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Posted 12-20-2008 at 12:41 AM by Kimon
It's 4:37 A.M. I'm looking out the window of my dorm in Brooklyn on the 3rd of a 17 floor building. Everything is quiet and covered in snow and ice. At 8:00 A.M. my alarm will go off and I'll head to Penn Station to go back to Buffalo.

I am far too exhausted to write about my night right now, but I will when I get home. It's starts with me eating a sugar cube and ends at the beginning of this post. Stay tuned, it was eventful.
Total Comments 3


Hobo's Avatar
Well arn't you the fucking Poet Laureate.
Posted 12-20-2008 at 05:22 AM by Hobo

Leto's Avatar
Sweet as, keen to hear monkeyMatt.
Posted 12-20-2008 at 11:58 AM by Leto

used:)'s Avatar
Funny. I, too, was up at this hour doing some internet writing business.
Posted 12-21-2008 at 04:26 PM by used:)


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