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Crash Bandicoot 2 - The 5 Ways to The Secret Warp Room

Posted 10-11-2009 at 09:03 PM by IAmHeavy
First off, I wish I can upload the video, but YouTube is the devil. It hates to upload videos more than 21MB. So that will have to wait. Anyways, I would like to show you the five ways to get the the Secret Warp Room (if you're going for 100%, you have to go to all paths).

Path 1: Stage 7: Air Crash
-The near-location of the secret path is on the first checkpoint, or also known as the point where it shows you the time you have left to get the secret gem. See the crates on the water? You want to get those with the jet, right? If you're going for the secret, WRONG. If you have jet before you knew the secret portal existed, you may have seen a squared-shaped platform. Well, the boxes are you're temporary platforms to get to that square. If you go on that, it will take you to the secret Warp Room and unlock the 2nd Entrance to Snow Go, which is the only legit way to get the Red Gem.

Path 2: Stage 13: Bear Down
-By far the easiest path, unless you just focus on Crash too much. Right at the point where the polar bear throws you off, you should've seen the circle-shaped platform. What couldn't be obvious is the blue, ice platforms (and of course, the water is blue, which is why it isn't always obvious). Like the boxes, these are your temporary platforms. But they only go down after 3 seconds, right after you go on them. Carefully jump from platform to platform, until you go on the big platform, which will warp you to the Secret Warp Room, unlocking the 2nd Entrance to Air Crash. Taking this entrance is the ONLY way to get both gems in that level. Don't you find it funny how there is a secret entrance in a stage that has a secret route?

Path 3: Stage 15: Un-Bearable
-If you don't care if you lose lives (unless you have a low amount), this is the second-hardest path. If you are trying for a perfect run (which I have done), this is by far the hardest, mostly because it's a level where you must RUN AWAY FROM A GIGANTIC POLAR BEAR. No joke. Anyways, this is almost the same as Stage 13: Bear Down, but only that you are having a different camera angle (that is, in the last chase). After you survive the last chase, go backtrack (you must slide-jump to make it across the big gap) until you see the helpless polar bear that you were riding on. Go to it and then you get warped to the Secret Warp Room, unlocking a brand new stage called Totally Bear, the hardest (excluding the Un-Bearable stage) bear-riding stage.

Path 4: Stage 16: Hangin' Out
-If you don't know the controls on the ceiling grids, you won't make it. After you reach to the second pool of safe water (the one after the 12 crates, with 4 crates on each stack), go down and jump down to a hole. You will see fast moving flying-bots, which are impossible to climb away from. Not even having two masks will help you (obviously not three, because there is no aku-aku box in the secret route). So go on the ceiling grid, and hold the O button. You have now realized that you can "crouch" on the ceiling grids. This will be vital to getting past the flying-bots, let alone not getting hit at all. Once you reach to the end, you will see a line of Wumpa Fruits. Follow it, and you will get warped. You may not get all Wumpa Fruits, but it's JUST ONLY TWO WUMPA FRUITS MISSING. You will then go to the Secret Warp Room and unlock another new stage, Totally Fly.

Last Path: Stage 17: Diggin' It
-You may think the red plants are invincible. Wait until you go to the point where there is a red plant on a circle-shaped platform. Make it hide to it's defense position, and then jump on it. At first, you do not take damage. Body slam and then you will realize that it's another way to kill the red plants (the other three ways: Kill them with invincibility, spin them while underground, or touch them with an aku aku mask). I recommend having a mask first, because you may glitch and somehow die. You will then go to the Secret Warp Room and unlock Road To Ruin's 2nd Entrance, which is required for getting both gems in that stage, as it contains the crates you couldn't get before.

In Conclusion
The game is awesome.
Total Comments 3


Wil's Avatar
Now I can get to the secret warp room!
Posted 10-12-2009 at 04:03 AM by Wil

MA's Avatar
god sake, thanks for ruining it for me, i wanted to work it out for myself.

fucking TURKEY.
Posted 10-12-2009 at 05:57 AM by MA

IAmHeavy's Avatar
Posted 10-12-2009 at 11:00 AM by IAmHeavy


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