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I got a cold...from the cold.
Let me make a point of saying that usually, when/if I get sick, I get more sick than most people and it usually only happens once or twice a year. More sick meaning a seemingly unprovoked few days of endless vomiting, horrible burning diarrhea and utter exhaustion. Really just the most vile state a human being can be in without it being life-threatening.
So anyway, I caught this cold about a week ago by getting my feet soaked in the middle of the woods. Since it's Winter/Canada, it is irrevocably, bone chillingly cold until the few days leading up to my birthday.
So naturally I:
-Walked like 30 Kilometers to deliver some paperwork for my job in insufficient clothing, down a large highway corridor that just barfs wind all over you.
-Walked to the shittier mall (we have two, one's shit one's shittier) in light rain with a friend on Friday evening for about an hour and a half, wearing particularly shitty clothing and eventually standing at a bus stop for 30 minutes before an old man stumbled upon us and said the Buses "don't run this way this time of night" (FUCK Belleville's Bus system. It sucks SO BAD)
-Drank heavily and smoked generously later on Friday night, wandering around the neighborhood with my hoodlum friends and once again wearing insufficient clothing.
-Worked for 9:30 hours (only 8 hours of which was paid) yesterday on 5 hours of sleep and hungover from Friday's shenanigans. I've actually worked longer on less sleep with better results, but I felt absolutely terrible when I was done.
-Waited in the rain for half an hour for a ride my friend (who was working the same shift) called for. They took incredibly long because of his waste-of-space little sister. Fucking hate that garbage child.
-And finally picked myself off of the floor at home long enough to let my friends drive me somewhere so that I can get drugs for them because they don't know the dealer well enough.
I slept for 11 hours last night. 11 sweaty, periodically cold hours. It was marvelous. I'm feeling a bit better, and have been blowing my nose all day which is probably a good thing. I ( and others) have certainly had it worse, but I hate being sick. It sucks so much.
Also, after about a week of nonstop, shitty-piddling rain, it decided to snow again. Fuck you, weather. If there's snow on the ground on my birthday I am burning this city down.