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Is the PS4 worth it??

Posted 05-07-2015 at 03:05 PM by Shrykull43
Alright so I've been working at my local greenhouse for awhile now and finally have some extra money. I've been thinking about getting a PS4 for awhile because of all the sweet new games; NnT, Shadow of Mordor, Bloodbourne, Destiny, and eventually Twice ze Flavor.The price tag is a little high for my regular budget but i think it would be worth it. What do you all think??
Total Comments 19


Bullet Magnet's Avatar
Depends if Bloodborne is worth is, all the others are multi-platform.
Posted 05-07-2015 at 04:04 PM by Bullet Magnet

Mr. Bungle's Avatar
If you like Souls games and Street Fighter, hell yeah.
Posted 05-07-2015 at 04:14 PM by Mr. Bungle

Manco's Avatar
Spend a little more and build a PC. It’ll last longer and you’ll get almost all the same games but cheaper.
Posted 05-07-2015 at 04:44 PM by Manco

Mr. Bungle's Avatar
Console gaming is just so much more comfy, though. Plus if this generation's anything like all the previous ones, the exclusives will be worth it.

Then again this is a pretty weird generation so far. But hey, Bloodborne and Street Fighter.
Posted 05-07-2015 at 04:56 PM by Mr. Bungle

Crashpunk's Avatar
I'd wait. Not enough games on it to recommend. I've got a PS4 and I barely get any use out of it.

Wait for a few more exclusives.
Posted 05-08-2015 at 04:32 AM by Crashpunk

OANST's Avatar
I'd say it would depend on whether The Last Guardian ever comes out.
Posted 05-08-2015 at 10:16 AM by OANST

MA's Avatar
Spend a little more and build a PC. It’ll last longer and you’ll get almost all the same games but cheaper.
true, but

Console gaming is just so much more comfy, though.
plus you're guaranteed that the games you buy for it will actually work. i've got a shit-load of games i've bought for PC but still haven't played yet because something in my PC isn't good enough. graphics card. RAM. the fucking CPU itself. it's just more tear-your-hair-out niggles that console-gaming nips in the bud.

if i were you, given the choice between Xbox or PlayStation, I'd go PlayStation. I went down the Xbox 360 route and, as good as getting free games every month or so with XBL Gold is, don't expect to play New & Tasty or any games linked to Oddworld on it any time soon. in short, Microsoft is a bitch. go with PS4, kid.
Posted 05-08-2015 at 01:11 PM by MA

MeechMunchie's Avatar
plus you're guaranteed that the games you buy for it will actually work. i've got a shit-load of games i've bought for PC but still haven't played yet because something in my PC isn't good enough.
There are games that just don't work with certain hardware for no good reason, but if you looked at the minimum specs for a game, knew that your computer was below those specs, and bought the game anyway... that's your blunder.

There are plenty of great PC games around that will play on any old shit these days, either because they were made by indies with no money, or they came out in 1992. Half the computers at college don't even have graphics cards, and I can still surreptiously play FTL on my lunch break.
Posted 05-08-2015 at 04:55 PM by MeechMunchie
Updated 05-08-2015 at 04:58 PM by MeechMunchie

Shade667's Avatar
I'd say so, but im also probably the only exclusively console gamer here.

As for exclusives, we have a shit tonne of console exclusive indie games if youre like me and love indies but prefer them 10 feet from you on a comfy lounge.

My spot was a unique one. I probably wouldve gotten playstation anyway, since Ive never owned an xbox in my life so all my friends were on playstation, but I got my ps4 specifically for the PC indie games that I could never play, like dont starve, New n Tasty, Awesomenauts and Dust.

We dont really have all that many in the way of AAA exclusives atm. Weve got a few of the more polished indies like resogun and helldivers, which are good. helldivers is like warhammer crossed with magicka.
But its really just bloodborne and Infamous so far. But theres a ratchet and clank in development, an uncharted, probably a god of war, guerrila's next game (the one supposed to have dinosaurs lol).

