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I'm like that bit of popcorn that you just can't pick from your teeth - I slowly drive you insane.
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Right, first thing's first...

Posted 09-18-2009 at 03:02 AM by Psychocath
First blog entry, hell yeah.

I'd like to start off with a rant about DeviantART and critiques. (Dead horse topic, I know, but I don't care.)
If this isn't relevant to your interests, then I suggest you click back on the browser and find something more amusing to look at. Rant will be ranty.


Artists who whine and bitch when they recieve critique anger me in. They'll constantly prattle on about how they want to improve, become an insta-famous animu artist, etc. etc. and then turn around and argue that their shit smells of roses when you dare tell them otherwise.

I gave you critique. I pointed out flaws in the artwork, things you should work on to make your pieces more aesthetically pleasing in general. I gave you that nudge to help you improve.

So why, pray tell, did you have a mega bitchfit when I offered you this advice? Do you honestly think your artwork will be anything more than crappy five-minute recoloured crayon traces of Naruto without some direction and help?
Or do you have your head jammed that far up your colon that you perceive all constructive criticism as personal attacks, and feel the need to send your sheeple following out to white-knight for you? Fuck, your art teacher must LOVE you. "OH BAWW SO-AND-SO DIDN'T LIEK MY TRACES, GO SHOUT AT THEM FOR ME BECAUSE I'M ALL UPSET AND BUTTHURT BAWW I WANT ASSPATS NOT SRS HELP"

You seem to think you're the hottest shit since Da Vinci and yet a blind chimpanzee would probably know more about colour theory, composition and anatomy than you.

Fuck this shit, I'm moving to
Total Comments 4


Mac Sirloin's Avatar
There was this kid in my art class who sounds exactly like that. Right down to the tracing over Naruto art.

Now he's pretty stupid. He's one of those kids who dyed their hair black, started acting really effeminate, and dressing with weird-ass clothes for attention. He also came out of the closet for no apparent reason. (We don't belittle people for being gay, but neither do we care all that much.)

I really hope something shitty happens to him this year. Karma should be gunning for him like crazy.
Posted 09-18-2009 at 03:51 AM by Mac Sirloin

T-nex's Avatar
I can say I agree fully with you, Psychocath <.< What annoys me alot if that those people who can't take critique are also usually the ones with shitload of profile views(as if that means anything), and they get plenty of ass-suckers who protect them and say "You're just jealous buuhuu" or "TAHTS SO NUT TRU!!! SHE GRETES ATISRT EVRE!".
Posted 09-18-2009 at 05:12 AM by T-nex

OANST's Avatar
Posted 09-18-2009 at 06:58 AM by OANST

Disgruntled Intern's Avatar
I like being critiqued. Maybe I'll start posting what I call my mistakes so you can tell me how I am the best.
Posted 09-18-2009 at 11:35 AM by Disgruntled Intern


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