My Brother
Posted 09-24-2009 at 01:05 PM by Wings of Fire
Luke - Odin rides in quest for norns. says (20:29):
*Hello Joe. Teh Joe in Glasgow says (20:30): *Hai Luke - Odin rides in quest for norns. says (20:30): *I just performed an arcane ritual. Teh Joe in Glasgow says (20:30): *You're an idiot Luke - Odin rides in quest for norns. says (20:31): *Haha. Still pissed over Odin's runes? Luke - Odin rides in quest for norns. says (20:34): *I performed the same casting for Genny in Thor's cross. The sign of corrupted fertility was very clear. But she's more open minded than you, what with being a priestess of Anubis. Teh Joe in Glasgow says (20:35): *Wow *You really are an idiot Luke - Odin rides in quest for norns. says (20:35): *It's unlike you to dismiss something out of hand. Or to call highly intelligent people idiots. Luke - Odin rides in quest for norns. says (20:36): *I think you're just bitter. Luke - Odin rides in quest for norns. says (20:38): *Yes. I know that you had a good whinge at mum about what I read in the runes. Teh Joe in Glasgow says (20:38): *No Luke *I think you're mistaking open mindedness for new age mysticism Teh Joe in Glasgow says (20:39): *Or old age mysticism *Still mysticism *Contrary to popular belief the bond between society and religion works both ways, Asetru was a great religion for the vikings because it helped them live *It's meaningless now Luke - Odin rides in quest for norns. says (20:42): *No. The concrete spreads and devours the earth. People slay each other in the name of a mis-spelt word in an identical holy book. The ancient ways are ever more relevant than before. Have you forgotten that it was whatever you'd like to term mythology, or history, that birthed an abstract imagination as the progenitor of all art forms? Teh Joe in Glasgow says (20:43): *Yes *It was important *It had its time *It's over Luke - Odin rides in quest for norns. says (20:43): *And now we bow to the insatiable abhorrent rays, or embrace the cold void? Teh Joe in Glasgow says (20:44): *We stop being so fucking poetic about everything and live life for what it is Luke - Odin rides in quest for norns. says (20:47): *And what is it. *Grind Apollo's statues down and show me beauty. Teh Joe in Glasgow says (20:51): *I'm sorry? Luke - Odin rides in quest for norns. says (20:52): *You cannot explain art any more than you can explain love. Spirituality is the only viable answer, whether personal, inherent, or divine. Luke - Odin rides in quest for norns. says (20:53): *You claim society to have progressed? Teh Joe in Glasgow says (20:54): *Wow dude Luke - Odin rides in quest for norns. says (20:54): *Maybe once we needed the seers god, and the warriors god, the smiths god, and the lovers god. Teh Joe in Glasgow says (20:54): *That's one hell of a fallacy of logic coming from you *And to think you used to be the scientist Teh Joe in Glasgow says (20:55): *What you call God is in everything, it makes more sense to sit on a table than to worship one *Accept nature for what it is and stop trying to find hidden meanings that arent there |
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