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Posted 12-23-2012 at 03:43 AM by Phylum
My dad eats too much chocolate. My mum told me the other day that she's going to have to stop buying it, which is annoying for a moocher like me.

We all wish it was just chocolate, really. He eats too much of everything he shouldn't. He had a heart attack a few years ago, coupled with high cholesterol since he was in his 20s. After aforementioned heard attack he was given a very clear recommended dietary list that's very thoroughly ignored.

We eat more that his weekly meat allowance in single meals sometimes. He eats much much more than the recommended daily handful of nuts. The things he is allowed to eat are rarely seen in the house, or barely eaten if mum cooks them. On the whole he's in bad shape, although mostly that's for a host of different reasons.

My mum and I tell him not to overeat things, but we're always met with the same "What, are you a doctor? X (including dark chocolate) is good for you, what do you know?" or even on some days "Oh, just shut up."

I get that it's annoying for him, but that kind of arrogance just drives me mad. In his state you can't eat whatever you want, especially when you don't exercise at all. Sure, you don't have time. Don't eat so much crap or stop complaining for god's sake.

My dad's becoming a prime example of a grumpy old bastard and he knows it. It's sad to see. His list of disorders and morning pills is just getting longer and longer. Things started to look up for a while when he was put on some weird drug to keep him awake, but even that's seemed to stop working. Now with arthritis in his wrist he can't even open jars of food.

I don't know how to feel about any of it. My god can he be an arrogant, righteous, infuriating prick. Even worse is when he acts up to make my mum and I angry, because he seems to get kicks from that. Going out to restaurants with him can be tense because I'm never sure if he's going to make some huge scene over nothing.

This isn't even a real problem. This is just teenage drivel yet again. I haven't even been bothered proofreading this.
Posted in Crappy Crap, Crap
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Mr. Bungle's Avatar
have you/your family considered stomach stapling?
Posted 12-23-2012 at 11:32 AM by Mr. Bungle

Manco's Avatar
Now with arthritis in his wrist he can't even open jars of food.
Sounds like a pretty solid solution waiting to be capitalized on.
Posted 12-23-2012 at 01:31 PM by Manco


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