually found out that the weather can have a effect on your mood. When it's low pressure or when a storm is brewing, I feel different and get angry a lot easier.

But all in all, I know that it's primarily games that make me angry and I've been told that I just need to calm down and think why are you angry.

A neat trick that I found helpful with my anger and my speech impediment is to get a mirror in front of you whilst doing something that makes you angry. Doing this makes you want to look at yourself whilst been angry and you don't like it. So you try harder to stop it. I know it's not ideal for everything, but it did actually stopped me getting frustrated whilst playing games.

And yeah, like what Mac said, talk to someone about it. Even venting whilst talking about it is very helpful indeed.
Posted 08-03-2014 at 04:20 AM by Crashpunk

Manco's Avatar
It depends on your circumstances but it may help to try and alter some aspects of your lifestyle and see if that helps. Are you spending too much time cooped up indoors? Go out for walks or day trips (I like to partake in some occasional retail therapy), or spend time hanging out with friends. Do you find certain people are pissing you off especially well? Take some time away from them, try hanging out with different friends or even make some new friends.

If the things you normally do to reduce stress aren’t working then to me that’s a sign that something is bringing you way down. You need to think about what is going on in your life right now that might be affecting you, and look at how you can address it. The best way to stop feeling powerless is to work out what you do have power over, and assert it.
Posted 08-03-2014 at 06:27 AM by Manco

Phylum's Avatar
How's your sleep? Fix that shit into some regular patterns. Walk are also good, like Manco said, and will have the added bonus of telling your body what time it is. Walks in the morning are good if you want to fix sleep. This is something that really helped me before uni went back and fucked my schedule over and now it's 1am and I'm still wide awake.

It might not be much consolation because I have medical reasons apparently, but I totally sympathise with frustration and powerlessness right now.
Posted 08-03-2014 at 07:02 AM by Phylum

Job McYossie's Avatar
Thank you all very much for the helpful input. This'll sound angsty as all hell, but that's nothing new.

Examine any recent experiences that might be buzzing negatively in the back of your mind.
My boyfriend left me a few days ago and that's kinda when this started.

How's your sleep?
I stayed up for 2 days after the event and then still was only able to get 6 hours of sleep.

Gaming is actually a huge factor.
I used to game to get rid of stress, but I've suddenly been playing terribly and it's just making it worse, so I'm taking a break from my skill based games.

There is more than likely an agency in the area that will offer free sessions
I'm not sure how I'd go about finding one of these.
Posted 08-03-2014 at 07:58 AM by Job McYossie

Mr. Bungle's Avatar
Exercise usually helps me a lot in situations like these. Should try working runs or bike rides into your spare time, rather than video gaming. Gaming can be a great escape from reality but after a certain point I think they do more bad than good.
Posted 08-03-2014 at 10:16 AM by Mr. Bungle

Mac Sirloin's Avatar
Google it for your area, 'Anger management for youth' that kind of thing. I dunno how old you are, but there are always options. There may be a John Howard society division in the area which would be a good choice.

And yeah, gaming is supposedly a good release for aggression but plenty of games play on your frustration and can flip some serious switches in your brain that will keep you in a bad mood. You might not be conscious of it but witnessing fictional violence, no matter how desensitized you might think you are, will exacerbate negative emotions. Try and do simple stuff like watching a video of babies or puppies. Listening to people saying positive things (MLK's 'I have a Dream' Speech is a good one, same with the Emancipation Proclamation.
Yeah, it sounds dumb, but there's a progression to filling your time with little positive things that will help your mood in general.
Posted 08-03-2014 at 01:22 PM by Mac Sirloin

Jordan's Avatar
I think the recent event could be a very big factor. You might be experiencing a wide range of emotions at the minute that were likely to have been triggered by what happened. The end of a relationship is incredibly devastating. The best you can do is follow everyone's advice here and try to cope and wait it out. Horrendous cliché but time is a good healer.
Posted 08-03-2014 at 01:59 PM by Jordan

Job McYossie's Avatar
I think 18 is probably going to be too old for any youth groups.

Try and do simple stuff like watching a video of babies or puppies.
I used to look up cat pictures while in class to help negate the stress. I'm starting to feel better. Not really angry anymore, but still plenty depressed. Thanks again.
Posted 08-03-2014 at 09:56 PM by Job McYossie

Mr. Bungle's Avatar
Learn an instrument. for real.
Posted 08-03-2014 at 10:21 PM by Mr. Bungle

Job McYossie's Avatar
I already play:

Ocarina (I actually have quite the collection)
and I write full songs that I never post anywhere.
Posted 08-03-2014 at 10:25 PM by Job McYossie

OANST's Avatar
How old are you?
Posted 08-04-2014 at 07:22 AM by OANST

MeechMunchie's Avatar
Playing games with friends really brightens my day, but that's just me.
Posted 08-04-2014 at 12:58 PM by MeechMunchie

Job McYossie's Avatar
How old are you?
I already gested that I was 18.
Posted 08-04-2014 at 02:59 PM by Job McYossie

Renney77's Avatar
I know (sort of) how you feel. I'm 18, and I experience feelings that I usually never care about. Mainly social things, I'm alot more concerned about how people think of me. Deep down, I don't even care!
I wouldn't say I get angry though, maybe a little annoyed sometimes hah.
Anyway I hope your okay PM me if you want to talk
Posted 08-05-2014 at 06:57 AM by Renney77


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