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A blog that was going to be about school

Posted 10-23-2013 at 04:55 AM by Phylum
I had my valedictory (posh graduation) tonight. I'm almost done with school. Today our year level gathered, and sat around for ages while everyone got pieces of paper, special awards and whatnot. It was heart-wrenching, tear-jerking and generally fantastic. We have a good year, even if I don't know most of the >100 kids. We all laughed together in the 2009 -> 2013 photos of everyone, and we all really enjoyed the night.

I spent most of the night sitting with This One Girl, whispering and laughing. I fluked my way over to sitting with her in the first place, but after we both had to go up to find an award, we ended up back together when we couldn't find where we were supposed to be sitting. I definitely could have looked harder.

I've been talking to her lots lately. Lots. We have some plans to spend time together over summer, too. I feel like there could definitely be something between us. I certainly hope there could be. I'm crazy about her. I can't even begin to explain how I feel. It's like the best feeling in the world. I might be in love with her.

Tomorrow is the last full day of school. I'm going to tell her how I feel. I can't imagine not telling her. I just can't keep it to myself. If I get turned down I'll be crushed, but at the same time if she feels the same way it's going to be amazing. It's going to be the perfect end to the year.

Speaking of perfect, I passed the uni audition for the Bachelor of Music in Classical Performance, Flute at Adelaide Uni. Now as long as I get decent grades I'm in. I'd be hard pressed to get turned down from here.

I think one way or another I'll probably post another blog tomorrow. I'd say wish me luck, but I don't think any girl in her right mind could turn down a guy with a beard as great as mine.

Also thank you guys for generally being supportive when I've been freaked out/stressed/tired/depressed over the last 5 years. Everything's great now and I don't need to rely on this place so much any more. You were like my training wheels for big-boy problems <3
Posted in Crappy Crap, Crap
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Oddey's Avatar
I'll wish you luck anyway.
Posted 10-23-2013 at 04:14 PM by Oddey

Phylum's Avatar
So I didn't get a chance to talk to her today. Kind of disappointing. I'm going to see her tomorrow, but I don't know if I'll be able to get her alone.

I think we kind of have plans to catch up over summer, so I'll tell her eventually.
Posted 10-24-2013 at 04:03 AM by Phylum

MeechMunchie's Avatar
Even though my experiences with girls have been exclusively awful, I have nothing but support for you. At the very least, you can look yourself straight in the mirror and say you did the best you could.
Posted 10-24-2013 at 06:04 AM by MeechMunchie

Varrok's Avatar
This blog isn't sad
Posted 10-24-2013 at 10:41 AM by Varrok

Jordan's Avatar
Awww nice one!

Let us know how it goes <3
Posted 10-24-2013 at 03:08 PM by Jordan

STM's Avatar
Congratulations, and don't worry about not telling her, these things rarely live up to expectations because we want them to be perfect. You're a super awesome dude with a great beard so either way, whether she says yay or nay, you're a catch. ;D

Got plans for what you want to do now you've vasecto...valedictoried?
Posted 10-25-2013 at 10:53 AM by STM

Phylum's Avatar
Finish my last few English assignments, and prepare for exams. Out of the frying pan, into the fire

Also I talked to her after we spent all night last night together at a jazz cabaret evening. Basically, the worst thing possible happened. She has feelings for me, but she also has feelings for some girl in our year and she has no idea what to do. She actually went on a few dates with the other girl earlier in the year, but they stopped seeing each other because of school. I also think the other girl has a boyfriend now, or has had a boyfriend.

I told her that she needs to know how the girl feels. I also suggested, because she went on some dates with the other girl, that we should get together some time after she's finished exams and see how it goes. I have no idea if this is the right thing to do or not.

I had a crummy sleep last night, on top of being up until 1:30am talking to her about everything. I felt like there were rocks in my stomach. I need to get this sorted as quickly as possible.
Posted 10-25-2013 at 03:08 PM by Phylum

Jordan's Avatar
That is a tough situation to be in. Try and give her a bit of time to sort her feelings out and decide where you both want to go from there.
Posted 10-26-2013 at 10:48 AM by Jordan

MA's Avatar
I told her that she needs to know how the girl feels. I also suggested, because she went on some dates with the other girl, that we should get together some time after she's finished exams and see how it goes. I have no idea if this is the right thing to do or not.
i think you absolutely did the right thing there.

good luck too.
Posted 10-27-2013 at 04:36 AM by MA


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