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Passionate about not caring

Posted 02-15-2009 at 09:18 PM by Nate
I had an interview this morning for a job I really wanted. I came out feeling hesitantly positive; I thought I'd come across well enough that they'd hire me as long as none of the other candidates had more experience with specific technologies.

Then the recruitment agent called. Apparently I didn't come across as being enthusiastic about the job. I can't think why on earth he got that impression. I think it will be a really good job and I am bitterly disappointed that I didn't get it. Thinking over the interview, I can't think of anything that I should have done differently.

I asked the agent whether he could organise for me to chat to the interviewer over the phone so that I could clarify any details or concerns he had. He called the interviewer and claims he said no, but that doesn't make sense to me either. Surely wanting to prove oneself is proof of enthusiasm? I suspect that the agent didn't put my case forward very well; the other candidates are probably also through his firm, so he gets his commission either way and he won't want to come across as irritating to the company.

Which brings me to my question. There's a website called LinkedIN. It is like Facebook for professionals in certain fields to get in touch with each other. I've found the interviewer's page and could message him and ask to speak to him. Should I? Or will I come across as a neurotic freak?
Total Comments 8


Rex Tirano's Avatar
Do it.

He hasn't hired you anyway so what could it harm?

Besides, it'll keep you in mind for future reference and I'm sure he'd love to help if you want to know "how you can improve in the future".
Posted 02-15-2009 at 10:07 PM by Rex Tirano

mitsur's Avatar
Go for it. He can't do anything just because you're trying to get a hold of him for what you did wrong in the interview. The worst thing that can happen is that he gets annoyed, which would be a stupid thing to do since you didn't get to talk to him in the first place.
Posted 02-15-2009 at 10:19 PM by mitsur

Nate's Avatar
One thing: what the recruitment agent said to me was "Their response is 'No' for now" and then went on to talk about how they're interviewing more people this week. The way I took that was that they're still considering me, but as an outside chance. Or it could be that he was being vague and not wanting to state anything 100% clearly, which has been a pattern in his behaviour in the past.

So, if I'm still in with a chance, I don't want to piss the interviewer off. Even moreso, I don't want him to complain about me to the agent, who will definately be pissed off. And seeing as he works for one of the biggest IT recruitment firms out there, that would be a mistake.
Posted 02-15-2009 at 10:56 PM by Nate

Rex Tirano's Avatar
Then wait until they 'announce' officially who has the job? After that, you can go to him for his 'help'. I agree with Mistur, he can't do anything if you're wanting help and it'd take 5 minutes out of his day. Besides, you're lovely and they will love to help you.

But at the same time I realize you may want to talk to other people who have had professional jobs. ^_^;;
Posted 02-16-2009 at 05:54 AM by Rex Tirano

Hobo's Avatar
Don't do it. Neurotic freak.
Posted 02-16-2009 at 09:03 AM by Hobo

Well, I'd sugges
Posted 02-16-2009 at 11:05 AM by Nemo

Pilot's Avatar
Or it could be that he was being vague and not wanting to state anything 100% clearly, which has been a pattern in his behaviour in the past.
This should be proof enough he's not being direct. Saying something like 'not enthusiastic enough' is a pretty poor excuse. Really, what an asinine thing to say.

I don't think it's reasonable for you to 'worry' about coming across as something-or-another as you let opportunities tick by. Go talk to him, you have nothing to lose.

Nate, some of my best jobs I got by being persistent. I used to put on my best dress slacks and clothing and walk into the local casinos and talk to them about slot tech positions. What I got after being persistent was not an a "job," but the independent repair contracts for the video poker machine monitors so it turned out BETTER than I wanted.

At first they didn't want to even give me the time of day but after coming back two or three times and showing them I was very serious they were willing to talk to me.

Know what you want and go for it. It's all about confidence.
Posted 02-16-2009 at 11:33 AM by Pilot
Updated 02-16-2009 at 11:38 AM by Pilot

Nate's Avatar
Well, it's safe to say that the recruitment agent is a stark raving idiot. The interviewer wasn't talking about my enthusiasm for the job at all. He thought that I wasn't very enthusiastic about being a programmer. Which is bullshit. Still, I've spoken to him and I reckon I'm still in the running. Towards the bottom of the pile, yes, but still in the running.
Posted 02-16-2009 at 06:12 PM by Nate


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