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Airline was sooo shit.

Posted 06-22-2008 at 01:07 PM by Oddey
My first flight. Delayed for four hours. Next flight delayed five hours. With more time in the airport than on the planes I was pretty damn frusterated. But does it get worse? Yes and no. The first summer house in Tampa has no internet therefore keeping me away from Moosh's and my own stories. But this second house in Orlando has both some of my favourite movies and internet. In spite of the smaller pool this place may be somewhat more enjoyable. Here for another week then off to Naples (Spelling may be needed.).

In the meantime I'll be gettin' up to date with whatever has happened.
Total Comments 2


Moosh da Outlaw's Avatar
That sucks. xC
Something always seems to go wrong when it comes to planes. Anyway, have fun in Naples. (May also need spellcheck)
Posted 06-22-2008 at 02:57 PM by Moosh da Outlaw

Oddey's Avatar
Naples are be the cooler than the Orlando.
Translation: Naples > Orlando. In terms of family orientation and summer house quality.
Posted 06-28-2008 at 01:45 PM by Oddey


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