
  Oddworld Forums > Blogs > Intern Queen

SEE! Marvak's deathly stare pierce your heart!
HEAR! Her short temper in effect from miles away!
FEEL! The burning caress of her shoe across your soft flesh!
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Posted 09-02-2007 at 01:08 AM by Marvak
Updated 09-02-2007 at 01:11 AM by Marvak (Just figured something out.)
Oly shiz, I didn't know you could blog here. 8D Awesome. It's like my own little private diary that only me and all the other 234,425,465,214 million people on the internet can read.

OH YEAH. And when I finally get around to drawing my fancomic, I'll put links here. If they want to see it. I mean, I could also post them on the forum but this way they'll be here permanetly. Which is awesome. Yeah. Yeah I'll do that.
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Venks's Avatar
Hurray for Face Off! Hopefully my comp will stop being gay by then. Sucks missing out on people cus my mom's comp likes to throw me off of MSN. ><
Posted 09-02-2007 at 05:38 AM by Venks


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