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Something different

Posted 07-31-2012 at 04:37 PM by MeechMunchie
The original plan for this blog was to have a good vent and express the various confusing and contradictory themes currently squirming their way through my unfinished adolescent psyche like that robot worm thing from the start of The Matrix.

Then it became a blog about why I wouldn't, or perhaps couldn't, do that.

Then it became yet another analysis of my relationship with you, dear forums, as my most regular and widespread influence over my teenage years.

Then it became a mass of all that, and why I couldn't even seem to write a coherent blog any more. But forget that. Draw a line under it; I'm not quite sure why I even left all that in. Look, I'll draw a line now. This bit never existed.

Preamble aside (dammit) I realised that despite treating you with more trust and respect than my biological family, it wasn't really fair to just dump my thoughts here. Nobody wants to read that, even if you like the person. It's just impersonal garbage. So, I'll try and give you something you do want to know.

Ask me anything.

Seriously, any question, and I'll answer honestly and to the best of my ability, until this blog gets knocked off the front page.

Have fun.
Total Comments 94


Wings of Fire's Avatar
Where are you on the Kinsey Scale?
Posted 07-31-2012 at 04:42 PM by Wings of Fire

Manco's Avatar
who on this forum would you most like to sit on your face

Or uh, how far into the depths of anime have you fallen since you last posted about your dating sim games?
Posted 07-31-2012 at 04:56 PM by Manco

Nepsotic's Avatar
When did you get your first girlfriend? How long did it last? Why did it end? How did it end? How many friends do you have? How many friends do your friends have? Have you ever fancied someone that you shouldn't fancy? did you have a good childhood? Do you think you're a good person? Why do you think it? What defines a good person? What defines a bad person? What defines a sane person? Did you ever take drugs? Was it good? Would you do it again? Do you still take drugs? Is it good? Would you recommend it? What drugs? What are your most primal fears? What are your most irrational fears? Why do you fear these things? Have you ever met one of the forum members? Who do you like the most on he forum? Who do you dislike the most out of the currently active members? What's the most embarrassing thing to ever happen to someone who isn't you? What's the most embarrassing thing to ever happen to someone who is you? Who do you love the most (out of anyone EVER)? Does she/he think you're a good person? Who annoys you the most out of the currently active members? Would you screw anyone on the forums? Who? What do you do perhaps on the internet that you wouldn't want anyone to know about? Are these too personal? How do you feel about ponies? I like cats, do you like cats? What is your favour favourite animal? What is your favourite genitalia? Do you like red grapes or white grapes better? Does your eye twitch? What is your favourite mental illness?
Posted 07-31-2012 at 04:58 PM by Nepsotic
Updated 07-31-2012 at 05:24 PM by Nepsotic

Nate's Avatar
Are there infinitely many primes p such that ap − 1 ≡ 1 (mod p2), for every a ≥ 2?
Posted 07-31-2012 at 05:48 PM by Nate

Bullet Magnet's Avatar
How do I solve the P versus NP problem?
Posted 07-31-2012 at 06:25 PM by Bullet Magnet

Sekto Springs's Avatar
Where are you on the Kinsey Scale?
Posted 07-31-2012 at 07:59 PM by Sekto Springs

Mac Sirloin's Avatar
Are we more or less cool? Pending federal investigation of course.
Posted 07-31-2012 at 08:33 PM by Mac Sirloin

Mr. Bungle's Avatar
Will Half-life 2 episode 3 ever come out?
Posted 07-31-2012 at 08:37 PM by Mr. Bungle

Ridg3's Avatar
How are you feeling today?
Posted 07-31-2012 at 10:30 PM by Ridg3

enchilado's Avatar
How do I know if a girl on the internet is joking when she says she thinks she'd love me more if I wanted to fuck her?
Posted 08-01-2012 at 01:31 AM by enchilado

Manco's Avatar
How do I know if a girl on the internet is joking when she says she thinks she'd love me more if I wanted to fuck her?

