Big Blog Fridays #9 - The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
Hi everyone, it's me, TheManFromMudos, and it's time for another Big Blog. This Friday, I want to talk about something that binds all of Oddworld's creatures together. Whether they're good, evil, or just misunderstood, there's one thing that they all have in common: they're hideous.
Let's face it, none of Oddworld's diverse species are exactly beautiful, are they? And they're not supposed to be. Wouldn't be a very 'odd' place if everybody looked like Zac Efron, would it? Well, it would, but for a different reason entirely. The point is, there's always something about Oddworldian creatures, some feature that sticks out like a sore thumb. Bulbous heads, crooked teeth, horribly wrinkled skin. And that's just the Vykkers...
Yes, Oddworld is not exactly renowned for it's beauty, at least not in it's inhabitants. So, my question for you today is this: Which creatures do you think are Oddworld's ugliest? Which species (speciei? specieses?) utterly repulse you whenever you lay eyes upon them? Let me know, and I'll be back next Friday with another Big Blog. See you then!