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Had a good/bad weekend...

Posted 11-11-2007 at 04:59 PM by metroixer
Well I've felt like posted a blog on my weekend, so I will.

First though I'd like to give an awesome happy birthday to Pete (Alcar). Hope you had a good one.

Now on to my weekend:

Most of the action was pretty much in Saturday. I had a swim meet and did all right I guess. My events were as followed:

50 yards Free style (5th/6 place, 30 seconds)
50 yards Breaststroke (1st/6 place, 39 seconds)
100 yard IM (2nd/6 place, I can't remember my time >_>

All in all I was satisfied with it and beat all my times. I remember I beat my IM time by more than 5 seconds. That's really good, I mean it's intense level'd good.

As for the bad part, I had my braces tightened yesterday and found out I would NOT have them taken off in a month. It might take up to 6 more months I figured out, which pissed me off. I ALSO have to wear these rubber bands of my braces now which are a PAIN IN THE ASS. It hurts to talk, it really does. If I talk, the rubber bands FORCE my teeth to clamp together, so I don't talk as much as I usually would.

I also have to take them off while I'm eating or brushing my teeth, which is really annoying. I also wrote an essay paper on Abe Lincoln last night. Nothing special really.

Same goes for today, I didn't do anything special except skim-board with some friends. Which was made fun, would have been more if my dad would have got off my ass on keeping my hands down when I was obviously trying to. I honestly think he's bipolar. One minute he's happy, next minute he's yelling at the top of his lungs >_>. Oh well, you get used to it kinda.

I'm also debating on whether I should write this fanfic I have in mind or not. I have the whole beginning down, but nothing that could build up to a climax and come after it. So it's still in the baby stages, and even if I figure THOSE out I still might not write. Oh well, only time will tell.

Oh right, Mario Galaxy is gonna be on sale on Tuesday. Gonna grab that and have some fun.

Hope you all had a good weekend .
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Daxter King's Avatar
Mario Galaxy aint that fun
Posted 11-11-2007 at 06:49 PM by Daxter King


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