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The death of an Empire

Posted 03-24-2011 at 11:36 AM by STM
I know I have written a blog in close proximity to this one but I have to write this rant so that I don't commit hari kiri. Also I am going to write it like a story because it is that bad, it deserved a poetic close.

I make my way up the my colony fresh in mind a unusually happy. A cold chill blows as the easterly wind flaps at the mesh covering my face from the calculating attacks of my bees. Past the remains of the old orchard and behind the shed are two bastions against the rain, the winter snow and the unfaltering lack of warmth. The last bees are retiring now as the temperature plummets from the heat of the day to the freeze of spring nights. An acheronian darkness approaches fast and the calls of the birds above me quieten.

The smoker takes almost eight matches to light but I make it eventually and a plume of smoke, faltering quickly but stoked up by the bellows, puffs out into the crimson sky. A streak of white in a sea of blood. I open the newest hive first and drop the roof after I come face to face with an enormous house spider and the decapitated, headless corpses of a few unlucky bees. I shoo it off with a cannon like blast from the smoker allowing the tangible smell of burning paper (and seedy pictures I felt needed to be removed before my Mum tidies my room) and try to stomp it with little success. I delve through the top honey boxes to find not a drop but my fears grow as I open the brood box.

A sickly smell of rotted mellifera reek through my nostrils and I note with grim acceptance that the front of my hive is covered with thousands of bees piled upon each other. A picture not dissimilar from that of a sixteenth century battlefield. Their rotted corpses have been well preserved under the winter snow and the frost.

Back to the brood, my pace quickens, the bees are angry and try to jab me with their poison, where is the queen? Where are the eggs? Why? It dawns on me. She's gone. She must have died in the winter. The bees, aimlessly wander collecting honey for themselves, trying to continue a dying tradition, leaderless. The end of an Empire.

I shut the box tight and wander back to the house in a dazed state. Two years of cultivation, genetic trait research and kind control of the colony, added to the waste of hundreds of pounds has numbed my brain.

So R.I.P gentle workers, 24/03/'11.
Total Comments 10


Bullet Magnet's Avatar
I can give you ant queens, if you like. Wasp queens, hell, hornet queens. But I'm short on replacement bee queens.
Posted 03-24-2011 at 03:53 PM by Bullet Magnet

enchilado's Avatar
Wow, I'm really surprised at how well you wrote that.
Posted 03-24-2011 at 06:45 PM by enchilado

MeechMunchie's Avatar
Godspeed, Beatrice III.
Posted 03-25-2011 at 12:49 AM by MeechMunchie

STM's Avatar
Today I went again, there's no poetry this time, my second colony, my failsafe has ironically, died. This is so sorrowful, honey area of the hive is wrecked by mould, inhabited by a few tempted ants, brood chamber, wrecked, destroyed by some sort of wood weevil. Bees living in their own filth, hundreds dead in the hive, natural instinct to stave of infection gone. A few lonely pupae reside amongst the honey reserves. An ugly slug crawled slowly across the bottom.

This isn't poetry, there's nothing poetic, I have never ever felt so depressed in my life. That's two years work, £200 of bees, £180 hive, £30 of frames, £66 of honey per hive gone, any chance of rearing a new queen is gone. Fucking hell I am the worst fucking apiarist in the World, how could I let this happen to the most brilliant creatures on this fucking rock.
Posted 03-25-2011 at 09:02 AM by STM

MeechMunchie's Avatar
Your pain is felt by beekeepers everywhere. I geuss it's no wonder that bees are disappearing if stuff like this keeps happening.
Posted 03-25-2011 at 09:44 AM by MeechMunchie
Updated 03-25-2011 at 09:48 AM by MeechMunchie

STM's Avatar
IT's fucking antagonizing, it's been hours and I can't calm myself down. Insurance won't cover it, I have to burn the hive probably. Fucking hate everything atm.
Posted 03-25-2011 at 11:04 AM by STM

enchilado's Avatar
Sorry about my last comment. You wrote it so beautifully I didn't realise quite how upset you were.

Sorry also to hear that your other colony died. But that doesn't mean you're the worst apiarist in the world. It wasn't your fault.
Posted 03-25-2011 at 12:11 PM by enchilado

STM's Avatar
No its fair enough, thank you.

There's a glimmer of hope in the ruined hive, a single frame of young bees. Must integrate the two tommorow. Am writing a story about it to try and console myself.
Posted 03-25-2011 at 01:46 PM by STM

Phylum's Avatar
I'm sorry to hear that.

Why will you have to burn the thing? Is cleaning it and buying new bees out of the question?
Posted 03-25-2011 at 11:02 PM by Phylum

STM's Avatar
No, the hive is shit and its a yearly process I don't want to do when I can simply get a cedar national.

Also the new bees are expensive and my bees are genetically very close to British Bees, sort of a hybrid so I'm told, actually though, they have never even left Hertfordshire. They are non-swarmy, rarely sting and produce honey at a prolific rate.
Posted 03-26-2011 at 01:40 AM by STM


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