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A bit of closure.

Posted 02-01-2010 at 08:08 PM by Disgruntled Intern
So, it's all done. We made the funeral arrangements today. It wasn't as horrible as I had expected it to be. Making the arrangements, I mean. We decided on cremation because neither of us could stand the idea of Zoe being alone in the ground some where, cold and alone.

Also, we'll both be getting memorial tattoos for her, and a bit of her ashes will be mixed in with the ink so that we can carry her with us for as long as we live. As hokey as it sounds I really dig the idea of being able to take my little girl with me on all of our [mis]adventures so she can see and do everything that we do.

The actual labor was bad. Real bad. It started off okay. Dorian was actually having contractions, but by the next day they had stopped entirely. Her blood pressure then sky-rocketed [it was at 197/118 for those of you in the know] and just wouldn't come down.

They had her hooked up to all of these machines and fucking IV's and I just sat there crying feeling big and dumb and useless. Then her platelet count dropped. Big time. The healthy average is 150-440,000. At its lowest, her count was around 50,000. Which means if she started bleeding, she would have died.

Cue more crying. Cue me feeling even more helpless. Cue emergency C-section.

That actually went okay. Dorian lived. Obviously Zoe didn't. We decided to spend some time with little Zoe after Dorian was out of the woods and not so woozy from the anesthesia, and I'm really glad we did that. I was against it at first. But holding my daughter for the first, and unfortunately last time, was the most amazing thing I have ever experienced. She was beautiful. Full head of black hair, looked exactly like Dorian.

It was hard. We spent about three hours with her. I know it probably sounds horribly morbid to read about me holding and loving my dead daughter, but it absolutely gave us the closure we needed. It was hello and goodbye in the same breath, but I wouldn't change it.

The nurses were amazing. They actually had a couple of nurses called 'hope nurses' that were women who had gone through exactly what we had and were there to counsel and talk us through any decisions that needed to be made. One of them, Susan, was one of the neatest people I've ever had the pleasure if interacting with. They definitely made the whole process a lot smoother. Rather than feeling like social outcasts in a section of a hospital focusing on life, we were treated just like every other new parent. It was sad and nice at the same time.

As far as the cause of death is concerned, the cord was wrapped around her neck when they delivered her, but they weren't 100% sure that was the cause of her death. We decided on an autopsy in case it turns out to be something hereditary or preventable. Not knowing is rough.

As horrible as this has been, it's definitely brought Dorian and I much closer together. I've always loved her, but it's just different now. The positive experience with the nurses has also taught me that nursing is where I belong, as it's truly a job that I can be proud of doing at the end of the day. So I'll be going back to school in the spring quarter to begin the pre-requisites for the registered nursing program.

But the most important thing I learned is that if there's one thing I want to do with my life, it's be a father. To lots of kids. I will be the big bearded heavily tattooed bastard with a baby on his hip and two toddlers in tow that you stare at in the mall. And I will be happier than you.
Total Comments 19


Nate's Avatar
<3 that last paragraph.

Nothing I say can possibly sum up my reaction to reading this. Suffice to say that my heart goes out to both you and Dorian and that I'm glad that Dorian is okay and that you have found some way to... well... saying "feel positive about it" sounds entirely wrong, but I mean to say the fact that you've been able to take something out of the horrible experience. The tattoo idea sounds nice. Might be a tough explanation to your future children though.
Posted 02-01-2010 at 08:23 PM by Nate

Taco's Avatar
I'm glad you feel better and have received proper support at the hospital. I can't even imagine going through anything that you've gone through. I wish you luck with anything you decide to do in the future
Posted 02-01-2010 at 08:27 PM by Taco

Disgruntled Intern's Avatar

Nate, we fully intend on telling our kids about Zoe. Even if she didn't make it, she was our first, and she'll always be special.
Posted 02-01-2010 at 08:30 PM by Disgruntled Intern
Updated 02-01-2010 at 08:34 PM by Disgruntled Intern

mr.odd's Avatar
Sounds like you're feeling better.

What you plan on doing with the ashes sounds like a pretty cool idea. Think you could show us the tattoos when you get them?
Posted 02-01-2010 at 08:45 PM by mr.odd

used:)'s Avatar
I'm really glad to know you came to a good conclusion, and the tatoo idea sounds fantastic. I know you'll be a terrific father and caretaker.

Best wishes.
Posted 02-01-2010 at 09:30 PM by used:)

Ridg3's Avatar
I feel sad about the second paragraph just thinking what could have been, just to let you know (if you already didn't) you have everyones support here.
And I like the idea of the tattoo.

