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Trying out an iPad for the first time!

Posted 03-03-2012 at 12:54 AM by AlexFili
I got to borrow an iPad for this weekend. It seems really fun to use in quite a few ways. Impressed with some of the games and apps. Theme Park looks pretty nice in particular.

Probably won't buy an iPad though... I'd probably get an Android Tablet for £65 to match my Samsung Galaxy phone. I like the idea of reading articles on it or even writing stories on it. (using my phone to do that would be a pain)

Has anyone else used tablets much? What do you think of them in general?
Total Comments 18


Jordan's Avatar
Thank you for choosing to get another tablet. iPads are so overrated.
Posted 03-03-2012 at 01:32 AM by Jordan

Crashpunk's Avatar
iPads are good but they are so over-expensive for what they are.

That's Apple for you.
Posted 03-03-2012 at 03:37 AM by Crashpunk

AlexFili's Avatar
For me the Kindle seemed crazily priced right from the get-go. I would expect a digital book reader to cost more like £15-25. After all, palm PC prices weren't astronomical, were they?

I think iPhone game makers realise the device costs a lot, so many of the games are 69p. Besides official apple apps and a few other benefits for people with other apple software, you don't get much benefit for the increased price (and Flash not being supported, etc).
Posted 03-03-2012 at 03:48 AM by AlexFili

Crashpunk's Avatar
The iPhone is good. Very good in fact but again, crazy expensive and almost all the apps on the store are shite anyway.
I would much rather have a iPod Touch and a cheap crappy phone that can only text and call (I don't use mobile that much so I don't need a fancy one.)
Posted 03-03-2012 at 04:05 AM by Crashpunk

Dynamithix's Avatar
@Crashpunk, the iPhone is actually pretty damn bad, the newest model's battery life is pathetic. Two of my friends have the latest iPhone, 4S (or is it just 4, I don't know nor care), and even they've said that it's good as a camera/music player/gaming handheld, but as far as it goes being a phone, it's pretty shit.
Posted 03-03-2012 at 06:51 AM by Dynamithix

OddjobAbe's Avatar
The only small electronic device I own apart from my television and record player remotes is a mobile phone I got for about £10 from some supermarket. It does its job.
Posted 03-03-2012 at 10:31 AM by OddjobAbe

Dynamithix's Avatar
Yo gramps, get on with the times, buy an iPhone. For shizzle.
Posted 03-03-2012 at 11:17 AM by Dynamithix

OddjobAbe's Avatar
I do buy The Times, but I don't know who Shizzle is, so I'm not spending a penny on them.
Posted 03-03-2012 at 11:24 AM by OddjobAbe

Dynamithix's Avatar
But then Shizzle will be sad!
Posted 03-03-2012 at 11:29 AM by Dynamithix

Wings of Fire's Avatar
Fo' rizzle!
Posted 03-03-2012 at 11:36 AM by Wings of Fire

Nate's Avatar
Almost everyone I know who's bought a tablet has done so because it's trendy and cool and new (though they'd never admit that that was their reason) and ended up hardly ever using it. Maybe they'd bring it out to do a bit of web-browsing on the couch rather than having to move over to the computer desk.

I have an Android tablet; a Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1. I bought it primarily as a device to browse the net whilst I was overseas and not in possession of a computer. Now that I'm home, it lives in my desk at uni and I use it for reading PDFs, mostly academic papers. It's occassionally also useful when I need a second screen, for instance when I'm coding on my computer and need to check a reference manual or website at the same time.

But my point is that if you can't define what you're going to use a tablet for, don't bother wasting your money.
Posted 03-03-2012 at 02:24 PM by Nate

MeechMunchie's Avatar
My van runs on Dizzle.
Posted 03-03-2012 at 03:33 PM by MeechMunchie

MA's Avatar
The only small electronic device I own apart from my television and record player remotes is a mobile phone I got for about £10 from some supermarket. It does its job.
this. i have a touchscreen phone at the moment, but that's only because someone bought it for me, and i don't want to seem ungrateful. i really can't get on with touchscreen phones, they're too fiddley and it's too easy to press the wrong button.

i still have my old mobile, a bog-standard phone with actual buttons. still works and it's very reliable. i miss it.
Posted 03-03-2012 at 11:45 PM by MA

OddjobAbe's Avatar
this. i have a touchscreen phone at the moment, but that's only because someone bought it for me, and i don't want to seem ungrateful. i really can't get on with touchscreen phones, they're too fiddley and it's too easy to press the wrong button.
This is exactly what I found with my brother's phone. I hated the fact that having left a big greasy fingerprint in the corner, I couldn't wipe it off until I'd finished with the phone and turned it off, since I was half way through doing something.
Also didn't like the way it looked and felt. It was too big and it was flat as a pancake. I think people must be blinded by the big flashing lights or something.
Posted 03-04-2012 at 12:58 AM by OddjobAbe

Jordan's Avatar
Almost everyone I know who's bought a tablet has done so because it's trendy and cool and new (though they'd never admit that that was their reason) and ended up hardly ever using it. Maybe they'd bring it out to do a bit of web-browsing on the couch rather than having to move over to the computer desk.
I believe this is the case for most people. Some people don't actually need a tablet to do every day tasks, they just get one because it does cool things.
Posted 03-04-2012 at 02:22 AM by Jordan

AlexFili's Avatar
I was reading a webpage article which said that "one in four brits regret getting an iPad". 62% or so say that they are simply "too busy" to find time to use it.

Smartphones can be handy in some cases. Like if you're lost and you're trying to find a nearby place, you can look at googlemaps, see your GPS marker and even ring where you're trying to get to. For me it's great to check my emails, see what's on my twitter/facebook pages and do quick wiki search.
Posted 03-04-2012 at 04:00 AM by AlexFili

Hazel-Rah's Avatar
@OddjobAbe: Phone from the supermarket, nice! My phone was around the same price, I also don't have cell phone bills and put money on it when I feel like it.

Just never got into that stuff; the only technology I keep current with are video-games.
Posted 03-04-2012 at 09:17 PM by Hazel-Rah

The only reason I would by a Tablet is for Graphics use, everything else would come from my laptop and cell phone. My Cell phone itself is a Touch screen 3G Samsung SGH-F480T (Moar like F4990T amiright?).

What makes this phone more convenient is the Camera part which is a 5 MegaPixel, up to 2592х1944 pixels, autofocus, LED flash, Face detection, image stabilization and wide dynamic range.

Of course this phone is from 2008 but fairly new to me, I used to use one of those faggoty assed flip-top shitsterz that you can get for $100 Which I think is £52.33 I believe.

So for my phone I can Bluetooth my pictures onto my lappy and stuff like that.
Posted 03-04-2012 at 09:24 PM by sheridanm962


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