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The crazy neighbor lady

Posted 05-23-2010 at 12:13 AM by Sekto Springs
We've all got one.
Mine is particularly bad.

I don't actually know much about who she is, but I learned from my other more stable neighbors that she's a pathological liar, a religious extremist, and just downright nuttier than squirrel shit in general.

I can't determine her age or ethnicity. She has a very thick accent and dark skin, but it's like no accent I've ever heard. I think it's some kind of bastardized Brazilian. She dresses like a gypsy, festooned with strange jewelry and covered with a collage of shawls she probably knitted
herself. She has only a few teeth, and wears very opaque sunglasses even when indoors. Despite appearing ethnic to the point where
it's almost offensive, she's actually Christian (or follows some form of it) and very Christian at that.

I only just moved to this neighborhood last October. I didn't really know any of the people here, so naturally I didn't know that this woman was bad news.
After once showing her a bit of kindness, she won't leave us alone.

This happened a while ago.
Mum and I were about to leave the house. I don't remember the destination, but I remember that we had to be there at a certain time and that time was drawing near. We were just getting into the car when the woman walks by and strikes up a conversation with mum. I was already in the car so I didn't hear the gist of what was said, but it ended with her in the backseat and us driving her to some food bank that she assured us was "on the way".

A very surreal fifteen minutes was to follow as she prattled on from the backseat about her bizarre life in her nearly unintelligible accent. What's worse is Mum would, out of common courtesy, pretend to listen to her intently and ask follow-up questions resulting in her never shutting up.
She began to ask me strange questions like "What's your sign of the Zodiac?" and "Were you born in a hospital?". The latter of which came with "Oh, my daughters were born with midwives". "Shocking" was my rebuttal, and she failed to take the hint that I didn't want to answer any more of her dumb questions. She then went on about how she was nine-months pregnant, even though she wasn't distended and is in at least her late forties. Then about how she used to ride a motorcycle into the cultural district, and that she would never actually pay attention to roadsigns and that God would guide her to her destination (which is probably why she had her license revoked after wrecking multiple vehicles).

When she got to the food bank, which wasn't actually a food bank but a restaurant supplier that would provide foodstuffs in bulk, she stocked up on some of the strangest items including a two-gallon container of mayonnaise, and a fifty-pound bag of lentils. Also, most of the food comes in crates which then have to be fork-lifted out to your vehicle. Needless to say, mum was sitting there with a forklift lifting crates into the car regretting her decision to give this woman a lift.

This took ages, and we were now late for whatever it was we were attending. It wasn't until after she loaded enough food to feed a small country that she mentioned she only had about $20, about $500 short of the cost. I don't know what was going through her head. Did she expect us to pay for the rest? Well we didn't, and now we had to have the food taken back out of our car. The only thing she could afford was the fucking mayonnaise, which she kept.

Irritated and confused, we drive the woman back to our neighborhood. On the way she asks us to stop for ice cream, we don't, and she tries to send us on a guilt-trip for the rest of the ride. Like a little kid, I know.

Since that day she's been stopping by our house consistently to leave us strange notes and tea-bags containing some foul-smelling, bizarre blend of tea (see "tanis root", Rosemary's Baby).
She doesn't write notes on a normal sheet of paper, but will rip a piece of paper into long strips to write on in the tiniest, most illegible handwriting I have ever seen.
Now when our doorbell rings, we have to fucking stand by the window to check that it's not her. As if that wasn't bad enough, she will stand there idling for over ten minutes before leaving. Fucking creepy.
She's also a klepto. The one time we let her into our house she stole a pack of cigarettes, a box of pencils, and a bag of beans we had sitting on top of our fridge. Nothing of any actual value, but still.

We found out from the other neighbors that we're not the first to be accosted by her insanity. Based on what we know, we've deduced she's either an extremely crafty sociopath or just a total fuck-up moocher. Apparently, she's gone as far as asking some of the people in the neighborhood to pay her rent for her. She even tried to seduce this handsome, young teacher that lives in the area, which we all got a laugh out of because she is absolutely grotesque.