I think that one deserves a blog of its own.
Posted 08-01-2012 at 02:58 AM by Manco

STM's Avatar
Was Magicka not one of the most fantastic and magical bromance moments of your life?
Posted 08-01-2012 at 04:10 AM by STM

Nepsotic's Avatar
Have you given up on this already?
Posted 08-01-2012 at 04:58 AM by Nepsotic

Varrok's Avatar
Why do fools fall in love?

Can you believe I read the first part of the blog using TV-narrator's voice, starting with "Previously, on..."?

Can the God create a rock?

Was Magicka not one of the most fantastic and magical bromance moments of your life?
I've killed many wooden ponies in that game. It felt good.

How do I solve the P versus NP problem?
P is not always equal to NP.
Posted 08-01-2012 at 06:10 AM by Varrok
Updated 08-01-2012 at 06:31 AM by Varrok (Do you care about the reason why I edited this?)

MeechMunchie's Avatar
"The text that you have entered is too long (18527 characters). Please shorten it to 10000 characters long."
Posted 08-01-2012 at 07:33 AM by MeechMunchie
Updated 08-01-2012 at 07:35 AM by MeechMunchie

MeechMunchie's Avatar
I'd appreciate it if we kept this blog self-contained, rather than letting it leak all over the forums, or, Heaven forbid, Facebook and its ilk. I'm trying my best here. Here we go!

Where are you on the Kinsey Scale?
By current reckoning, 1.2. There's been a gradual increase in value over the years.

Who on this forum would you most like to sit on your face?
I lack the required information about members' personal hygeine to answer this, but whoever cleans their nether reigons most often. If they're a girl, bonus. If they're not too heavy, I don't think this even needs to be hypothetical.

How far into the depths of anime have you fallen since you last posted about your dating sim games?
Not significantly. I have sunk 20+ hours into Katawa Shoujo but have yet to complete it 100%. I continue to read manga on occasion and have maybe bookmarked 2-3 new mangas since I last mentioned KS, though it remains to be seen whether I actually read them. I have a MyAnimeList profile, originally conceived as a joke, which currently has no anime on my "Watched" list. I have, however, discussed various trailers with WoF and resolved to at least watch some anime in the next ten years.

When did you get your first girlfriend?
I unfortunately do not understand real people or their emotional boundaries nearly as well as I'd like, so I am forced to speak in entirely theoretical and technical terms regarding this least technical of subjects.

February 15th, 2011, at approximately 11:10.

How long did it last?
Approximately 26½ hours (1 day and 2½ hours).

Why did it end?
I don't know. I have formed several theories over the years and dismissed them just as quickly. I suspect she may have suddenly remembered a boy she was more interested in, but it was clear she had little concern for me, so I decided it wasn't my business to pry into her personal life.

How did it end?
Having agreed to go out with me the previous day (the point at which I believe she technically became my girlfriend), I approached her at lunchtime, nervous as ever, to ask if there were any movies coming out that she might be interested in seeing together. She looked up at her table with a slightly confused look, and quietly explained that she wasn't sure that "this" was a good idea any more. The bell rang before I had a chance to respond, so I just said "... What?" and we parted to go to our seperate lessons, the last of the day. As it was Art, I buggered off to another room at the earliest opportunity, under the pretense of using a computer somewhere quiet, then proceeded to stare at a blank monitor until half an hour after the bell rang for the end of school.

How many friends do you have?
You have to define "friend". I have approximately 25 people I am happy to speak to on a regular basis.

How many friends do your friends have?
If we presume that school society still exists as 'circles', then I expect they have roughly the same number, and probably the same people. Most of my friends certainly appear to be friends with each other.

Have you ever fancied someone that you shouldn't fancy?
This question is very vague. If you're implying some kind of incest, then an honest and resounding 'No' is my response. If, however, you refer to relationships that obviously wouldn't work from the outset - out of my league, too different, visibly stupid or 'bad influences', then yes. To "fancy" is a rather insignificant thing though. We hold some small level of attraction towards almost everyone we know.

Did you have a good childhood?
Again, you'll have to define "good". While my father in particular has never taken to his role with much enthusiasm, relative to developed society as a whole my upbringing, education and life experiences were entirely satisfactory.

