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Let's get this show on the road.

Posted 09-04-2009 at 09:44 AM by Mac Sirloin
I haven't made a blog in a little while, so I thought I would.
This is that blog.
Summer was adequate for me. It felt short (because I started school one week early) the sporadic weather sucked (Oh boy, Tornadoes and a heat wave within one week, fun fun fun.) and my room was pretty messy for the majority.

On Monday of this week (feels like it was a few weeks, but whatever) I finished helping a very close friend of the family move to London, Ontario. I was really sad to see her go, but I knew it wouldn't be the last I'd see of her, and life kind of went on.

I started stealing from stores regularly this Summer, hoping to stave off the urge to steal from anyone close to me. It worked, but what resulted was a nagging feeling that I should steal something everyday. That's a shitty feeling. I'm pretty good at it now, mind, but that's not something you put on a resume.

For completely coincidental reasons, this marks a sudden interest in collecting Transformers. If I had a camera I'd show you.

I've entered Grade 12, never having to redo a year and with high hopes for this one. You really get this feeling of authority in this last year, and all of the Grade 9's are so small. I could crush them with my eyebrows.

Speaking of Eyebrows, I shaved off part of my right one last week. Not a lot, but it was still noticeable if you happened to stare at them.

Now I'm looking for a job, hoping to become an Electrician or Plumber, and just generally enjoying life.
Total Comments 4


Chubfish's Avatar
Posted 09-04-2009 at 09:53 AM by Chubfish

Wil's Avatar
I envy a person with a plan.
Posted 09-04-2009 at 10:12 AM by Wil

used:)'s Avatar
I didn't know Canada gets tornadoes.
Posted 09-04-2009 at 01:33 PM by used:)

MA's Avatar
its good to know you're enjoying life at the moment.
Posted 09-05-2009 at 10:00 AM by MA


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