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Cleaning House

Posted 11-04-2007 at 12:49 PM by mitsur
So I've been sitting in front of the computer lately, typing nonsensical stories that seem to always include Danny Ocean at least once, followed shortly by an apoctalyptic event that destroys everythings. The current events are:
  • Atomic Explosion.
  • The atmosphere melts away, leaving everyone to get very bad sunburns follow by skin cancer.
  • Hellish deamons that eat you from the feet up.
  • A shipment of Tyson's chicken filled with a deadly chemical causes everyone to catch the Black Death.
  • Rolling rubber balls that engulf everyone
  • Erasers that have the power to actually erase the world, and they have a mindless instict to do just that.
  • Mr. T calls himself a fool in the mirror, causing a paradox that destroys the universe.
  • Time travel that ends up with George Washington killing his own mother before he was born and that leads to Communism taking over the world.
  • Bullet Magnet makes a death ray and forgets about it in a car on a hot day, prompting it to overheat and fire into the earth's core.
  • Alcar goes mad with power and bans everyone but himself and Hobo.
You can see what free time does to me. Weird, eh?

P.S. Another apology to Kastere. I was a dick.
Total Comments 3


Bullet Magnet's Avatar
Aargh! I'm always leaving that death ray laying around!
Posted 11-04-2007 at 01:14 PM by Bullet Magnet

Salamander's Avatar
Nonsensical stories are what keep the Earth spinning, believe me, it's true.
Posted 11-04-2007 at 10:03 PM by Salamander

OddjobAbe's Avatar
Mr T is awesome. 'I pity the poor fool'. Looking back, 'The A Team' wasn't as good as it seemed back then, but it's still awesome.
Posted 11-05-2007 at 07:40 AM by OddjobAbe


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