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Posted 04-16-2012 at 02:00 PM by MeechMunchie
Updated 04-16-2012 at 02:04 PM by MeechMunchie
This is one of those "Oh, aren't people weird sometimes" blogs. I've never done one before1, so here we go.

So, I'm walking home from school,2 earphones in, head in the clouds, and this guy Stuart3 starts coming up from the other end of the road, along with three of his junior chav movement.4 He points at me and leers across the tarmac. I smile and nod, trying to be polite.

"Hey,"5 he says as we approach each other, swallowing a fetid mouthful of Coca-Cola. "It's you."6 He presents a chubby finger and tugs my earphone out.
"You look like a wizard, don't'cha?"8 He turns to the three boys, each 2-3 years his junior.9 "Doesn't he look like a wizard?"10 Rather than try to challenge him intellectually,11 I glance at his pity club and settle for:
"Yeah, well, you've got no friends your own age."12 His 'friends' smirk.
"He's got you there." the smallest one quips.

Stuart's smug face flickers into a slightly more disgruntled expression. Presuming this marks the end of the exchange, I plug my earphone back in and turn to continue on my way.
"... Fuck you." I hear as the 'phone slips into place. I assume he then went about telling his cheery companions to stop looking so amused.

Anyway, about ten seconds later I sense movement out of the corner of my eye, and turn around to see Stuart waddling towards me as fast as his cankles can carry him,13 Coke outstretched. A somewhat exasperated area of my brain realises what he's about to do, but the rest of me doesn't have enough faith in his aim to bother moving. In the end, I step back slightly, as, with a spasmodic arm movement and a slight stumble, the rest of his carbonated syrup flies through the air towards my face.

Half of my head makes contact, but I'm past caring; my gaze silently follows this would-be bully as his rotund body continues straight past me on its journey, keeling forwards and covering the last half a foot across the pavement with its face. My eyebrow raises slightly, dislodging a few droplets as the last of his Coke spills across the ground, bottle still in hand. I take a pace towards his resting body and give a small sigh.

"And this is why." I say as he picks himself up. He looks up and glares at me. I stifle a laugh at his grit-speckled face. He turns back the way he came, and limps back towards his cohorts, who are now giving each other small looks which plainly say: 'Why do we let this guy hang around with us again?' I look back up the street towards them and smile, dripping slightly. They start laughing properly. I chuckle myself, and set off for home.

Once they're all well out of sight, I shake out my jacket, comb the rest of the Coke into my hair, and suck my moustache dry.14 I got a slightly funny look from the girl at the counter when I stopped to buy a snack on the way home, but other than that I think it just looked wet.15 Normally something like this would ruin my day, but recently I've been too busy to get fussed over this sort of thing; and as I said in another blog, I've got a more generally cheerful outlook now.

By the time I get home, my hair actually looks slightly better than normal, as the sticky cola has successfully managed to hold my quiff up.16 Once I've had another snack, I've found the entire episode entertaining enough to consider blogworthy. This means I am now very aware of my actions and their impact on the narrative. I eat a slice of Emmental. I go to the toilet, and my bowel movement is satisfactory. I have a shower, which is nice.17 Then I turn on my computer, open Notepad and write this. When my router finally splutters into life, I paste it into a blank text field and click the 'Post Now' button.


