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Anyone remember that Legend of Zelda April Fools joke?

Posted 11-07-2008 at 05:54 AM by Wings of Fire
Well this is a snip from a conversation I had with my girlfriend and a couple of her friends a couple of days ago, seven months since the joke footage was released.

I am the Sun, the joining has begun: Ane main character
As I look up at the stars: Ane girlfriend
I can picture in my mind...: Ane pretty cool guy
Craig, chris: Fools

(22:15) chris: you guys seen this ¬_¬ ZELDA
(22:15) chris:
(22:15) I can picture in: when does it come out, cause we can all go see it
(22:16) I can picture in: well,all in local range
(22:16) Craig: max payne is just awesome
(22:16) Craig: end of
(22:16) chris: no1 said it wasnt
(22:16) chris: but for argument sake
(22:16) chris: ITS FKING SHIT
(22:16) chris: WORST MOVIE N GAME EVER
(22:16) chris: 8D
(22:16) Craig: FUCK U
(22:17) Craig: also LoZ looks awesome
(22:17) As i look up at: you haven't seen the movie so how would you know if it is bad?
(22:17) Craig: COSE
(22:17) Craig: MAX PAYNE
(22:17) chris: chris sent a sound: *AP: Nerd Alert
(22:17) Craig: the legend of zelda movie will rock
(22:17) I am the Sun, th: Erm
(22:17) Craig: so hard
(22:17) I am the Sun, th: LoZ movie? XD
(22:17) chris: chris sent a sound: AV:how selfish of me
(22:17) As i look up at: ...joe should you tell them?
(22:17) I am the Sun, th: You retard...
(22:17) I am the Sun, th: Hehehe
(22:17) I am the Sun, th: BAHAHAHAHA
(22:18) As i look up at: XD
(22:18) chris: tell uz what?
(22:18) Craig: ?
(22:18) As i look up at: Dippy sticks
(22:18) I am the Sun, th: HAHAHA
(22:18) chris: dippy sticks
(22:18) As i look up at: Should i tell them?
(22:18) Craig: wait what
(22:18) I am the Sun, th: That was an April Fools joke by IGN :P
(22:18) I am the Sun, th: *Tard*
(22:18) As i look up at: he told you
(22:18) chris: i knew it was a joke ¬_¬
(22:18) Craig: its to cinematic
(22:18) Craig: the trailer
(22:18) I am the Sun, th: Yes? They have a large budget.
(22:19) Craig: far to cinematic
(22:19) chris: its the same as those halo clips
(22:19) I am the Sun, th: The trailer was released on the 1st April, silly.
(22:19) Craig: LIKE FF grapics
(22:20) I am the Sun, th: Oh deary deary me.
That conversation made my day .

Also in other more important life news: My nan survived her operation and it removed her lung cancer I am SO happy.
Total Comments 4


lbyrd2's Avatar
It was a joke?

also, congrats to your nan.
Posted 11-08-2008 at 01:10 PM by lbyrd2
Updated 11-08-2008 at 01:13 PM by lbyrd2

lbyrd2's Avatar
It was a joke?

also, congrats to your nan.

EDIT: sorry about the double post
Posted 11-08-2008 at 01:11 PM by lbyrd2

Lacy Hemsmire's Avatar
HAHA YES. I almost fell for it and then noticed that it was fake, which saddened me. I'd love to see an actual movie if it ever came out.

Awesome that your nan is better. :333 I'm very happy for you.
Posted 11-08-2008 at 06:29 PM by Lacy Hemsmire

Jordan's Avatar
When that was announced I was like 11. Me and my friend got really angry and believed they were actually going to make it. Good times.
Posted 11-09-2008 at 01:29 PM by Jordan


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