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I am blogging. Not reading NC-17 yaoi fanfiction.
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Just Register Already!

Posted 09-30-2010 at 12:50 AM by Dixanadu
Always notice there's so many damn guests online compared to active members? You'd think they'd register instead of lurking about and usually when they do, they never post a welcome thread anyway. I seldom see 'Our Newest Member' post at all.

Right now, three members including myself are online; along with 22 guests. They watch and never register, or register but never post, or do post but then watch again.

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Nate's Avatar
Most of them are search engine spiders.
Posted 09-30-2010 at 02:58 AM by Nate

I tend to be among them.
Posted 09-30-2010 at 04:25 AM by Nemo


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