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Posted 04-25-2013 at 07:57 AM by Nepsotic
Updated 02-15-2016 at 10:14 AM by Nepsotic
[Redacted due to cringe]
Total Comments 35


RoryF's Avatar
I'm assuming safe mode doesn't work then, or haven't you tried it?
Posted 04-25-2013 at 08:47 AM by RoryF

OANST's Avatar
What do you want? Money? Get in line.
Posted 04-25-2013 at 09:15 AM by OANST

STM's Avatar
Wait you mean you'll have to stop using the internet for a little while and go outside to enjoy the glorious weather or something? My fucking house is literally falling apart and you're complaining about your laptop being broken? Get a paper round and save up for a new one or go to a computer shop and get it checked out?
Posted 04-25-2013 at 09:20 AM by STM

DarkHoodness's Avatar
No better excuse to go out and enjoy the sunshine while it's here.

Research your problem on the Internet through your phone, or come up with your own kludge, and be more careful with your stuff in future if it's that valuable to you. Sounds like you shocked your hard drive, but that's just my speculation. Hope you kept regular backups of your data...
Posted 04-25-2013 at 09:35 AM by DarkHoodness
Updated 04-25-2013 at 09:40 AM by DarkHoodness

RoryF's Avatar
I was thinking hdd shock from when you said you punched it, either that or if you're using Vista (or 7 rarely) it does that. I forget how my friend fixed his when it did that to him.
Posted 04-25-2013 at 09:48 AM by RoryF

STM's Avatar
I'm deeply amused by the way, that you hit your computer and then get upset and surprised when it breaks. If you beat your pet and then it died would you be surprised?
Posted 04-25-2013 at 09:58 AM by STM

Mac Sirloin's Avatar
jesus chris scrapman hes 14 HOW CAN U BE SO CRUEL 2 HIM you nasty little hypocrite.

Don't punch shit. Especially not your laptop. Give it a little while, don't touch it for a few hours and you might just find it working later. In the mean time try to chill out and find your happy place. Clearly you still have some method of accessing your internets.

If the above doesn't work it sounds like you've got a tragic case of Laptop. Laptops are not built to last and tend to start a tragic cycle of malfunction and shittery the moment you take them out of the box. Check some tech support forums. Otherwise see if you can pull together 80 dollars (or 40 lbs or whatever your krazy kurrency is) and buy a Desktop PC off of Kijiji or a similar website. It's a bummer you won't have use of it, but you'll find a replacement much sooner than you think (if it comes to that) and a desktop will boast substantially more power for your mixing and music making. A PC repair store should be able to extract the files off of your hard drive if you need them to. Don't worry about it, these things happen.
Posted 04-25-2013 at 10:13 AM by Mac Sirloin

Sekto Springs's Avatar
You punch your laptop and wonder why it's broken. You need to get out of your house and exhaust some of that pent up baby rage of yours. Who the fuck punches their computer? Seriously.
Posted 04-25-2013 at 10:19 AM by Sekto Springs
Updated 04-25-2013 at 10:34 AM by Sekto Springs

Wings of Fire's Avatar
OWF teaches by example how not to talk to stressed people with anger issues. Mac Sirloin bucks the trend and is a pretty cool guy.
Posted 04-25-2013 at 10:47 AM by Wings of Fire

Nepsotic's Avatar
I can't help it. I shout at it and tell it how much I hate it, but the same thing happenef last time. It's because I'm such an angry brat.

Stop being a whiny little bitch, Nep.

Yeah, last time it was the hard drive which broke. It was over £100 to get repaired. I shouldn't be trusted with these things.

I really do need a desktop, but I can't afford one and will probably never be able to. Last time it took over half a year to get repaired. Fuck that piece of shit. I'm probably over-reacting like a cunt. Sometimes I just wish I was fucking dead. Unfortunately it isn't that easy, stop being a little bitch.

I'm so fucked, though. Mac, I know you said I'd get a replacement sooner than I thought, but I really don't see it happening.

I've been reduced to a whiny sack of shit. At least with my shitty laptop I was a whiny sack of shit who made dubstep. Now I'm literally nothing. I've done nothing with my life.

And no, I can't just get a fucking paper round, it isn't that simple, and yes I've tried. Fuck. I.don't know what I'm going to do with myself.
I don't even know why I'm so depressed when other people have such bigger problems, it's like I don't deserve feeling like this.

It's like my cat dying all over again. I'd never be this sad if he was still alive. Although that is probably completely irrelivant.

Don't be such a whiny fucking cunt you fuck! I'm.such a fuckhead. I need to control my anger. I'm letting it out on my own stuff when it's the cunts on the bus I should be punching. I.don't even know anymore.
Posted 04-25-2013 at 11:16 AM by Nepsotic

Wings of Fire's Avatar
First, try to calm down.

Second, take it to PC World. If you can scratch together £50 they can take it to their engineers who can tell you what parts need repairing and give you a quote on how much it will cost you. You'll get it back in a month. Even if you can't scratch together £50 if it's a digital problem rather than a physical one, they might be able to repair it in store.

