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I am from Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany but currently live in Turku, Finland

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I'm A Paedophile

Posted 05-23-2011 at 09:10 AM by JennyGenesis
Yes you read the title correctly. I got into serious trouble in College today on the grounds of me apparently being a paedophile


Well in college (some of you know I'm studying photography) one of my friends nicknamed "Caz" is doing a project where she makes a giant dolls box and puts a model inside to photograph and pretend it's a doll.

Caz brought in her 9 year old sister to be the model inside this giant dolls box. Since we are good friends and I couldn't be bothered doing work on my project today I decided to help set up the photoshoot.

We got an old metal cupboard and lined the inside with shiney pink wrapping paper. So as the teamwork commenced suddenly Caz's sister stopped being this shy little child and me and her started to have a good talk and a few jokes.

The photoshoot was going well and Caz asked me if I could take photos of her stood inside the giant box with her sister. I agreed to it and took pictures of the two sisters together.

For a laugh I asked if Caz could take some photos of me stood in the box. So there I was stood inside this giant pink box with a pink tail pulling funny poses and faces.

Caz's sister then came and stood inside the box with me for a few photos. The photoshoot was complete and Caz had to get her sister home so our tutor asked if I could transer the photos onto my desktop on a college computer. So I took the card and plugged it into the computer to begin the tranfser.

Suddenly Caz walks in with her sister and asks me to make a few print outs. Our tutor comes and takes a look at the pictures and he sees the ones of me and Caz's sister.

The tutor got all funny and told the 3 of us over the pictures even though we told him that we were simply messing about. He simply said that the pictures looked "wrong" and that people would ask questions. He was quite adamant that nobody should see the pictures and stood over us to make sure that we did delete the photos and then took me away for a one to one chat where he asked some questions.......

One of the few photographs that survived.
Total Comments 17


STM's Avatar
What a dick head, you should have said you have problems for a laff.
Posted 05-23-2011 at 09:14 AM by STM

MeechMunchie's Avatar
I'm not surprised, really. They can't make exceptions. If you have slightly creepy photos of yourself with a child you're going to be asked to get rid of them.
Posted 05-23-2011 at 09:25 AM by MeechMunchie

JennyGenesis's Avatar
It was nothing creepy. Just us two stood next to each other smiling.
Posted 05-23-2011 at 09:32 AM by JennyGenesis

RoryF's Avatar
What an idiot. I've had simular stuff where me and my friend took a stupid photo on my phone and my teacher got all annoyed about it and said I shouldn't have pictures of other people. I guess you just have to leave it sometimes.
Posted 05-23-2011 at 09:39 AM by RoryF

Havoc's Avatar
To be honest, things are getting a bit creepy with every parent and every school looking at everyone like they are a potential paedophile. It's come to a point where, when a small kid asks you something you better run away as fast as you can, before someone sees you talking to a small child and alerts someone 'just in case'. It's happened here, it's happened in America multiple times.

Case in point, I got back in contact with a really old girlfriend, from like 15 years ago. I was 9 and she was 11 at the time. Now she's got two kids ages 3 and 5, I think.
Last week I went over there to catch up and we had a chat. The day I was over there was the day both her kids went to some kids gym class so I strolled along to the place and waited outside the locker room where all the kids were changing clothes with their parents. The door was open and I was just messing about on my phone, waiting for her to come back out. When I looked up I saw two parents walk past me, looking at me with this suspicious look.

They kept staring at me like that from time to time until my friend came back out, at which point they seemed to realize I was not there filming inside the locker room with my phone and was actually there for a valid reason. Made me feel extremely uncomfortable though, and it didn't help that we had to go back to pick them up later that day either.
Posted 05-23-2011 at 09:59 AM by Havoc

Mr. Bungle's Avatar
So now a man and a (albeit much younger) girl can't even stand next to each other without being accused of paedophillia? Jesus christ.

This wasn't directed at anyone, but rather the contents of the blog itself
Posted 05-23-2011 at 10:16 AM by Mr. Bungle

Wings of Fire's Avatar
On time I admitted to liking magical girl shows, where nine year old girls dress up in cute costumes and fight baddies.

OANST called me a pedophile, we fell out.

Bad times.
Posted 05-23-2011 at 10:46 AM by Wings of Fire

OANST's Avatar
I didn't really call you a pedophile. I called the people who made the show pedophiles, and called you naive and stupid for not seeing it.
Posted 05-23-2011 at 12:36 PM by OANST

Wings of Fire's Avatar
Bad times.
Posted 05-23-2011 at 12:40 PM by Wings of Fire

JennyGenesis's Avatar
"Now Now Gentle Gluks"
Posted 05-23-2011 at 01:01 PM by JennyGenesis

OANST's Avatar
Yeah. I'm really good at making people not like me anymore. Good at making them not love me too.
Posted 05-23-2011 at 01:03 PM by OANST

JennyGenesis's Avatar
*Holds out hand with a Toffee on it*
Posted 05-23-2011 at 01:16 PM by JennyGenesis

Wings of Fire's Avatar
I know it's petty consolation, but I never stopped liking you.
Posted 05-23-2011 at 01:18 PM by Wings of Fire

OANST's Avatar
Hell, I don't even like me.
Posted 05-23-2011 at 02:16 PM by OANST

Bullet Magnet's Avatar
I'm just going to replace the lid on this particular box and return it to the first lady.
Posted 05-23-2011 at 02:19 PM by Bullet Magnet

Rex Tirano's Avatar
For assessed work don't people under 16/18 have to have their parents sign a form saying that you can photograph them?

It sounds as if your tutor was going abit overboard. What did he say in your little one-to-one?
Posted 05-23-2011 at 02:27 PM by Rex Tirano

enchilado's Avatar
Yeah. I'm really good at making people not like me anymore. Good at making them not love me too.
My balls hurt.
Posted 05-23-2011 at 03:17 PM by enchilado


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