Do you think you're a good person?
Currently, answering a series of searching questions for a boy I barely know for no other reason than to satisfy his curiosity, I believe I am. By the end of today I will have changed my mind at least twice.

Why do you think it?
My perception of myself is wholly dependent on how I seem to be acting at the time, along with the bizarrely consistent pattern that I think better of myself during the day than I do at night, unless I'm outdoors in which case the reverse applies. This may be why I am so fascinated by my bedroom window.

In general terms, I believe that I am a more good person than I am evil. I realised my relative insignificance at a young age, and so whenever presented with an obvious decision I will always select the path that benefits other people more than myself, whether financially, materially, physically, mentally or emotionally, so that people who still believe that they can really achieve something with their lives can follow that dream for as long as possible. I do, however, constantly question that reasoning behind my attempts at altruism. I have yet to find any conclusive evidence to suggest that it is self-serving, and until I do I will believe that I am a generally good person.

What defines a good person?
The regular prioritisation of the quality of life of others over the quality of life of themselves, tied to reliable judgement of who is most deserving of the benefits of any given decision, dependent on circumstance.

What defines a bad person?
The prioritisation of the quality of life of themselves and those associated with themselves over the quality of life of others, despite possessing reliable judgement of who is most deserving of the benefits of any given decision, regardless of circumstance. Note the presence of good judgement, someone who does wrong out of stupidity is not truly evil.

What defines a sane person?
Sanity can not be truly defined, as there is no 'standard' mentality for any given psyche to be measured against. We can define insanity, as it usually posesses a certain extreme feature that sets it apart from other minds. But even within the 'healthy' population there is so much variation of attitudes, approaches, outlooks and overall perception of 'rationality' that a person from one end of a spectrum would appear insane to another, while a person from the middle would consider them both sane, if slightly odd. I am no exception to this, so even if I consciously reject it, I will subconsciously define a sane person as anyone with a psychological structure similar to mine.

Have you ever taken drugs?
I have rarely drunk alcohol, and I don't think I've ever been drunk. I ingest caffiene regularly in tea, coffee and cola. I regularly take diareze (bowel anti-inflammatory). I will occasionally take paracetemol. I have never taken a chemical on the basis that it would alter the function of my body or mind in an extreme fashion.

Was it good?
The medicinal effects of diareze are unreliable at best, and I continue to suffer from my IBS every day. Caffiene allows me to get to work faster than I would otherwise, which I appreciate. Paracetemol does what it's supposed to.

Would you do it again?
I'm cautious of allowing my body to become dependent on chemicals. Nonetheless I will continue to take legal medications whenever I need them.

Do you still take drugs?
I continue to take legal medications when I need them, plus caffeine.

Is it good?
It certainly helps.

Would you recommend it?
I don't believe in recommending substances, since it's different for everybody. If you want to change the way you work, go out and try it yourself, no-one can experience it for you.

What drugs?
I've never taken any drugs that constitute a significant health risk, but I still wouldn't recommend taking medications you don't need. With mine you'll just end up tired and constipated.

What are your most primal fears?
Mental illness.

What are your most irrational fears?

Why do you fear these things?
Over the years I've found myself searching for self-definition, worth, and personal significance. I haven't found it yet, but I hope to someday. The thought of losing myself to dementia or Alzheimer's terrifies me; it would leave me back at square one, with no clue what I'm supposed to do with myself. All the sleepless nights and emotional pain I put myself through to try and answer that most frustrating of questions, "Who am I?", would be for nothing.

You can't explain why you're scared of something irrationally, silly. That's what "irrational" means, there's no logical reason for it. Dogs bark a lot and charge at me whenever they see me; It freaks me out, like they're all out to get me. Size is irrelevant.

Have you ever met one of the forum members?
Only through other online media. In the physical world, no. I'd certainly be interested in seeing JAW at some kind of design conference, though.

Who do you like the most on the forum?
I naturally get along the best with people near my own age; Crashpunk, ScrabTrapMan, Phylum and Varrok. However, how much you agree and joke about with someone isn't the most important aspect of friendship, and I have a more meaningful, if less consistently enjoyable comaraderie with some members who hopefully know who they are.