Last I heard she was being evicted. I certainly hope this is the case, she's a fucking pox on this entire neighborhood.

This is mostly old news, and the only reason I'm writing this blog is because tonight she did something that crossed a line.
I live on the top floor of a split-level duplex, so a main staircase has to be bypassed to get to the front door of our apartment. Tonight I left it unlocked because I was expecting a friend, who wouldn't be arriving for another half hour. Not five minutes later, I hear knocking on my front door. Not the exterior door, but the door leading into my apartment. It was locked thankfully, and as I go to unlock it, I realized that it couldn't possibly be my friend. Even if it was him, he always says "Hello" in a friendly voice that I'd recognize anywhere. I decided to wait to see if I heard anything. Not a peep. I come back to the door a few minutes later and see a note slipped under the door. It reads "Your front door was unlocked", signed by the creep herself.

TLDR: My neighbor is a crazy gypsy-witch who wants to eat my brains.

So yeah, fun times in the life of me.
Anyone else got any good crazy neighbor stories?
Total Comments 30


Josh's Avatar
The crazy lady near my house cut down a tree with a chainsaw because she didn't like me climbing on it. I was 5 and the tree was down the road from her house.
Posted 05-23-2010 at 12:34 AM by Josh

Ridg3's Avatar
Posted 05-23-2010 at 02:36 AM by Ridg3

MeechMunchie's Avatar
My new neighbour is a homeopath. Water's not gonna save you when I torch your house, luv.

Oh wait
Posted 05-23-2010 at 04:56 AM by MeechMunchie

Wil's Avatar
My neighbour was sunbathing topless today.

Crazy bitch had a barbecue last night, so I had to bring my washing in prematurely.

And she has sex.

Posted 05-23-2010 at 07:10 AM by Wil

Oddey's Avatar
I hardly know my neighborhood, and as far as I know, we have no crazy witch ladies. I used to have one in USA. But she wasn't as bad as this woman you describe. More like a somewhat cranky old lady who didn't like us playing in our culdesac. Fortunatly, she only bothered us once.
Posted 05-23-2010 at 07:46 AM by Oddey

MA's Avatar
my neighbour isn't crazy, he's just a dick. not long back i had an argument with him after he 'accidentally' drove over our front garden, and that was the first time i ever spoke to him. thick-as-two-planks block-head stupid fucking boy-racer cunt.
Posted 05-23-2010 at 09:12 AM by MA

Sekto Springs's Avatar
When I was young I had another crazy neighbor, but he actually lived in the same apartment complex. We called him "the troll" (this is pre-internets mind you) because he lived in the basement level. He was an aging hippie who excessively smoked the most acrid, putrid-smelling weed to ever grace my olfactories. He never wore a shirt or shoes, and always wore the same ratty, frayed cut-off jeans. He too was a crazy Christian and lived with a hundred smelly ferrets.

Also, he looked and behaved alot like Buffalo Bill...

Posted 05-23-2010 at 09:28 AM by Sekto Springs

slig# 5719's Avatar
We used to have neighbors that would walk around their garden in the nude. They've left now though and have been replaced by people who enjoy to have partys with heavy metal deep into the hours of the night. With screaming kids.
Posted 05-23-2010 at 02:11 PM by slig# 5719

Sekto Springs's Avatar
We used to have neighbors that would walk around their garden in the nude.
And I'm guessing they weren't hot, nubile, womenfolk either...
Posted 05-23-2010 at 02:52 PM by Sekto Springs

enchilado's Avatar
Fuck, I live in a "village" of crazy hippies. You go for a swim in the creek here and you gotta watch out for naked people of both sexes and all ages - er, apart from between about six to around thirty. Sometimes younger than thirty, but mostly quite a bit older.

I don't just mean there are a lot of hippies around here. People for miles around call it 'hippyville'. Half the people here smoke marijuana regularly... er, probably quite a bit more than half. Although come to think some of it they probably just pretend is marijuana...

Thankfully none of them are actually scary. Well, apart from that disturbing guy who used to beat up his girlfriend and told me he'd been reading a really good book which he was halfway through. After four years.

