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Rep is for tesseracts.

Posted 01-23-2009 at 01:54 PM by Wings of Fire
Following on from what Pilot said, is it not interesting how the majority of rep given out on this forum seems to reflect an undercurrent the forum is going through? First we had good old fashioned critical analysis, this gave way to science, which was superseded by wit. Now we have smut.

What next gentlemen? What next?
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Wil's Avatar
It’s not surprising that rep is given largely on the basis of whether posts conform to our zeitgeist. What is popular is both posted and rewarded. What is rewarded is encouraged.

It could be argued that the power rep has played in the shifting of the popular posting style has come full circle. Just as the power of DNA has led to its creations having the power to look back down at it, there is much focus in current discussion on the reputation system itself.

Whatever really comes next, I doubt I’ll be pleased. I’ll always find a negative way of viewing it.
Posted 01-23-2009 at 02:38 PM by Wil

Wings of Fire's Avatar
I think this forum's well overdue some socialism.

A specter is hanging over Off Topic Discusion, the specter of Communism.
Posted 01-23-2009 at 06:38 PM by Wings of Fire
Updated 01-23-2009 at 06:41 PM by Wings of Fire

Pilot's Avatar
It’s not surprising that rep is given largely on the basis of whether posts conform to our zeitgeist. What is popular is both posted and rewarded. What is rewarded is encouraged.
Bingo. The only time I knew with 'critical analysis' was way back in '02 before I left. I never new it since I returned... and any attempts to provide real food for thought are generally passed on by or disregarded.

So it's pervy time, apparently.

I am genuinely amazed at how, when rational direct discussion does occur it occurs smoothly a sensibly without random instigators making it their business to disrupt things.... but then most of the contributing mainstays here are old timers, too. Really, some forums are just out of control with spam and people making it their business to flame, even with a whole force at work moderating.

I don't see a problem here.
Posted 01-23-2009 at 08:25 PM by Pilot

OANST's Avatar
I want to rep myself. I'm always amazed at my constant cleverosity.

Seriously though, I have also noticed the way that that the forum shifts between moods based mainly on who has been giving rep for what. I don't think this is a bad thing or even a new thing, however. Before we had this system people would just pm you or quote you and write "This" under it.
Posted 01-24-2009 at 07:35 AM by OANST

Wil's Avatar
You know, I have never bothered paying close attention to the kind of thing I receive rep for. I look and see, of course, and award myself with an inward smile and maybe a pat on the back, but that’s it. Never have I tried to replicate the same kind of thing. Maybe if I did that, I could engineer more rep-worthy posts. And if I calculate the users with the highest rep power and most online activity… Mwahahaha!

Or I could just post an image of a representative and Robert becomes one of your parent’s sibs.
Posted 01-24-2009 at 07:53 AM by Wil


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