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Posted 08-17-2009 at 11:51 AM by alf's brother's mate
I recently (don't lie you scumbag it was today) installed System Shock 2 after finding it under a pile of dust submerged boxes and a random assortment paraphernalia. I had bought it about 6 years ago, not realizing what a gem I had just picked up. Needless to say at the age of 8 years old I made it to the first room and failed to realize that the key code for the door I was stuck at was on a virtual CD I held in my hand.

Now I have always considered myself as a bit of a bad man when It comes to being scared by games but never did I think I would be defeated by a 10 year old Psyco-shooter.

I played the first level today and I was bricking it. The first couple of rooms are empty aside the occasional explosion and fault with the electrical appliances around you (which make you jump EVERY TIME), but when I opened the Medi station slide door I was shocked to find a mutant beating a corpse repeatedly with a crowbar. I literally screamed, turned away and sprinted for the opposite side of the room. The mutant leapt up chased me across the walkway and cornered me next to a door which had (in the last five seconds) locked itself. Wailing in terror I swung meakly with my wrench and actually managed to make contact with its head, killing it with a single blow. It groaned and fell to the floor, making a resounding thud as it did so. I curled up into a ball and looked across the room at the blood splattered corpse on the walkway and realised that it could have been me....

Video Games CAN be scary

Total Comments 3


shaman's Avatar
Some of the classics are indeed as scary as shit, i know for a fact that "Silent Hill" on the PS1 has been considered by many to be the most frightening game ever.
Posted 08-17-2009 at 12:12 PM by shaman

MA's Avatar
fuck Silent Hill and all the rest of those PS1 games. DooM and Ultimate DooM are scary as shit, even without the music, and they're pixelated to shit. they were on PC before PS1.

EDIT: i really like the word 'shit'.
Posted 08-17-2009 at 02:07 PM by MA
Updated 08-17-2009 at 02:08 PM by MA (shit)

OddjobAbe's Avatar
I agree with MA. Doom made me a nervous wreck the very first time I played it back in the '90s. It was always the pinky demons and the barons that did it for me.

When I look back, I have to laugh at myself. It seems nothing now, but back then, bloody hell (no pun intended).
Posted 08-18-2009 at 04:39 AM by OddjobAbe


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