Who do you dislike the most out of the currently active members?
Thankfully I have neither the patience nor the clarity of memory to hold a grudge against somebody online. Currently, however, I feel somewhat annoyed at you for asking lots vague and inane questions, and then not even having the patience to wait for answers. (See below)
Posted 08-01-2012 at 07:34 AM by MeechMunchie
Updated 08-01-2012 at 07:41 AM by MeechMunchie

MeechMunchie's Avatar
What's the most embarrassing thing to ever happen to someone who isn't you?
In the entire history of the human race, what is the most embarrassing thing to happen to anyone? Or are we including works of fiction too?

Well, I can imagine that a groundbreaking libertarian Jewish preacher, who passionately spent his entire life and death trying to immortalise the works of Judaism, ended up spawning a rival cult who worshipped him more than the God he loved so much was a pretty massive cockup. I don't know what's Hebrew for "Oh shit", but I imagine it's probably the last thoughts of Jesus Christ.

What's the most embarrassing thing to ever happen to someone who is you?
I suspect I've probably forcibly scraped it from my memory. The worst thing I can remember now is near the end of a school mock election.

I was in Year 10. Me and my friends were representing the Monster Raving Loony Party, and I'd taken care of all the propaganda, designed posters, written a stirring manifesto. My best friend was our representative, our candidate, the guy we were actually trying to get elected. We were at the hustings, where the parties would give their views for the last time before the votes were cast the next day. He was preparing to go up and give his speech, and I asked him if I could see it.

Turned out that it was just a trimmed-down version of the manifesto I'd written. I was annoyed, he hadn't even asked, and the fact that this was a team effort anyway slipped from my mind. You can't read that, I said, people will know where you've got it from. We're already behind since we picked a joke party, we need to do this properly. Couldn't you have written one yourself? No? Well, screw it. I'd better go up there and make something up on the spot. At least it'll be original. So I did.

The teacher looked at me oddly, and I explained that I was doing a speech in the candidate's stead. He said that it was unusual but he'd leave it for now. So, I stood up behind the panel and the bell went off, signifying the start of my supposed two-minute speech.

I didn't have a speech. I didn't have a speech, and there was no way I could make one up under this amount of pressure.

Those two minutes were the longest of my life. I got about six words out as the faces of my teachers, my friends, my rival candidates and all the other students slowly twisted from expectation, to confusion, to smirking, to pity. The bell went again, and I didn't sit down in the panel with the other speakers. I got down from the podium, sat back down beside my friend and apologised for screwing up our election. As I slumped into my chair, I realised that only the election teams had been told where the manifestos were online, we were supposed to distribute them and link to them ourselves. We hadn't done that. No-one here would have read our manifesto, or even known it existed.

My friend's speech - well, his version of my speech - would have been fine.

The Liberal Democrats won the election. I like debates, but since that day I have never joined any kind of public speaking activity. I'm too scared that I'll screw up again. Oddly enough, the MRLP still got more votes than the Labour and Green parties combined. Go figure.

Who do you love the most, out of anyone, ever?
I'm not sure I truly love anyone. I've been infatuated, but I don't think I even love my family. Maybe I'm incapable of love; that's why the subject upsets me so much, and yet I find it curious to the point of obsession. I consider this to be my single greatest failing as a person, and one of the few things that makes me genuinely question my mental health.

Does she/he think you're a good person?
I don't think I'd be able to love someone who hated me. Some people can, I know, but not me. I'm too sensitive for that.

Who annoys you the most out of the currently active members?
You, Nepsotic, and not just because you've made me type out loads of long-winded and revealing answers.

Would you screw anyone on the forums?
As a teenager, I'd probably screw most things, but not an OWF member while they were still active. It'd be too weird, and probably end up affecting how we interacted with, and were treated by, the forums in general. I value this place too much to mess with my position like that. Not just for a fuck, anyway. If it was a relationship then maybe it'd be different.

Intelligent, fairly attractive female members not older than 22. I'm not going to try and work out who's contained in that.

What do you do on the internet that you wouldn't want anyone to know about?
My pornographic tastes have been shifting further afield recently.

