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Bloody Physics!

Posted 04-04-2008 at 03:54 AM by DarkHoodness
Alright, something's irritated me enough to finally use the Blog feature for something. :P

Normally when I drop things, they generally stay where they fall so I can pick them up easily. Lately though when I drop things, they bounce and then fly off to the other end of the universe or so.

For example I'm eating a sandwich with Egg, Lettace, Cheese and Tomato with a bit of Salad Cream (god I'm hungry). However the bread in the UK is really shitty, thin, and falls apart easily (unlike the proper, decent, nourishing bread that you can buy in Germany which no-one seems to sell here, but that's a rant for another time) when I pick it up. I hold it over the plate so that anything falls off falls onto the plate instead of on my lap.

Or at least that's the theory. In reality, when the egg falls off, it falls onto the plate, but then it bounces and ends up half way across the room somehow. WTF?! It happens with almost everything I eat too, though, not just eggs.

And it's not just food items. Screws, nails, coins, even large bits of wood, when I drop them, they bounce and book a flight to Australia using "Physics-Conspiring-Against-Eddie Airlines" and I have to search for ages to find them again because they're never in the area where they fall when I'm not looking, and every time I do watch something fall, it really does bounce a long way. :S

Weird, AND annoying.

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