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I'm so freaking angry, and a little amused.

Posted 01-18-2009 at 03:21 AM by Jordan
Updated 01-18-2009 at 03:53 AM by Jordan
I was supposed to get Fable 2 for Christmas, but I didn't. It wasn't that I'm so annoyed at. I decided I wanted to order it off the internet with the £25 I got for Christmas. I see it on for exactly that price. But we couldn't get the money into PayPal for another week or so. Then when we finally do, we manage to order it from for £25. Then, a week later they tell us it wasn't in stock... So they couldn't post it. As soon as they do this, I find a seller on eBay and buy it off him for £27. He sounded pretty retarded, he put the condition as new, when it wasn't. "i only unwrapped it and played it a couple of times so its unused" Oh, the irony.
So yeah, it was a week yesterday since I ordered that one. I sent a message to this guy, and just this morning he sends one back saying his great grandma had a heart attack and didn't even know Fable was sold. Brilliant. I have to wait yet another week. /rantover
Total Comments 3


Hobo's Avatar
Not that great a game anyway.
Posted 01-18-2009 at 06:33 AM by Hobo

Leto's Avatar
Yeah man you're gonna be really bummed
Posted 01-18-2009 at 11:11 AM by Leto

Venks's Avatar
Try not to use magic. Make it more of a challenge.
Posted 01-19-2009 at 07:25 AM by Venks


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