Are these too personal?
Maybe. Originally I specified the response above, then I saw this and changed it. So too personal to talk about if someone is going to draw attention to the fact that it's personal, I guess. I promised to answer these questions honestly, but if witholding information allows me to answer another question more fully I'm okay with it.

How do you feel about ponies?
I think horses are weird-looking, but appreciate their vital position in history for facilitating agriculture, trade and warfare. I think cartoon ponies can be cute but have no interest in devoting time to watching them.

I like cats, do you like cats?
I do like cats. I have a cat. His name is Ziggy and he is a fluffy longhair tabby.

What is your favourite animal?
Giant squid. They have a fascinating anatomy, and a more elegant shape than the Colossal.

What are your favourite genitalia?

Do you like red grapes or white grapes better?
Red. I like the tartness.

Does your eye twitch?
Sometimes, when I'm tired. It's not stress-related.

What is your favourite mental illness?
Manic/Depressive Bipolar Disorder. If I don't have it as a medical condition, I've certainly got it as a personality trait. It's a fucking nightmare sometimes, but at least it rewards you for getting through the depression. Also all that 'it makes me me' crap. Do I really want to be me? Do I even have a choice? Dunno.

Are there infinitely many primes p such that ap − 1 ≡ 1 (mod p2), for every a ≥ 2?
Depends whether you're satisfied with a heuristic result or not. There's a reason why Fermat didn't finish these things, you know.

How do I solve the P versus NP problem?
Wait until the Singularity and let the computers work it out for themselves. They'll understand it in ways that we never can.

Are we more or less cool? Pending federal investigation of course.
OWF, you're more cool than you once were but less cool than you have been. Or maybe I'm just less excited by discovering new things about you now, like a failing marriage.

Will Half-life 2: Episode 3 ever come out?
I suspect it will, but just as a prologue for Half-Life 3. It might even end up being the first chapter of HL3.

How are you feeling today?
I'm feeling okay, thanks. Holding together. Kind of thirsty, but not regretting making this blog yet. I might go into the garden and read later.

How do I know if a girl on the internet is joking when she says she thinks she'd love me more if I wanted to fuck her?
Ask. It's unreliable and can have nasty side-effects, but it's fast, and you've still got better odds of getting a proper answer than just trying to guess.

Was Magicka not one of the most fantastic and magical bromance moments of your life?
It was too manly to be bromance; it was magnificent Musketeerish comaraderie, with a sizeable helping of badass. I haven't rescued you from a dragon or anything yet; that's bromance. It's a romance plot with the love interest replaced with a male friend. We've just been romping through action movie tropes.

Have you given up on this already?
No. Fuck off.

Why do fools fall in love?
Because they're foolish.

Can you believe I read the first part of the blog using TV-narrator's voice, starting with "Previously, on..."?
Yes, though I don't really understand why you would.

Can the God create a rock?
I think most religious deities have at least the capacity to spontaneously generate pieces of earthy detritus. Would you worship one who couldn't? I wouldn't.

Do you care about the reason why I edited this?
Posted 08-01-2012 at 07:35 AM by MeechMunchie
Updated 08-01-2012 at 08:00 AM by MeechMunchie

Varrok's Avatar
Yes, though I don't really understand why you would
Rats, there goes my another question :/

Where's the blog comment rep+ button?

Can the God lift that rock he made?


I think I admire your consistency in answering the questions, mainly the ones from Nepsotic, who, I think, doesn't really care that much about the answers comparing to the complexity of them... but that wasn't a question, was it?

Do you feel as satisfied with answering those questions as you originally thought you would?

I think I have a severe Manic/Depressive Bipolar Disorder too, mixed with a slight schizofremia, but they're caused by a specific problem in my life I can do nothing to solve. But I'm totally sure that if I did, it'd go away. Don't you want to search for the cause of your problem?

I think most religious deities have at least the capacity to spontaneously generate pieces of earthy detritus. Would you worship one who couldn't?
I think it would be funny to worship a deity which is actually weaker than me.
Posted 08-01-2012 at 08:02 AM by Varrok
Updated 08-01-2012 at 08:16 AM by Varrok

Wings of Fire's Avatar
I think I have a severe Manic/Depressive Bipolar Disorder too, mixed with a slight schizofremia, but they're caused by a specific problem in my life I can do nothing to solve. But I'm totally sure that if I did, it'd go away. Don't you want to search for the cause of your problem?

