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I am from Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany but currently live in Turku, Finland

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The Greatest Dissapointment

Posted 09-23-2011 at 08:50 AM by JennyGenesis
Well folks, the day finally fucking arrived, I got to see my boyfriend today, just for us to,


Please don't sit here reading this feeling sorry for me, Strangely I feel a lot happier

So here's what happened

The plans was this

Wednesday- He goes from Slovenia to London
Thursday- He comes to Wales, both of us were to busy to meet
Friday- we meet again

So I phoned him yesterday to ask for the arangements for today, sadly it turned sour and he became very arsey with me when all I simply asked was what time were we meeting, he continues to get arsey and it ends with me telling him I love him just for him to say bye and hang up, this upset and the fact that we had hardly spoke at all over the summer was adding up to me feeling this urge to dump him and it was badly hurting me.

I phoned him today and he seemed a lot nicer and calmer so I just figured he must have been in a better mood, so I went and met him, and taking the new haircut out of the equation, he seemed different, now being that we are a gay couple we just want an easy life so when outside we do nothing more than a friendly hug, I hugged him and he seemed a little apprehensive.

We went into this house and whenever I tried to get close he tried to distract me with something, manily pictures and videos on the laptop of his summer holiday, there was a certain video he made which was a quick 3 minute comedy sketch about 3 guys in drag that go on a picnic and I found it quite funny, after we watched it I took him to his bed and sat down, I went to kiss him on the lips and just before I got there he turned and I ended up kissing him on the cheek.

The past 3 months, yesterdays phone call and what just happened were all adding up in my head of something being wrong. It was then he turned to me, and he said that he was kind of in a relationship with somebody back home, I struggled not to hold back the tears, I hugged him and of all fucking things to say he said "Awwww cmon Stephen I knew you'd be a drama queen like this" I said to him, "I fucking aint, don't you think I feel hurt to hear you say that!"

He said that he understood it would hurt me but he had to get it out.

What he said next truely blew my fuse, I asked him how long it has been going on, and he said it has been happening not long after he got home, I got pissed off because I told him that he could have told me this whilst he was away but he said that he didn't want to seem like a pussy and tell me it face to face, rather than through a Facebook message, I told him "I don't give a shit, you made me wait all this fucking time just to tell me now"

I asked him what he meant by a "kinda relationship" and I said to him that I was ok with him to have just sex with others as that was our agreement so why has he started a relationship with someone, I asked if he still loved me and if I had done anything wrong. It turns out that he actually meant was that he had a "fuckbuddy' but in the end what it came down to was that he just didn't want a relationship with me,

He said he felt he didn't feel ready for a relationship yet and that he wanted to be single and free

He went on to explain that he still loved me, but just strong love for a good friend, not "in love" and that he wanted to us to be "friends with benefits" basicly (another term)

I felt happy about this, when my ex dumped me he didn't want anything to do with me, he wouldn't even talk to me so knowing that Nejc still loved me as a friend enough to still want sex meant a lot to me.

We sat there awkwardly not really unsure what to say, he then said to me "Stevie, I'm really horny" I said to him "me to" and we had a nice dosage of fun.

So that was a surprising end to what frankly was hurtful to hear yet at the same time nice to know he still likes me a lot which is why I feel so happy, I also feel really happy because it feels as if somehow a weight has been lifted from my shoulders knowing that I'm single again.

So next weekend I'm off to his house to see him, I just hope that we won't feel awkward and nothing upsetting happens, but I feel as if I can easily go there next week for a bit of fun and he said that he would still be fine for us to hug and kiss when having sex, I still feel in love with him, its only today we have broken up, so It will take time.

As much as I am excited to go to his house next week I am hoping that my love will control itself and won"t cause any problems.

It truely is the greatest disappointment in my life so far and fucks me off big time that he had to wait till today to tell me this. I am greatful for the turnout though.
Total Comments 23


Jordan's Avatar
I'm sorry to hear about that, it's not good that he had to tell you so late. You could have dealt with that over the Summer and moved on.

But woah woah woah. The last part really got me. You break up yet he still wants to have sex with you? That's not good at all. If you're still in love with him I can guarantee by having sex with him you will become attached to him. I'm going to give you some advice. Tell him no, say no to the sex. You think your love will be in control but I think if you continue to sleep with him things will get very messy.
Posted 09-23-2011 at 10:18 AM by Jordan

Dixanadu's Avatar
I'm with Jordan. It's never cool to fuck someone you've split up with, it causes complications to the overall 'friendship' you'd agree on both having. It's better to at least salvage a friendship from this than have nothing at all.

Posted 09-23-2011 at 11:01 AM by Dixanadu

JennyGenesis's Avatar
I understand exactly what you guys are saying and I appreciate it.

At the same time though I do want to go and see him next week, hopefully by then my love would have died a bit, but maybe it will backfire and shoot back up when I see him again.
Posted 09-23-2011 at 01:30 PM by JennyGenesis

MeechMunchie's Avatar
If your feelings start to cool off, great. Have fun with all the arse-related sexy sex.