Actually, there are only a few hippies here. Some of them have normal hair and wear normal enough clothes, but they still do a few weird things, like swim nude. And some people aren't hippyish at all, so I don't know what they're doing here.
Posted 05-23-2010 at 05:04 PM by enchilado

Bullet Magnet's Avatar
I have no crazy neighbours. This leads me to the uncomfortable conclusion that it's me.
Posted 05-23-2010 at 05:33 PM by Bullet Magnet

Sekto Springs's Avatar
I have no crazy neighbours. This leads me to the uncomfortable conclusion that it's me.
Then don't disappoint. Start knocking on their doors with a measuring cup and ask for condiments. When they oblige, immediately pour it down your pants and ask for more.
Posted 05-23-2010 at 06:30 PM by Sekto Springs

Disgruntled Intern's Avatar
What's wrong with swimming in the nude?
Posted 05-23-2010 at 10:35 PM by Disgruntled Intern

Sekto Springs's Avatar
Swimming in the nude is one of life's great pleasures.
Posted 05-23-2010 at 10:55 PM by Sekto Springs

Wil's Avatar
I was gonna say, swimming naked isn't a weird thing to do. I mean, it might be depending on the situation and the company, but you might as well consider them weird for sleeping in the nude, or having sex without clothes on.
Posted 05-24-2010 at 12:25 AM by Wil

enchilado's Avatar
Swimming nude is fine. Swimming nude in public, with more nudes and otherwise, is not. Would you go swimming with a bunch of old, wrinkly, nude hippies?
Posted 05-24-2010 at 12:44 AM by enchilado

MA's Avatar
Swimming nude is fine. Swimming nude in public, with more nudes and otherwise, is not.
i don't get it. i would have thought swimming nude when no one else was nude would make it more weird, whereas swimming naked with other naked old farts would make it more acceptable.

haven't you ever seen Cocoon? leave them be.
Posted 05-24-2010 at 01:32 AM by MA

enchilado's Avatar
You don't get it. I want to go swimming sometimes as well. Also my mother is one of them.
Posted 05-24-2010 at 05:26 AM by enchilado

OANST's Avatar
What's your mom's number?
Posted 05-24-2010 at 05:56 AM by OANST

T-nex's Avatar
What's your dads shoe-size?
Posted 05-24-2010 at 12:26 PM by T-nex
Updated 05-24-2010 at 09:59 PM by T-nex

MA's Avatar

didn't know OANST's dad was a stripper.
Posted 05-24-2010 at 01:20 PM by MA

Sekto Springs's Avatar
Like father, like son.
Posted 05-24-2010 at 01:58 PM by Sekto Springs

enchilado's Avatar
What's your mom's number?
Haha. She's fifty-six, you pervert.
Posted 05-24-2010 at 06:43 PM by enchilado

Sekto Springs's Avatar
You didn't answer his question, ench...
Posted 05-24-2010 at 07:13 PM by Sekto Springs

T-nex's Avatar
Oanst doesn't discriminate against age. Everyone's good enough for him.
Posted 05-24-2010 at 08:58 PM by T-nex

Sekto Springs's Avatar
I... am a ninja?
Posted 05-24-2010 at 09:32 PM by Sekto Springs
Updated 05-24-2010 at 09:58 PM by Sekto Springs

MA's Avatar
are you drunk?
Posted 05-25-2010 at 12:33 AM by MA

Sekto Springs's Avatar
Drunk on NINJA.
Actually there's a reason I changed my post, but I don't want to get into it.
Posted 05-25-2010 at 12:59 AM by Sekto Springs

T-nex's Avatar
It's because I'm mean and I forced him to! haahaa
Posted 05-25-2010 at 03:17 AM by T-nex

moxco's Avatar
We had a (male) crazy alcoholic neighbour who kept locking his cat in his garage and then accusing my dad of stealing the thing.

He also used wake the street up at four in the morning, yelling at the top his his lungs the name of the cat and some swearwords.
Posted 06-17-2010 at 08:10 PM by moxco


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