Bipolar depression and schizophrenia do not simply 'go away'

And you can't have 'slight' schizophrenia either*.

*That's not entirely true. There's a subtype of schizophrenia called borderline schizophrenia that a lot more people have than you'd thinl. But you either have it or you don't.
Posted 08-01-2012 at 08:42 AM by Wings of Fire

Varrok's Avatar
Bipolar depression and schizophrenia do not simply 'go away'
I think in my specific situation, they would as they're caused by a very morally ambiguous problem. Not knowing about whether I am doing good and whether I should act the way I act or stop is literally driving me crazy.
Posted 08-01-2012 at 09:04 AM by Varrok
Updated 08-01-2012 at 09:09 AM by Varrok

Wings of Fire's Avatar
I no longer understand you
Posted 08-01-2012 at 09:34 AM by Wings of Fire

MeechMunchie's Avatar
Where's the blog comment rep+ button?
In planning stages only. The blueprints are in JennyGenesis's Dad's office.

Can the God lift that rock he made?
First, let's define "rock". It sounds ridiculous, but we can all agree that a rock is a chunk of solidified mineral compounds that exists inside our universe. This is important. If it doesn't fit into our neat and tidy three dimensions, it cannot be recognised as a rock. Okay? Moving on.

If creation is considered to be a mental power, perhaps some kind of magic, then it would be dependent on the God's willpower; independent of His strength, which is required to lift it. Therefore it's entirely dependent on the God.

A cosmic God, posessing great creative potential, would be able to create entire planets, the biggest rocks imaginable. In space there is no unified gravity, however, so He wouldn't technically be able to 'lift' anything at all. All of His rocks would be falling inwards, towards their own centre of gravity.

That's boring. I'll come back to this, but let's pretend for now that there's some kind of universal 'floor' that our God lifts His rock from.

A war God, posessing limited creative capabilites but great strength, would be more limited in the scale of rocks that He can imagine than He is in the weight that He can lift, and therefore would always be able to lift the rocks He creates. Come to think of it, He probably only creates rocks so He can throw them at people anyway.

The cosmic God, being generally immaterial, would have no physical strength whatsoever and would not be able to lift anything. We're not finished, though.

If we presume the existence of The Cosmic Floor and that this powerful God posesses some kind of telekinetic ability, then both the creation and lifting of the rock draw power from His mind. Assuming that Gods do not tire and their willpower is therefore consistent, the relative energy requirements of moving a mass and producing a mass from another form of energy make the solution obvious.

As I said, a "rock" is something we recognise as a concept from within our universe. Rocks only exist within our universe. Therefore, a God working with rocks must be working within our universe. A God working within our universe can only access the energy available within our universe. Therefore the energy the God has for rocks cannot be infinite. If the energy used to create a rock is r, and the energy used to move the same rock is m, then the God can only lift the rock when ru-m, where u is all the available energy in the universe. To put it another way, the God will be able to lift any rock He creates until the energy He uses to create the rock is too much to leave enough energy remaining in the universe to lift it.

As producing mass requires much more energy than moving it, the rock just before this Divine Breaking Point is going to be, relatively speaking, quite big.

Now, remove The Cosmic Floor. To 'lift' still infers gravity, so there has to be another mass for the God to stand on and lift from. Then, it's even easier.

Presuming strength beyond measure, the God can lift any rock smaller than the one He's standing on. If the one He's standing on becomes smaller in mass than the one He's lifting, it means He's now lifting the ground He was standing on with His legs, as it falls towards the other mass in His hands. If they're exactly the same size, He's not lifting either one, He's just pushing the two masses apart.

So, the rocks that can be lifted depend on the God. Now, a hypothetical 'omnipotent' God, if anyone can imagine something so ridiculous, can lift the biggest rock.