1. Apart from when I'm the weird person in question.
2. In appropriate narrative style, I'd stayed half an hour after school to do some Art, rendering this entire situation easily avoidable.
3. A brief description of Stuart: Slightly taller than average (but shorter than me); short dark hair with a weird 'dusty' blonde dye job on top (it looks like he's been walking through acid rain); chipped teeth; dirty; big jaw; scratchy neckbeard; and little piggy black eyes, like two ball-bearings wrapped in bacon. He's also somewhere between pudgy and fat which can only be described as 'portly'.
4. He doesn't have any proper friends. Stuart is a renowned dick. He would be a bully, if anyone considered him threatening enough. He's basically an overgrown, spoilt kid. Everyone makes fun of him, which I considered slightly harsh, but it's generally agreed that he's just trying to get attention.
5. Just imagine the stereotypical 'chav' voice. It's not far off.
6. Normally, I'd have a couple of friends with me for the first leg of the journey, and were that the case he'd probably leave me alone, but as I said, I'd left late, and he's the sort who likes to prey on the weak.
7. Stuart being Stuart, this response is usually easier than, say, trying to talk to him.
8. It's the nose.
9. There's a rumour he's a paedophile. I'm pretty sure every school has a 'Stuart', so this probably won't be a surprise to most of you.
10. I have actually made this observation myself a few times, and been rather pleased about it too; A healthier Paul Kidby Rincewind comes to mind. However, in this instance I think it's safe to assume it was meant as an insult.
11. I'd consider it unsporting, much in the way that you wouldn't challenge a quadrapelegic person to a race.
12. "Or at all", I add in my head.
13. I know I'm talking about his weight a lot here, but it's alright if their personality sucks as well, right?
14. I find that statement both pleasing and slightly erotic.
15. I guess I'm just lucky I have a fairly 'slick' hairstyle. I don't really go for the whole male grooming thing.
16. Something my hair gel fails to do on a daily basis.
17. I'm happiest in water.

... and that's how I became the Prince of a town called Bel-Air. Here's a song about a talking camel.

Total Comments 20


Manco's Avatar
So what happens to Frodo?
Posted 04-16-2012 at 02:50 PM by Manco

OddjobAbe's Avatar
We had a couple of kids like that at the schools I went to. Always wanting to feel like the big kid, so they hang around with the little kiddies, because they know that they can't operate in that capacity around their contemporaries. It was laughable. I didn't have to deal with them regularly, but I was graced with their company a couple of times. Real fools, and probably frustrated that they weren't getting that much nookie.
Posted 04-16-2012 at 02:57 PM by OddjobAbe

enchilado's Avatar
Ugh. People like that make me sad.
Posted 04-16-2012 at 08:14 PM by enchilado

Mudokon_Master's Avatar
So why did he think you looked like a wizard?
He reminds of someone 2 years older who hangs around my group of friends at school. To be honest I don't even know who he is, but everyone laughs at everything he says. This just heights his ego so he thinks he can get away with anything. I just don't understand.
Posted 04-16-2012 at 10:07 PM by Mudokon_Master

Nate's Avatar
So why did he think you looked like a wizard?
Didn't you read the footnotes? This blog contains footnotes!

I think a better question would be "So why does he think looking like a wizard is insulting?"
Posted 04-16-2012 at 11:50 PM by Nate

enchilado's Avatar
Posted 04-17-2012 at 12:20 AM by enchilado

Mudokon_Master's Avatar
God damnit, I didn't read them okay?
Going back to read them now that I have more time makes more sense.
Posted 04-17-2012 at 03:09 AM by Mudokon_Master

Nate's Avatar
A what?
Posted 04-17-2012 at 04:33 AM by Nate

STM's Avatar
I was kind of hoping you'd hit him or something, but I'm kinda bored.
Posted 04-17-2012 at 07:49 AM by STM

Manco's Avatar
I think a better question would be "So why does he think looking like a wizard is insulting?"
Because he’s not a nerd, you dork.

Nerds, amirite?
Posted 04-17-2012 at 09:54 AM by Manco

Mac Sirloin's Avatar
You should have stomped the fuck out of him. I don't presume it didn't cross your mind, but when a fat know-nothing throws something at you from a short distance, still manages to fuck it up AND falls over, you make him remember all over the concrete.

Then you run like hell.

On a semi-actually-related note, I had a similar experience wherein a fat kid and his clearly younger pals accosted me outside of my dentist by calling me Harry Potter. I called them shits and spat on them.
Posted 04-17-2012 at 11:37 AM by Mac Sirloin

OANST's Avatar
Posted 04-17-2012 at 01:25 PM by OANST

MeechMunchie's Avatar
when a fat know-nothing throws something at you from a short distance, still manages to fuck it up AND falls over, you make him remember all over the concrete.
I think of fighting a bit like I think of smoking - I don't want to start, because eventually I'd start using it as a solution to everything. Also, I'm a sissy. I don't mind getting hurt for a decent cause, but I'm paranoid enough without having to check my back for retributors.