Third, don't reduce yourself to the point that your whole self worth resides upon your ability to make music. I know you're a teenager and your hormones are going like crazy at the moment and you very literally can't think straight, but try to believe you are worth so much more than that. Seriously. Just calm down and try to think things through rationally.

Also don't punch your laptop. Find another way to relieve your stress. I recommend getting a stress ball. When I was your age and I got super stressed I would run my nails down my scalp. I don't recommend that.
Posted 04-25-2013 at 11:31 AM by Wings of Fire

Mac Sirloin's Avatar
Dude you're allowed to whine at your age. Everyone whines. But whining only goes so far before it cycles into itself and you're whining about whining. It really sounds like you have some pent up energy and you might not know how to spend it. Go for a walk or something, walks are so fucking good for mind and body. Make a playlist of music and just go walking, try and come up with some ideas. Think about how nice it is out. Your laptop is a finite presence, it's a shame it might be busted, but this could be interpreted as a sign that it wasn't doing you near as much good as it might seem. Perhaps you need to change up your habits a little, I know I did. That takes discipline, and learning discipline at your age is invaluable.

I used to have to exact same problem that you do, except I was a hulking fat monster and used to tear up walls and punch clear through my monitors and doors on top of getting into some nasty fights at school. Don't let your pent up energy and anger get the best of you like that. Find a way to spend this energy, it seems like your body is telling you that you've got some power to use and it would be a damn shame to waste your effort on some piece of crap Chinese made laptop.
Posted 04-25-2013 at 11:39 AM by Mac Sirloin

STM's Avatar
Okay fine that wasn't very helpful, mai bad gaiz, sorry Neppola.

Maybe you should do martial arts or boxing? It's a great way to channel your bad energy into something that could help you, not to mention you're being trained to fight in such a way that you won't unintentionally hurt anyone. In the meantime, you really should try and get out a bit - the weather is glorious and it won't be like this forever, go for some long walks to clear your head. You got a bicycle? That way you can cover more distance and go is fun.
Posted 04-25-2013 at 11:46 AM by STM

mr.odd's Avatar
Wait you mean you'll have to stop using the internet for a
little while and go outside to enjoy the glorious weather or something?
No better excuse to go out and enjoy the sunshine while it's here.
You need to get out of your house and exhaust some of that pent up baby rage of yours.
Hurr Hurr! Go outside and enjoy sun, it butiful today! -Internet folk

You hypocrites...

Okay, first you need to do what Mac said and find your happy place. Your problem isn't going to get solved immediately, so you might as well try to calm yourself down. Listen to some music, go for a walk, just do something to clear your head.

Second you should try to look for a part time job. Don't say it's not that simple, because it is. It will give you something to do, and not to mention you'll get the money to buy a new PC. Seriously, who doesn't like money?

Also, you're 14 man! Cut yourself some slack and relax. What do have to accomplish at this point? You know what i did when i was 14? I played fucking video games and didn't get out much. You got your whole life to accomplish something.
Posted 04-25-2013 at 11:50 AM by mr.odd

STM's Avatar
You hypocrites...
I've been outside for about three hours everyday it's been sunny for the past week, no need to project, mate.
Posted 04-25-2013 at 11:56 AM by STM

Nepsotic's Avatar
Okay. First. I have no idea how to find a job, like at all, and even if I did it wouldn't last very long due to my inability to interact socially, the same goes for the boxing thing. I've been to various clubs like that during my time and they all ended with me just not going one week, even cadets.

Secondly, going for walks, it helps a little, and I should do it more. I like being secluded like that, the problem is, I get stressed out because I have no internet. In an ideal world, I should be able to go down to the river and chill out, with my phone. It just helps me relax more. Unfortunately I can't afford to top it up, so WiFi is my only choice. I'm too dependant on the internet and my PC because it's literally all I do. It makes me wonder why I'm not some fat shit who does nothing but eat.
School isn't helping either, all the people and pressure of exams.and shit.

I will.try to get out more though, but what I'm really worried about is telling my mum. In fact, I'm.mostly worried about telling my brother, he was really enthusiastic about me remixing a song for his new EP, and I can't stand letting him down.

Speaking of remixes, it looks like i'll miss the deadline for the Launch remix competition.
Posted 04-25-2013 at 12:13 PM by Nepsotic
Updated 04-25-2013 at 12:16 PM by Nepsotic

mr.odd's Avatar
I've been outside for about three hours everyday it's been sunny for the past week, no need to project, mate.
Hey, i just find it funny you guys are saying this OVER THE INTERNET. Plus you guys were just being unhelpful and snarky about it.
Posted 04-25-2013 at 12:17 PM by mr.odd

Mac Sirloin's Avatar
Nep, if you want any pointers on finding employment ask me. I've had a shitload of jobs, maintaining them on the other hand...
Posted 04-25-2013 at 12:19 PM by Mac Sirloin

DarkHoodness's Avatar
Buy a punching bag to relieve teenage stress. It worked for my cousin - Hung it in his room from the ceiling joists and used it almost every evening. Even if getting real gym equipment may be expensive, I'd say it'd be worth it if you're too shy to join a club.