To lift the biggest rock possible, our God must crush all of the universe into the palms of His hands, and shape it into two rocks, the first of which is a tiny amount smaller than the other, without completely exhausting the universe to the point where nothing can move. The energy He needs is divided like so.




God can create, but cannot lift, a rock with mass exceeding u-m-r

So am I a prophet or what?



I think I admire your consistency in answering the questions, mainly the ones from Nepsotic, who, I think, doesn't really care that much about the answers comparing to the complexity of them... but that wasn't a question, was it?
You put a question mark on it. It is now!

Do you feel as satisfied with answering those questions as you originally thought you would?
No. I expected to feel relief. Maybe I'll feel that when I realise I've already given away things I could get concerned about keeping secret.

I think I have a severe Manic/Depressive Bipolar Disorder too, mixed with a slight schizophrenia, but they're caused by a specific problem in my life I can do nothing to solve. But I'm totally sure that if I did, it'd go away. Don't you want to search for the cause of your problem?
No. That links back to a severe bout of depression in my early teenage years, that lasted pretty much between the ages of 14 and 16. It was absolutely horrendous, undoubtedly the worst years of my life. When the fog finally cleared, and I could see the world as it really was again, I became terrified of slipping back. I realised that I didn't know what had caused me to stop being depressed, and that in time I might become disillusioned with whatever that reason had been, and fall back into depression simply because I didn't know why I was supposed to be happy.

By the same token, I don't want to find out why I became depressed, or unstable, or developed any of my insecurities. If I discover that one of these was caused by a problem I've never solved, or simply is a medical condition that I cannot solve, who's to say I won't just succumb to it again?
Posted 08-01-2012 at 09:37 AM by MeechMunchie
Updated 08-01-2012 at 09:44 AM by MeechMunchie

Bullet Magnet's Avatar
Well, I can imagine that a groundbreaking libertarian Jewish preacher, who passionately spent his entire life and death trying to immortalise the works of Judaism, ended up spawning a rival cult who worshipped him more than the God he loved so much was a pretty massive cockup. I don't know what's Hebrew for "Oh shit", but I imagine it's probably the last thoughts of Jesus Christ.

Giant squid. They have a fascinating anatomy, and a more elegant shape than the Colossal.

I didn't have a speech. I didn't have a speech, and there was no way I could make one up under this amount of pressure.
Posted 08-01-2012 at 09:40 AM by Bullet Magnet

Varrok's Avatar
First, let's define "rock". It sounds ridiculous, but we can all agree that a rock is a chunk of solidified mineral compounds that exists inside our universe. This is important. If it doesn't fit into our neat and tidy three dimensions, it cannot be recognised as a rock. Okay? Moving on.

If creation is considered to be a mental power, perhaps some kind of magic, then it would be dependent on the God's willpower; independent of His strength, which is required to lift it. Therefore it's entirely dependent on the God.

A cosmic God, posessing great creative potential, would be able to create entire planets, the biggest rocks imaginable. In space there is no unified gravity, however, so He wouldn't technically be able to 'lift' anything at all. All of His rocks would be falling inwards, towards their own centre of gravity.

That's boring. I'll come back to this, but let's pretend for now that there's some kind of universal 'floor' that our God lifts His rock from.

A war God, posessing limited creative capabilites but great strength, would be more limited in the scale of rocks that He can imagine than He is in the weight that He can lift, and therefore would always be able to lift the rocks He creates. Come to think of it, He probably only creates rocks so He can throw them at people anyway.

The cosmic God, being generally immaterial, would have no physical strength whatsoever and would not be able to lift anything. We're not finished, though.

If we presume the existence of The Cosmic Floor and that this powerful God posesses some kind of telekinetic ability, then both the creation and lifting of the rock draw power from His mind. Assuming that Gods do not tire and their willpower is therefore consistent, the relative energy requirements of moving a mass and producing a mass from another form of energy make the solution obvious.

As I said, a "rock" is something we recognise as a concept from within our universe. Therefore, a God working with rocks must be working within our universe. A God working within our universe can only access the energy availiable within our universe. Therefore the energy the God has for rocks cannot be infinite. If the energy used to create a rock is r, and the energy used to move the same rock is m, then the God can only lift the rock when r≤u-m, where u is all the available energy in the universe. To put it another way, the God will be able to lift any rock He creates until the energy He uses to create the rock is too much to leave enough energy remaining in the universe to lift it.

