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Mouse = Fail

Posted 12-07-2009 at 09:20 AM by Splat
Updated 12-07-2009 at 09:23 AM by Splat
The wheel of my mouse is broken, so when I spin it down or up, it just jumps about randomly. This basically renders it useless, not to mention horrifically confusing whenever I use it without thinking.

This is particularly annoying as everything else on the mouse is working, including the mouse wheel button, so I don't feel justified buying a new one, especially as I just had to buy some new earphones cus my old pair broke (why is it always the left one that breaks first?), plus I've got loads of Christmas presents to buy (big family, growing bigger. I have a niece now who is less than a year old but my sister, her mother, is insisting that I have to buy her a present, even though she's too titchy to know the difference between me and any other human being she sees), and I'm going on holiday at the end of January; my mum brought the plane tickets ages ago but has just told me today that she's expecting me to pay for my everything else. Thanks for telling me earlier!

Plus I was hoping to finally buy a Wii but I got a bank-statement the other day telling me I have £200 less than I thought I had. My sister (not the one with the baby) who hates computer games has a Wii. I have a Sega Mega Drive (Sega Saturn).
And I'm not making any money cus I really want to spend a large portion of next year doing full-time charity work.

And I need to start saving money I don't have to buy a new laptop 'cus this one is dreadful; I am never buying another Asus laptop again as long as I live. I give anyone who knows me permission to shoot me through the head if I ever again pay money for an Asus laptop.

So yeah, while I don't need a mouse wheel, it does make computer use about a thousand times easier. I know it's just a little thing but on top of everything else it's frustrating. Why can't things all break at different times so I don't have to pay for them all at once?

Oh, and I didn't get to see 'Phantom of the Opera' at the end of November 'cus we were too slow getting details sorted and weren't able to get tickets, which I am gutted about 'cus I was looking forward to it for most of a year.

Money is fail. I just hope I get a fair bit for Christmas or things are going to be messy.

Also, I really hate those blogs were a guy just whines about everything for ages. I mean, get over yourself, dude!
Aw, snap.

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Gretin's Avatar
I've had so many meese that have had the left mouse button stop working. For some reason.... I mean, it's not like you use the left mouse button a lot or anything

But the reception computer at my work has some stupid program installed so when you click the middle mouse button instead of doing it's normal action it pops up with this menu thing with extremely helpful shortcuts to programs.

And I hate to tell you this, but even when you have a regular income it doesn't solve all the money problems I've been working full-time (and getting paid - usually) for 2 and a half years but there's still not enough money for my wish-list. Of course, it doesn't help that there's all the things you have to pay for like food and stuff. Why couldn't we just eat grass!?

My laptop has lately decided that it likes to run really slow, then get slower and slower and slower and slower and slower and slower and slower and slower until it completely freezes up. And no, it's not an Asus, it's a Toshiba. I think I need to get a bigger one, anyway, though, because last time I was recording some music I nearly killed the computer.

EDITED: Just for you, OANST.
Posted 12-07-2009 at 10:30 AM by Gretin
Updated 12-07-2009 at 11:03 AM by Gretin

OANST's Avatar
Is the plural of mouse meese? It should be if it isn't.
Posted 12-07-2009 at 10:33 AM by OANST

Nate's Avatar
My laptop has lately decided that it likes to run really slow, then get slower and slower and slower
Reinstall Windows. It's amazing how much that helps.
Posted 12-07-2009 at 03:10 PM by Nate

Wil's Avatar
I love my Asus to pieces, it's never let me down, although its battery life is almost unusably short. Are you sure it's not an Acer?
Posted 12-07-2009 at 03:39 PM by Wil

Gretin's Avatar
Reinstall Windows. It's amazing how much that helps.
I had thought of that, but the ironic thing is I'm running a dual boot with Ubuntu and Windows, and Windows now runs faster. Perhaps there was an epic battle because Windows was jealous of me thinking Ubuntu was faster, so it's now sabotaged Ubuntu into running pathetically slow.

Of course, the validity of the above theory is somewhat dubious, but I need to get a more powerful computer anyway, so I've decided to leave it for now and then when I get a new one I'll transfer my important stuff over and then I'LL GET MAH STABBIN KNIFE! Splat will know what I'm talking about

Or I could just reinstall Windows.
Posted 12-07-2009 at 03:47 PM by Gretin
Updated 12-07-2009 at 03:47 PM by Gretin (OMG LYK SPELIG MISTAK)

Splat's Avatar
It's Asus. Forgetting the painful software trouble, it overheats pretty quickly on every surface I've tried it on, the fan is really noise and ineffective and even if the software behaves, the heat will eventually cause it to shut itself down.
Posted 12-07-2009 at 03:47 PM by Splat

MA's Avatar
I love my Asus to pieces, it's never let me down, although its battery life is almost unusably short.
misread that.
Posted 12-07-2009 at 04:24 PM by MA


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