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I am from Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany but currently live in Turku, Finland

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For the summer........

Posted 05-12-2011 at 04:12 PM by JennyGenesis
So as you know my boyfriend will be back home in Slovenia for the summer whilst I will be here on my lonesome but that is not what this is about. So I'm a college student and like any sort of student I am constantly broke. I don't have a part time job as I don't want it eating into my spare time as me and boyfriend spend any spare time we have at the same time together with each other.

So with him gone for the summer I will have nothing to do and no money comming in at all. So I've made the smart decision to get my self a full time job just for the summer to keep me busy and to have some money aswell.

So I've taken a gander on various websites and there are the typical jobs like a bar worker, cashier, advertiser, you know the jobs that don't require a mass amount of skill or qualifications.

However I have become rather interested in something that seems weirder than the rest and more fun (Trust me I am the weirdest person you will ever know) so this job vacancy is from get ready for it...................Ann Summers. But from what I can gather it's not working in a shop (I haven't got the balls to walk into one yet )

Apparently this is something which (if memory serves me right) a party organiser or recruiter. I really can't remember now but something to do with parties must be fun and apparently they are very flexible with hours aswell so maybe this is something I could keep for my spare time when I can't see my boyfriend when he eventually comes back.

So I've popped them an e-mail asking for a few details and hopefully they will get back to me answering my question. Doing something with partying for must be different and a little exciting and I just think it will be awesome to say to my friends "I WORK FOR ANN SUMMERS"

So who knows what the future holds. I may not even get this. But really I just need something to give me a bit of cash to spend in the summer as I have Xbox games to buy and I'm thinking of investing in a Macbook Pro.

Wish me luck. I'm really interested in finding out the details on this. I just hope that this organising thing isn't much of a hinderance. I don't wanna upset people with my organising system. I dont put things in a sensible order like alphabetical or colour, what I do is just randomly put things in an order then always stick to it. Example. My shelf with my Xbox games goes like this (just a small sample)

Forza Motorsport 3
Left 4 Dead 2
Race Pro
Baja Edge Of Control
Cabela's Dangerous Adventures
Saints Row 2

So there's no obvious order there, but I always make sure that the games (the small selection shown) are in the order mentioned. I suppose you could say it's a little OCD
Total Comments 3


Nate's Avatar
Who or what is Ann Summers?
Posted 05-12-2011 at 05:50 PM by Nate

enchilado's Avatar
Posted 05-12-2011 at 05:56 PM by enchilado

Wings of Fire's Avatar
I went in an Ann Summers store once to buy handcuffs and lingerie.

It was an experience.
Posted 05-12-2011 at 06:10 PM by Wings of Fire


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