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Fucking Voice Chips

Posted 10-23-2009 at 10:02 AM by Mac Sirloin
Here's an MSN conversation I just had with a story.
Simon says:
Earlier in the week I had to test Electric toys at SVDP.
It's not a very fun or interesting job.
Because they're all baby toys and baby toys make stupid noises.
But there was this teddy bear thing.
There was a cassette player embedded in its back.
It didn't work, so I just went crazy with it. It was articulated to I snapped all the limbs and like, twisted the head off. Just went to town, really.
Jordan says:
... Agghhh.
Simon says:
I guess in the process of spinning the head I twitched some wire, and it started working again.
But because it was so fucked all the power went to the speaker which just made a really loud HCHCHCHCCHCHCHHCCH noise.
And the motors tried spinning things that weren't connected any more so it started writhing in my hands like a big hairy mggot.
It was simultaneously entertained beyond words and terrified.
Jordan says:
Simon says:
The head was still attached, though, and the 'lips' and 'eyes' were doing their little twitchy dance, and Craig told me to shut it up.
Jordan says:
Rich Germans demand higher taxes

A group of rich Germans has launched a petition calling for the government to make wealthy people pay higher taxes.

The group say they have more money than they need, and the extra revenue could fund economic and social programmes to aid Germany's economic recovery.

Simon says:
So I said 'GIVE ME YOUR FACE' loud enough for a few people to hear and just tore it off. It severed whatever conneciton it had and shut it up.
Germany makes us look goddamn adolescent.
Jordan says:
I know. XD
Also, you really shouldn't have said that.
Simon says:
I know :/
I wasn't holding it up with like, Skeletor fingers, I was just sitting there looking bewildered.
After it quieted down everyone was like "Thanks." and went back to work. I'm pretty sure the noises it was making covered my voice.
Jordan says:
Best story ever.
Simon says:
Fuck noisy toys.
Total Comments 4


OANST's Avatar
When I worked at Media Play I used to make all of the kids' toys that made the sounds of the alphabet say swear words. Yeah, I'm that guy.
Posted 10-23-2009 at 11:07 AM by OANST

MA's Avatar
And the motors tried spinning things that weren't connected any more so it started writhing in my hands like a big hairy mggot.
that's fucking disgusting and disturbing.
Posted 10-24-2009 at 07:04 AM by MA

scrab queen's Avatar
I had a similar experiance with one of those BooBah dancing toys. It would squat, wave it's arms up and down, and roll it's head around, while making it's usual 'squeee!' noises. But if any of the movements were hindered, it made this loud, scary-as-shit clicking noise, and it would screech and groan over it's own voice.

It was accidentally activated while under a pile of junk in the closet. Everybody in the room got scarred for life. Thankfully, we managed to burn the damned thing while my little sister wasn't home.

It was worse than my posessed Furby.
Posted 10-25-2009 at 04:07 AM by scrab queen

Mac Sirloin's Avatar
Furbies are a whole other can of worms. They're built INCREDIBLY solid and even if you smash one to bits, it still makes awful noises.
Posted 10-25-2009 at 06:48 AM by Mac Sirloin


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