Id say its a good a time as any. Its got a fairly large catalogue of games, regardless where else u can get them.
You could wait for a proce drop, but with the way PS4 is selling that might be a while.
Posted 05-08-2015 at 06:38 PM by Shade667

Job McYossie's Avatar
It's really just down to bloodborne. If you're wanting an all rounder machine save up for a nice computer, compatibility is not much of an issue and even when it is there's so much help online it takes like a single google search and 15 minutes to fix it. Computer just offers more. Even if you say you like consoles for the controllers you can get controllers for the computer. Hell, the Xbone's controller works with a very large amount of PC games and there are apps that make the PS3 and 4 controllers work as well.

But bloodborne looks sooo good.
Posted 05-08-2015 at 11:13 PM by Job McYossie

Manco's Avatar
Console gaming is just so much more comfy, though. Plus if this generation's anything like all the previous ones, the exclusives will be worth it.
As for exclusives, we have a shit tonne of console exclusive indie games if youre like me and love indies but prefer them 10 feet from you on a comfy lounge.
Just FYI I keep my PC in my living room hooked up to a 40" TV. I sit on the sofa and play PC with whatever peripheral I want.

plus you're guaranteed that the games you buy for it will actually work. i've got a shit-load of games i've bought for PC but still haven't played yet because something in my PC isn't good enough. graphics card. RAM. the fucking CPU itself. it's just more tear-your-hair-out niggles that console-gaming nips in the bud.
It’s still a hella lot easier to build one today than it was a few years ago, plus it’s easy to learn and to get help if you’re having problems. I built mine with the aid of a couple of Reddit posts, Youtube guides and a few Google searches.
Posted 05-09-2015 at 12:58 AM by Manco

MA's Avatar
There are games that just don't work with certain hardware for no good reason, but if you looked at the minimum specs for a game, knew that your computer was below those specs, and bought the game anyway... that's your blunder.

There are plenty of great PC games around that will play on any old shit these days, either because they were made by indies with no money, or they came out in 1992. Half the computers at college don't even have graphics cards, and I can still surreptiously play FTL on my lunch break.
It’s still a hella lot easier to build one today than it was a few years ago, plus it’s easy to learn and to get help if you’re having problems. I built mine with the aid of a couple of Reddit posts, Youtube guides and a few Google searches.
I agree with you both, i'm just not very technologically-minded. i doubt i'd ever be able to build my own computer, even with all the help online. i mean, i could have a go, but not without investing a lot of time and money into something i've never done before and can likely fuck-up or get stuck or run out of funds. i don't want to take that risk unless i know for certain i'm going to be able to finish it competently.

plus my computer is an old-as-fuck-motherboard no-graphics-card puny-RAM relic so not a lot works on it anyway. i mean yeah, you're right, some old shit does work on it but not without making the tower sound like it's going to overheat. it's playing the game right on the edge of it's capacity, and with it being old, it gets loud. it needs a new fan. it needs a new everything. that's why i hardly play games on PC anymore, because my computer can hardly handle it.

one day, when i have money i don't have reserved for something else, i will get myself a decent tower system with XP OS, and all will be well. needs to be XP though if possible, can't stand this Windows 7 shit.
Posted 05-09-2015 at 12:14 PM by MA

Shade667's Avatar
Whats wrong with 7?

Thought it was 8 everyone had a problem with.
Posted 05-09-2015 at 06:21 PM by Shade667

MA's Avatar
everything after XP is balls. they just add too much unneeded shit to your OS, like analog clocks and fucking word processors that don't actually work unless you buy them.

i fucking hate computers.
Posted 05-10-2015 at 08:47 AM by MA

Crashpunk's Avatar
7 is alright. Considering the fact I had fucking Vista before that.
Posted 05-10-2015 at 01:53 PM by Crashpunk

Shade667's Avatar
I dont think alot of modern stuff runs on XP.

Do they make games compatible with OS's 4 generations behind?
Posted 05-10-2015 at 08:30 PM by Shade667

MA's Avatar
you're right, i just need to move with the times and stop being such a miserable bastard.

some day. some day.
Posted 05-11-2015 at 10:13 AM by MA

AlexFili's Avatar
PC gaming is more expensive to set up at first but cheaper in the long run due to game sales and bundles/discounts. The best time to buy a PC is usually when the new console generation hits the market as they will have less games and cost a lot of money during their first few months.
Posted 05-15-2015 at 08:17 AM by AlexFili

Paul's Avatar
Don't do PC gaming unless you're tech savvy else prepare for pain
Posted 06-04-2015 at 01:11 PM by Paul


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