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A Somewhat Awkward Situation

Posted 09-10-2011 at 03:03 AM by jumper
First, I need to set the scene. Three individuals are involved: myself, my best friend from university and my best female friend from university, and it’s worth noting that we’ll all be living together next year. I’ll normally refer to each of us by pronouns from now on, considering that there’s no real opportunity for confusion. Coincidentally my male friend also comes from Nottingham, which has proved very useful for getting lifts home from university, and has also meant I’ve been able to meet up with him.

So I went out with this girl for a short while in March. We kept it quiet (only one other person knew, and it wasn’t the aforementioned guy) because of the fact that we’d be living together next year, and we didn’t want to cause awkwardness for any of housemates next year if we didn’t sustain a relationship. As it turns out, it didn’t last, and whilst there was some awkwardness initially, we’re good friends again.

Flash forward to the present day: I’d been suspecting that she might like my friend, something which didn’t sit entirely well with me (somewhat from a residual feelings standpoint, but also due to the fact that I definitely didn’t want anything to potentially come between him and me). I imagined it might just be paranoia on my part, so I tried not to think about it too much.

Anyway, I went out a couple of nights ago with my mates. I texted my friend and he said he was also going out, so we’d probably meet each other at some point. This turned out to be the case, with us meeting in Rock City (a club in Nottingham, name-dropping if only to prove to crashpunk that I do in fact live here). Unsurprisingly, he’s drunk when I find him (pretty much a pre-requisite for getting in in the first place) and he ends up dancing with me and my mates. After a while we go to get drinks, and he casually says, ashen-faced “[name removed] said she likes me”, so I reply with something along the lines of “oh, ok”. He replies with words to the effect of “I just see her as a mega mate (sic), I’d thought it’d make more sense if she went out with you”. He also says he hasn’t told anyone else, and that frankly he shouldn’t be telling me. We don’t dwell on it at all and the night proceeds as it normally does in Nottingham.

The next morning, he rings me for whatever reason, and we discuss the previous night. He says he remembers very little of it, which he normally interprets as a sign of a good night out. It emerges, however, that he doesn’t remember telling me anything about this girl, and that’s pretty much where this ends. I’m not entirely sure what to do now, because I’m the only one who actually has all of the information here: he doesn’t know I went out with her, neither of them know that I know, and she doesn’t know that he’s not looking for a relationship.

So what am I looking for? Advice, sympathy? I’m not entirely sure, but I imagine there’s a decent chance that this might generate some sarcastic responses, at the very least.
Total Comments 12


Phylum's Avatar
What are you looking for by posting this?
Posted 09-10-2011 at 04:24 AM by Phylum

jumper's Avatar
And I'll reiterate, I'm not entirely sure. I suppose somewhere to vent my... frustration? As it stands, I have no one else to discuss this with, so faceless but highly opinionated people on the internet seemed like a great place to start.
Posted 09-10-2011 at 04:36 AM by jumper

Wil's Avatar
Have we ever shared attendance at a GameCity or GameCityNights?
Posted 09-10-2011 at 05:44 AM by Wil

STM's Avatar
Mmm, I don't see what the problem is...just forget it maybe?
Posted 09-10-2011 at 05:50 AM by STM

jumper's Avatar
I was at university when GameCityNights was on in Notts

Anyway, I suppose venting this made me feel better. It's probably frustrating in a way that I can't describe in words. I'm not keen on being out of the loop, but being the only one in it isn't much fun either.
Posted 09-10-2011 at 06:36 AM by jumper

Nate's Avatar
Would she be shocked that he confided in you? I mean, if he had liked her back, then they'd start dating and you'd find out soon enough. Perhaps take her aside, let her know that you know and warn her not to get her hopes up.
Posted 09-10-2011 at 06:50 AM by Nate

jumper's Avatar
She probably told him to keep it quiet, but alcohol tends to loosen people's lips, and I'm sure she's aware that he enjoys getting drunk (and if she's not, she's in for a surprise, considering she doesn't dirnk herself). I've told him that I know now (I just dropped it into a conversation and he thought I was psychic, until I explained), and he said he's gonna tell her later. Whether he'll mention I know is another matter.
Posted 09-10-2011 at 07:30 AM by jumper

Manco's Avatar
Let them work it out themselves. You don’t really need to get involved at all.
Posted 09-10-2011 at 08:06 AM by Manco

jumper's Avatar
I'm not planning on, but he's talked to her and told her that I know. As far as I know, she hasn't told him that I went out with her, but I would not be surprised if she texted me soon asking if I'd told him.
Posted 09-10-2011 at 08:58 AM by jumper

Wil's Avatar
See you at GameCity 6, then!
Posted 09-10-2011 at 12:14 PM by Wil

jumper's Avatar
Eugh, I doubt I'll be home then. I've read 26th-29th October, which is when I'll be in Bath :/
Posted 09-10-2011 at 01:32 PM by jumper

Wil's Avatar
You are a letdown.
Posted 09-12-2011 at 12:41 AM by Wil


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