You hypocrites...
Been also enjoying the sun for at least a couple of hours each day while it's lasting. It's been refreshing after that stupidly long winter and makes me feel a whole lot better about everything. Nepsotic should also try it, as everyone else is suggesting.
Posted 04-25-2013 at 12:21 PM by DarkHoodness
Updated 04-25-2013 at 12:24 PM by DarkHoodness

STM's Avatar
Secondly, going for walks, it helps a little, and I should do it more. I like being secluded like that, the problem is, I get stressed out because I have no internet. In an ideal world, I should be able to go down to the river and chill out, with my phone. It just helps me relax more. Unfortunately I can't afford to top it up, so WiFi is my only choice. I'm too dependant on the internet and my PC because it's literally all I do. It makes me wonder why I'm not some fat shit who does nothing but eat.
School isn't helping either, all the people and pressure of exams.and shit.
Well maybe you should ween yourself off the internet then because you can be addicted to checking the net like it's a drug, trust me. This could be a good thing for you, a few days with no internet will let you focus on more important things, do you like reading? You could try and start a new book if you do, maybe something in the Discworld series? I loved the shit out the Colour of Magic.

Hey, i just find it funny you guys are saying this OVER THE INTERNET. Plus you guys were just being unhelpful and snarky about it.
You are reading waaaaay too much into what was just an off-hand pointer, take some deep breaths and calm down.
Posted 04-25-2013 at 12:29 PM by STM

Nepsotic's Avatar
I used to read, but sooner or later I just stop. I'll certainly have a look, though.

I actually have a punching bag, it's my brother's, he never with him when he moved. The thing is, it's in my back garden and I'm a lazy cunt. If I get angry I will try to damage the closest thing to me, usually myself, or occasionally a wall (or my PC). I just try to get it out fast, walking down.into the back garden wouldn't work, I don't think. But i'll certainly try it.

Mac, where do you suggest I start? I'm open to absolutely anything, I need money. Preferebly ones with little to no socialising.
Posted 04-25-2013 at 12:30 PM by Nepsotic

STM's Avatar
Why not stick some of your best tracks on iTunes and see if you get a couple quid there? I dunno how it works so maybe there's not much point, you'd have to look into it.

You could maybe look for a local shop job shelf stacking or something? I know there aren't many of them around because I can't even get a job at Tesco's right now, it doesn't hurt to ask the store manager though. I know that's easier said than done...I get quite anxious about doing stuff like that and I'm quite social if I do say so myself, so I understand if you'd have trouble doing that. Mixing with the idiots that make up the general public might drive you insane as well...still, money is money.
Posted 04-25-2013 at 12:37 PM by STM

mr.odd's Avatar
You are reading waaaaay too much into what was just an off-hand pointer, take some deep breaths and calm down.
Calm down? I was just being snarky back, not angry. I think your misinterpreting me now.
Posted 04-25-2013 at 12:39 PM by mr.odd

Nepsotic's Avatar
Why notstick someof yourbest tracks on iTunes and seeifyou get a couplequid there? I dunno how itworksso maybethere's notmuch point, you'd haveto look into it.
The problem is, even good tracks the mixing and mastering is still well off. Not to mention I think it's expensive to get music on iTunes.

As for the other thing, I think I'm too small to be a shelf-stacker, although I could ask my mum if she could ask for me.

The people would piss me off, though. "Ooh where's this, where's that?" How should I fucking know.
Posted 04-25-2013 at 01:04 PM by Nepsotic

mr.odd's Avatar
The people would piss me off, though. "Ooh where's this, where's that?" How shoulf I fucking know.
Buddy, that's how it's going to be with any job that involves working with the public. You just have to suck it up and put on your fake smile and help them out.

Trust me, you don't want to adopt that kind of attitude towards work. Employers don't want to hire that guy who is impatient and rude with customers.
Posted 04-25-2013 at 01:09 PM by mr.odd
Updated 04-25-2013 at 01:26 PM by mr.odd

Sekto Springs's Avatar
Isn't Nepsotic only like 14? What is the legal age for getting a job anyway? Doesn't he have another two years?
Posted 04-25-2013 at 01:40 PM by Sekto Springs

Nepsotic's Avatar
I'm.pretty sure certain jobs allow 14 year olds. My brother had a job sweeping a pub car park when he was 12.
Posted 04-25-2013 at 01:49 PM by Nepsotic

STM's Avatar
You can get a basic job like paper round or car washing at any age, I was washing cars when I was 11. I think you can get a shelf stacking job or something simple like that at 15-16, I know 16 is when you get minimum wage.
Posted 04-25-2013 at 02:08 PM by STM

Nepsotic's Avatar
I applied for a paper round 2 years ago but they never got back to me.

Aw shit, I just saw an advert for Ministry of Sound: Addicted to Bass 2013 and now I'm extra sad.
Posted 04-25-2013 at 02:29 PM by Nepsotic

mr.odd's Avatar
Apply again now that you're older. It's always worth a shot.

A friend of mine had a job as an elementary school janitor when he was 14. Some places are just more lenient than others regarding age. You just have to ask around.
Posted 04-25-2013 at 02:46 PM by mr.odd


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