More to the point, this guy is genuinely pathetic. He was lying on the floor completely prone, I just didn't have the heart. I'm just a big softie. I can't help it. If he hadn't picked himself up, I probably would have offered him a hand.

So anyway, today I politely asked my friends to ask him if he "Enjoyed his trip" whenever he passes. That was enough for me. He came up to me at break and said he actually meant to slap me on the back of the head (like that's better, somehow...), and he only threw his Coke by accident when he tripped. It smacked of bullshit, but the throwing acton yesterday was so uncoordianted it might be true. But it was his fault nonetheless, and there was still malicous intent there. He might have given a shifty, laughing apology, but I really didn't care and told him as much...

"You hate me now, don't you?"
"... Well I didn't really like you before."
(Distant) "Enjoy yer trip, Stuart?"

... meh. It's just a stupid guy being stupid. As I said, I don't consider him enough of a threat to go for vengeance.
Posted 04-17-2012 at 02:41 PM by MeechMunchie

Phylum's Avatar
For some reason I'm immune to dickheads like that. They either like me(!!!) or just don't give a shit. I'm good at avoiding conflict while still talking to them and giving the impression I like them. It's like fucking art.

That and my school has the lowest number of incidents like that of any I know of. Other school mock us for it.
Posted 04-18-2012 at 04:35 AM by Phylum

MeechMunchie's Avatar
For some reason I'm immune to dickheads like that. They either like me(!!!) or just don't give a shit. I'm good at avoiding conflict while still talking to them and giving the impression I like them. It's like fucking art.
For the most part, me too. But this guy is just plain irrational. His sense of proportion is non-existent; I'm not sure he even realises that most teenagers don't act like this.
Posted 04-18-2012 at 09:15 AM by MeechMunchie

Phylum's Avatar
Posted 04-18-2012 at 04:19 PM by Phylum

MeechMunchie's Avatar
I pronounce it like 'Phil'.
Posted 04-18-2012 at 11:25 PM by MeechMunchie

Phylum's Avatar
That's how I erroneously pronounced phylum it until we were voice-chatting while on the Minecraft server one day and I actually heard someone pronounce my name.
Posted 04-19-2012 at 05:48 PM by Phylum

MA's Avatar
I think of fighting a bit like I think of smoking - I don't want to start, because eventually I'd start using it as a solution to everything. Also, I'm a sissy. I don't mind getting hurt for a decent cause, but I'm paranoid enough without having to check my back for retributors.
you're absolutely right, but using aggression to try and stop something worse is fine in my opinion. we are animals. all animals use some form of aggression to survive, because it's survival and survival is unfair, so you have to adapt to that. all we've done is fine tune our aggression so that we do attack the bigger threat instead of submitting to them. we mix violence with intelligence and through this have overcome many seemingly overwhelming threats, because we're human. still animals, but human. violence keeps the peace. fucking ironic, but sometimes you have to speak to people in a way they understand and respect, and a lot of people respect, fear and/or understand violence. countries, for a start. simply showcasing a powerful military is enough to stop people from taking what is yours, or at least make them wary of you if they try. it's always been that way, it's in our nature.

more to the fucking point, people do look for retribution, that's the problem. people i've somehow offended years ago have come up to me in the street and tried to goad me into a fight, but by that point i don't even remember who they are or what i did, so i just try to diffuse the situation. but i thought you handled the situation with the fat clown beautifully. not having to resort to violence to settle matters is very commendable. you didn't need to step down to his level because you intellectually bludgeoned him instead. nice one.
Posted 04-19-2012 at 05:53 PM by MA

MeechMunchie's Avatar
you didn't need to step down to his level because you intellectually bludgeoned him instead.
Not really, the floor did most of that.
Posted 04-19-2012 at 11:10 PM by MeechMunchie


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