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I'm in love, fuckers
Posted 08-16-2013 at 10:12 AM by Mac Sirloin
I don't want to post too much about this here because I'm worried I'll jinx it, but I've hit it off with a friend of mine of a few years. She and I connected over a lot of stuff recently and we really have a strong chemistry. I always assumed school or a career or something would draw someone like this into my life but I just told her how I felt a week ago and she feels the same. I feel unbelievably happy. I so, so don't want to fuck this up. That's pretty much all that's been happening in my life lately. Also I got hired at a video store which doesn't start for a month.
So yeah. Love. And apparently video rental places are still open. Who knew? Me do. Cause they said 'We hire you.' |
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