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Posted 05-23-2008 at 07:10 AM by Wings of Fire
It's done, it's over. The so called happiest days of my life have gone, I had my very last day of school ever today.

Now for three months of being a total housebum (after the exams are finished of course) and then it's off to Scotland where I shall be living for the next four years to try and get my Masters in Psychology.

School for me was a sack of shit, to put it bluntly, 13 years of institutionalized hell to try and train me into a little capitalist soldier, but they failed mwahahah! As I shall be taking a job not because of its monetary value but because of my internalised principles and ideals. The only thing I'll truly miss is the opportunity to chat to some of my teachers about philosophical issues non-pertinent to the subject at hand (Yes I was that kind of student).

Oh and in other news my mother got married, I have been to two feasts in the space of five hours and then had to go to the dentist and be scolded for my wine stained gnashers.

Life is fun kids, don't take drugs.
Total Comments 9


Killy's Avatar
Sounds like you had fun - I remember the day I graduated from high school - I remember every single second of that day. Happiest day of my life and I still have another graduation to look forward to in a few years.

Good luck with your Masters degree, it's not going to be easy but university is a hell of a lot more entertaining than any other school instance.
Posted 05-23-2008 at 08:20 AM by Killy

Disgruntled Intern's Avatar

I admire you for being excited about college. I personally don't have what it takes. Getting through the RN program was living hell. I dislike being boxed in intellectually.
Posted 05-23-2008 at 10:19 AM by Disgruntled Intern

used:)'s Avatar
Congrats on making it through. I hope you have a good time in college. I'll get to know what it's like next year.
Posted 05-23-2008 at 10:45 AM by used:)

Moosh da Outlaw's Avatar
Gratz. I still have at least four years to go. You're lucky.
What university/whatever will you be going to?
Posted 05-23-2008 at 03:59 PM by Moosh da Outlaw
Updated 05-23-2008 at 04:00 PM by Moosh da Outlaw (Stupid mistake X.X)

Wings of Fire's Avatar
Glasgow I'm going to have the time of my life getting merrily pissed while avoiding the natives.
Posted 05-23-2008 at 04:04 PM by Wings of Fire

Moosh da Outlaw's Avatar
And thats what college is all about.
Posted 05-23-2008 at 04:12 PM by Moosh da Outlaw

DarkHoodness's Avatar
Ooh, Glasgow. . . Be careful around there. And as a city, it's perhaps uglier then London. :S Still though, gratz on your Graduation, that's a big life acheivement. (Stating the obvious FTW)

But a question: Why do they call your school years the "Happiest days of your life"? I've never got that - School sucks. Your career path and what you chose to work as is your decision and your responsibility to make sure you pick a job that you'll find fun to do. And you get something tangible out of working - Money. =P

I can't speak for most people but I'm definately happier now that school is behind me, that's for sure.
Posted 05-23-2008 at 07:51 PM by DarkHoodness

Mac Sirloin's Avatar
Good job, WOF.

ME, I'm gonna learn a trade to pay my way trhough College then Medical school.
Posted 05-24-2008 at 06:13 PM by Mac Sirloin

used:)'s Avatar
I think they call high school the best days of your life becuase they immediately pair happiness with youth. Adolescence for me has mostly been exciting, not necessarily happy though.
Posted 05-24-2008 at 09:51 PM by used:)


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