As producing mass requires much more energy than moving it, the rock just before this Divine Breaking Point is going to be, relatively speaking, quite big.

Now, remove The Cosmic Floor. To 'lift' still infers gravity, so there has to be another mass for the God to stand on and lift from. Then, it's even easier.

Presuming strength beyond measure, the God can lift any rock smaller than the one He's standing on. If the one He's standing on becomes smaller in mass than the one He's lifting, it means He's now lifting the ground He was standing on with His legs, as it falls towards the other mass in His hands. If they're exactly the same size, He's not lifting either one, He's just pushing the two masses apart.

So, the rocks that can be lifted depend on the God. Now, a hypothetical 'omnipotent' God, if anyone can imagine something so ridiculous, can lift the biggest rock.

To lift the biggest rock possible, our God must crush all of the universe into the palms of His hands, and shape it into two rocks, the first of which is a tiny amount smaller than the other, without completely exhausting the universe to the point where nothing can move. The energy He needs is divided like so.



God can create, but cannot lift, a rock with mass exceeding u-m-r

So am I a prophet or what?
Darn, I was hoping that someday I'll find a person who's able to answer it simply ._. Thanks anyway. btw it's genius

You put a question mark on it. It is now!

If I discover that one of these was caused by a problem I've never solved, or simply is a medical condition that I cannot solve, who's to say I won't just succumb to it again?
Absolutely nobody, but isn't a life about taking chances?
Posted 08-01-2012 at 09:47 AM by Varrok
Updated 08-01-2012 at 09:52 AM by Varrok

MeechMunchie's Avatar
The original question is "Can God (being all-powerful) create a rock so big that he can't lift it?" By my reasoning, the answer is simply 'Yes'. God really can do anything (Apart from lift universe-sized rocks)!

Absolutely nobody, but isn't a life about taking chances?
It is, but the chances taken are up to the person. Sometimes the risks outweigh the rewards.
Posted 08-01-2012 at 10:06 AM by MeechMunchie
Updated 08-01-2012 at 10:11 AM by MeechMunchie

Varrok's Avatar
I was just trying to learn how close the Black & White game is to reality ._.

It is, but the chances taken are up to the person. Sometimes the risks outweigh the rewards.
That's true, but you don't look like you feel satisfied with what you've got
Posted 08-01-2012 at 10:21 AM by Varrok

STM's Avatar
I think this gets the Best blog of the last eight months Award.

Here here to MM.
Posted 08-01-2012 at 10:26 AM by STM

Varrok's Avatar
It's like a walkover, the other blogs sucked pretty hard
Posted 08-01-2012 at 10:28 AM by Varrok

STM's Avatar
Oh I don't know, Crash's and Mac's blogs had significant substance to them.
Posted 08-01-2012 at 10:32 AM by STM

Nepsotic's Avatar
No. Fuck off.
Sorry, I didn't mean that as an actual question.
Thankfully I have neither the patience nor the clarity of memory to hold a grudge against somebody online. Currently, however, I feel somewhat annoyed at you for asking lots vague and inane questions, and then not even having the patience to wait for answers. (See below)
Sorry, I didn't mean to rush you, and I'm sorry if they were to vague. I saw my chance to ask anything and see if other people are like me, or if I'm just a weirdo.

You, Nepsotic, and not just because you've made me type out loads of long-winded and revealing answers
Then why? Is it because every now and again in a blog comment I mention Ponies? Is it because my avatar is Vinyl Scratch and my sigpic is Rainbow Dash? Is it because I sit around feeling sorry for myself in my blogs? Is it because you think I'm arrogant or selfish? Or is it simply because I won't shut the fuck up and fuck the fuck off and my posts are irritating? Is it all of these? I'd like to know, take your time, I think I'm coming on a little strong.
Posted 08-01-2012 at 10:39 AM by Nepsotic
Updated 08-01-2012 at 10:41 AM by Nepsotic


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