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I sometimes wonder

Posted 10-13-2011 at 02:02 AM by Strike Witch

Can we ever really have true peace? I mean, right now the world is turbulent, but it's by no means in the throes of disaster or anything. There's always going to be flashes and bangs of conflict about the world as things slowly change, maybe we should just be grateful that's all there is.
Total Comments 8


Havoc's Avatar
There will only be peace when we're all fucking dead.
Posted 10-13-2011 at 02:08 AM by Havoc

Dixanadu's Avatar
Peace through superior firepower.
Posted 10-13-2011 at 05:08 AM by Dixanadu

DarkHoodness's Avatar
"'cause at the end of the day, as long as there's two people left on the planet, someone is going to want someone dead." ~ TF2 Meet the Sniper trailer.
Posted 10-13-2011 at 05:57 AM by DarkHoodness

Sekto Springs's Avatar
There will never be peace as long as there are valuable, non-renewable resources in the world. Unless of course, everyone agrees to share
Posted 10-13-2011 at 06:11 AM by Sekto Springs

Mac Sirloin's Avatar
Free energy is peace.
Posted 10-13-2011 at 06:27 AM by Mac Sirloin

Alcar's Avatar
And thus, Utopia was lost.

Posted 10-13-2011 at 08:32 AM by Alcar

STM's Avatar
Impossible, there will always be corruption, thus war.
Posted 10-13-2011 at 09:52 AM by STM

Sekto Springs's Avatar
gnoh gize havent u heard about teh zeitgeist movment? its totaly the answer. world peice is in are grasp! lol
Posted 10-13-2011 at 10:36 AM by Sekto Springs


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