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Worth the weight
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This sucks

Posted 09-25-2011 at 01:40 AM by Dynamithix
I've been sick for a week and a half and it's really been getting on my nerves, but now, I can not speak at all.

Whenever I try to speak, I can't form any words, I either have to whisper (which is actually worse.) or just try to be very loud, but that makes me sound like a complete idiot.

I've tried boiled water and salt, icecream, hot drinks and everything but it just doesn't seem to go away. I try to rest as much as possible, but that doesn't work either.

And tomorrow I have to go to school or otherwise I need to get some sort of permission to stay home. (What the hell is up with that anyways.)

And I have 4 exams to make in 3 days, which blows big time. I need to study this whole day.

Fucking fuck
Total Comments 11


Daxter King's Avatar
Have you tried going to a doctor?

Anyways, I fucking hate it when I get sick and cant talk or that it hurts to talk. Whats even more frustrating is its almost as if my parents don't realize the fucking obvious and are always trying to get me to talk during these times. Hope you get better and best of luck on those exams.
Posted 09-25-2011 at 01:43 AM by Daxter King

moxco's Avatar
And tomorrow I have to go to school or otherwise I need to get some sort of permission to stay home. (What the hell is up with that anyways.)

How exactly are you sick?
At my school I always need permission (a phone call to the office from a parent) to stay home. Staying home on a test however, requires a doctors certificate.
Posted 09-25-2011 at 01:57 AM by moxco

JennyGenesis's Avatar
You sounded better yesterday compared to the day before.
Posted 09-25-2011 at 03:08 AM by JennyGenesis

Dynamithix's Avatar
The Xbox mic changes my voice a lot and I was feeling worse really. Now I can't say anything at all.

Daxter, I asked a pharmaceutist (I have no idea how to write that.) and she said that it's best to not speak at all and eat lots of ice cream and hot drinks and it should go away in a while, but no luck so far.
Posted 09-25-2011 at 03:27 AM by Dynamithix

STM's Avatar
You need to go to a proper doctor so that they can give you proper medical help.
Posted 09-25-2011 at 03:30 AM by STM

Dynamithix's Avatar
I don't know, I mean, my mum had the same thing a few weeks earlier and when she went to a doctor, they said the same thing and gave some sort of medicine that had the exact same effect as the pills I've been taking now and I got those without going to the doctor...
Posted 09-25-2011 at 03:50 AM by Dynamithix

moxco's Avatar
How are you actually sick?
Posted 09-25-2011 at 03:57 AM by moxco

Nate's Avatar
At my school I always need permission (a phone call to the office from a parent) to stay home. Staying home on a test however, requires a doctors certificate.
Your parents wouldn't call to give the permission when you're sick?!

And, if you think you're too sick to do the exams, just frigging go to the doctor. Those guys don't need much of an excuse to give out a medical slip.
Posted 09-25-2011 at 04:17 AM by Nate

Dynamithix's Avatar
Moxco, earlier this week I had a bad fever, but now I have a really sore throat and a cough. I'm pretty sure I'm able to go to school tomorrow anyways, but my throat hurts pretty much every time I swallow.
Posted 09-25-2011 at 04:20 AM by Dynamithix

DarkHoodness's Avatar
Try the raw garlic, man. :P It worked for me and I managed to avoid the sore throat/lost voice stage.
Posted 09-25-2011 at 02:23 PM by DarkHoodness

Dynamithix's Avatar
I think I'll just wait a few days and see if it'll go away.
Posted 09-25-2011 at 06:58 PM by Dynamithix


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