(I reread this and I think it sounds a bit twatish but I don't know how to rephrase it )
Posted 02-02-2010 at 01:12 AM by Ridg3

T-nex's Avatar
._. I know this probably sounds lame or stupid... But I teared up reading this.
I'm really sorry about this. Reading about or seeing people loose something they loved dearly is something that always breaks my heart. Specially if I can relate to that person in one way or another.
But I'm glad you're feeling better. And from what I can read, you're a good person. Having kids isn't really something I desire, but I respect people who do, and who are loving parents who want the best for their kids.
Also Zoe was the absolutely cutest name anyone could ever think of.

About the whole holding your dead baby, I do not find it weird in the least. When my dad's GF died from cancer, we held her corpse in our house for 3 whole days. My dad really loved her, and we were all really devastated to loose her, so my dad wanted to keep her. In Denmark this is seen as blasphemy or something like that, but in Romania I think it's actually a common thing. My dad told me that in Romania, it was a disrespectful thing to just abandon your dead relatives when they died, and that being with them, even after death is a beautiful thing. So personally I think it is too. It definitely brought more closure to us too.

In the very least, I'm happy that Dorian is ok. You two sound like an awesome couple. A couple that truly love each other and that's what really matters. So good luck luck with everything. And I'm sorry if this post seems rather sappy or whatever .. I'm not good with these things x_x
Posted 02-02-2010 at 02:33 AM by T-nex

Wings of Fire's Avatar
Nikki isn't the only one who teared up, I'm glad that this experience brought you and Dorian closer together.

*Manly hug*
Posted 02-02-2010 at 02:49 AM by Wings of Fire

shaman's Avatar
I think your a resilliant person. The tattoo is a lovely idea and the fact that your wife and you are closer is fantastic. Best wishes.
Posted 02-02-2010 at 02:54 AM by shaman

Oddey's Avatar
You just made me smile in a sort of sad way.

And my right eye is watery, but that's because I have a cold and this comes with it.

I can just picture you with a toddler tugging your beard.
Posted 02-02-2010 at 05:54 AM by Oddey

Bullet Magnet's Avatar
Several of my friends have stillborn elder siblings. Those families are healthy and happy and I know and hope you will be the same.
Posted 02-02-2010 at 05:56 AM by Bullet Magnet

MA's Avatar
there's nothing i feel is worth me saying, other than you are an inspiration to me and many others i am sure for pulling through this.

and that's an incredible way to keep little Zoe with you always. utmost respect, chap.
Posted 02-02-2010 at 07:47 AM by MA

MeechMunchie's Avatar
It's good to hear things are looking up. I'm sure you'll be a wonderful father. You'll be able to bring them up with all the love and support they need, and each one will have a little bit of you in them, just like you will have a little bit of Zoe in you.

Best of luck to you and Dorian.
Posted 02-02-2010 at 07:48 AM by MeechMunchie

Disgruntled Intern's Avatar
Thank you again for all of the support.

Something I forgot to mention is that Zoe was huge. Not fat or anything. Just long. Like I said, she looked exactly like Dorian, but she definitely got my huge hands, feet and long torso.

She would have been a basketball player. Ha.

She was only 32 weeks old and already 18 inches long and four pounds. I thought that was neat.
Posted 02-02-2010 at 08:33 AM by Disgruntled Intern

Sekto Springs's Avatar
I'm sorry about your loss. I subscribe to the hollow reality that death isn't necessarily good or bad, it just is, but even a man of stone would be brought to tears in a situation so emotionally invested as this.

I really didn't know what to say in your last blog. The situation was so beyond me that any consolation on my part would have been empty. Your ability to pick yourself up after this amazes me. You are a strong human being, Dave. Helluva lot stronger than I would be if such a thing were to happen to me. Best of luck to you and Dorian.

Also, I'm glad that the other members are showing you some respect by not posting stupid blogs immediately proceeding this one... oh wait....
Posted 02-02-2010 at 08:48 AM by Sekto Springs

Disgruntled Intern's Avatar
Also, I'm glad that the other members are showing you some respect by not posting stupid blogs immediately proceeding this one... oh wait....
If you want to talk about respect, why try to turn this into something ugly at all?

Anyway, thanks.
Posted 02-02-2010 at 08:54 AM by Disgruntled Intern

Mac Sirloin's Avatar
You'll make a good dad.
Posted 02-02-2010 at 03:35 PM by Mac Sirloin
Updated 04-04-2010 at 07:23 PM by Mac Sirloin

Hobo's Avatar
Seconding Kastere.
Posted 02-02-2010 at 04:14 PM by Hobo

OANST's Avatar
I'm glad to see that you're dealing with this as well as you are. As devastated as you must be, you are able to look to the future, and do what is needed to figure out the cause so that the situation will not repeat itself. I wish you the best of luck.
Posted 02-06-2010 at 10:26 AM by OANST


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