If you start getting all loved up again, bail; bail like a sissy. Fob him off with a promise of friendship and run.
Posted 09-23-2011 at 01:40 PM by MeechMunchie

JennyGenesis's Avatar
Well, we basicly said that it would be like old times, go over for the weekend, have a bit of fun, bit of drink, something to eat, watch a movie and go out and enjoy ourselves and stuff, minus the hugs and kisses and love part, I think I can do it, but that's think, just have to see how things go. if something does go wrong, I'm sure he will try and help somehow, like we said we would still be there for each other and stuff,

Or am I just being stupid and running in like an idiot?
Posted 09-23-2011 at 02:42 PM by JennyGenesis

MeechMunchie's Avatar
A little. Which suggests you might be in love.
Posted 09-23-2011 at 03:35 PM by MeechMunchie

JennyGenesis's Avatar
Like I said, I'm still in love with him.
Posted 09-23-2011 at 03:38 PM by JennyGenesis

Dixanadu's Avatar
THAT... awkward shit.
Posted 09-23-2011 at 07:41 PM by Dixanadu

Wings of Fire's Avatar
He's an asshole. You'd be best to break all connections with him.
Posted 09-23-2011 at 09:27 PM by Wings of Fire

Havoc's Avatar
Heh, a lot of that just now sounds like when my GF broke up. She wanted to be free and single and stuff. And afterwards we had sex and did get back together though. Still, I don't think she was quite as far away as you two were.

Long distance relationships simply don't work. Unfortunately.
Posted 09-24-2011 at 01:18 AM by Havoc

JennyGenesis's Avatar
Your right Havoc, I get the feeling that things may be different between us if he didn't go away,

Though maybe it would have made no difference since he wants to be free and single.
Posted 09-24-2011 at 02:22 AM by JennyGenesis

Wings of Fire's Avatar
No really

'I don't want to be in a relationship with you, but I still want to fuck you. Actually can we fuck now?'

And you still have feelings for him

Fuck that shit. He's using you. Keep your distance.
Posted 09-24-2011 at 06:03 AM by Wings of Fire

Wings of Fire's Avatar
Also what Havoc said was irresponsible. Don't become 'friends with benefits' with the idea that he may want you back sometime. If he really doesn't then you're in a very awkward and destructive relationship.

What if he finds a boyfriend who doesn't care for his fuckbuddy? He's already proven himself to be fickle once, why not again?
Posted 09-24-2011 at 06:06 AM by Wings of Fire

Strike Witch's Avatar
I'd ditch this guy. Sounds like he's just using you as a sextoy for his benefit.
Posted 09-24-2011 at 06:27 AM by Strike Witch

Nate's Avatar
I'm with WoF on this one. Allowing yourself even a smidgen of hope will only result in you torturing yourself. Trust me, I've been there. Hell, I'm there now.

Having said that... maybe give him a week to settle back in to living in the UK and see if he changes his mind. It might have just been the distance and the life-interruption that made him feel that way. Maybe being back will remind him of why you got together in the first place. But after a week passes, if he only wants casual shagging, remove him from facebook, delete him from your phone and cut off all contact.
Posted 09-24-2011 at 06:32 AM by Nate

Pilot's Avatar
Posted 09-24-2011 at 06:59 AM by Pilot

JennyGenesis's Avatar
I don't really want to get back with him, he wants to be free and single so he can fuck about, being in a relationship with me was obviously stopping that, so until he gets fed up of sleeping around and manages by a miracle to convince me he's had enough of it, I don't see the point in us getting back together.

For now, I feel happy just to have casual sex, at the end of the day we are both getting what we want, as nice as it would be for us to get back together, I really can't see that happening so I've accepted that.
Posted 09-24-2011 at 08:10 AM by JennyGenesis

MeechMunchie's Avatar
And thus nullifying at least one thread of this conversation.
Posted 09-24-2011 at 09:25 AM by MeechMunchie

Nate's Avatar
at the end of the day we are both getting what we want
Is that really all that you want from him?
Posted 09-24-2011 at 06:12 PM by Nate

JennyGenesis's Avatar
For now. Yes, like I said, don't really want a relationship with him until he "calms down" plus were still good friends n stuff, so its not as if I'm just goona go there, do the business and go away, we can still have fun hanging out and doing what friends do.
Posted 09-25-2011 at 01:37 AM by JennyGenesis

Nate's Avatar
It's the word 'until' in your post that worries me. The fact is, if he doesn't want a relationship with you now (or at least, in a week or so when he settles in again), he probably never will. And the minuteness of chances that that 'probably' encompasses suggests that you're wasting your time sticking with him rather than trying to find someone new who'll treat you the way you deserve.
Posted 09-25-2011 at 04:15 AM by Nate

JennyGenesis's Avatar
I understand where you are comming from there, the "until" part, yes it's true, until then, no, I don't want to be back with him. But I cannot see that happening for a very long time and theres a very high chance that by then that I would probably be with somebody else and even if he wanted me back, should I? In case we end up in the same situation again? Probably not.

It's been a matter of days, so I don't want to go out to find another relationship yet, and even when I do get to that point, I don't see the harm in having a bit of fun on the side when looking for my next partner, I did it before I met Nejc.
Posted 09-25-2011 at 06:54 AM by JennyGenesis

Pilot's Avatar
Sorry, I should have posted this one:

Posted 09-25-2011 at 02:37 PM by Pilot


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